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Messages - luna

Pages: [1]
Dream Interpretation / fairys
« on: February 12, 2011, 01:57:50 PM »
OK so i have been having this dream over and over again for like 3 days now in the dream I'm with my family husband, kids in our house and everything is just like how it is when I'm awake on a daily basis getting the kids ready for school husband getting ready leaving for work me doing the housework when they are all gone well anyway I'm sure u get the idea so anyway but when i am doing all this stuff in the dream i also am dreaming that there is fairy's that appear and the fairy's look like baby's but to me they are annoying and i want them gone so i do everything that i can to get rid of them i.e begging them to leave catching them in jars cause they are little and then just putting them in the basement on a shelf oh and i dint know if this makes a difference but the fairy's always come out of the ceiling well anyway that's about it probably sounds boring but it sure has me wondering

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