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Messages - adirose

Pages: [1]
Dream Interpretation / Falling out of a truck
« on: November 30, 2014, 10:05:29 PM »
I had a dream that I was driving my boyfriend's truck by myself. It was at night and it wasn't snowing, but there was deep snow all over the ground and I remember it being extremely cold. I was on a dirt road out in an open field. The truck was stuck on cruise control. The door of the truck opened and I fell out. I wasn't hurt when I fell and I jumped up and tried to chase the truck. I realized it was futile because it was on cruise control. I was hoping the truck would get stuck in the snow as I watched it drive off. It went around a corner and hit a snow bank and spun around a few times and then came to a stop a ways off. I could still see it. When I finally reached the truck I could see the body of the truck had no damage. The rims on the tires were all very bent up and all the tires were flat though. I remember thinking that there was no way I could afford new rims and my boyfriend was going to be very upset.

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