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Author Topic: Part of a long dream  (Read 7202 times)


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Part of a long dream
« on: September 29, 2014, 10:33:39 PM »
I had met a man in Europe and we had fallen in love in kind of a love at first sight way, but I had had to return home.  He soon came for a visit with a few of his friends; we were to hang around in town for a bit and then travel to a nearby larger city to visit with some of his friends.  The idea was for us to see if we were really compatible, by getting to know each other.  Neither of us tried to make it physical, as we felt we should start "at the beginning", so to speak.  I liked his friends, but on one occasion thought one was kind of complainy (She complained that we were going to the zoo, which was boring to her; but my friends and parents were going, too, so it needed to be a family outing).

We took an RV or camper to the bigger city and stayed at his friends' place, which was more like a rural farm; they were kind of survivalists - not really by hoarding things or weapons, but with the idea that the world economy was going to collapse and it would be wise to develop back-to-the-land skills.  In the dream, I had the same health problems I have in reality - a severe back injury that limits the time I can spend up and about, and a rash from medication.  At one point, the city friends asked why I was subdued and I said that my back hurt, and they recommended some herbal medication which didn't work well.

The outstanding image I have from the dream is of the boyfriend's skin.  It was kind of a light orange color, like kraft American cheese slices when they're wet, and, although it was soft like skin is, it had a different design that human skin really does:  it had regular dips that were like inverted pyramids, about 1/4 inch apart.  It looked as if, if one were to sqeeze it, it would pucker.  But, in the dream, no one gave it a second thought. It only seemed odd to me after I woke up.

Tony Crisp

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Re: Part of a long dream
« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2014, 09:47:28 AM »
Duckle - You are I see from your dream a loving caring person but because of your back injury you often feel that you are not the person you would like to be. There is a slight conflict because of this because by nature you are a family oriented person and would like to really be there in the midst of family and friends, but it is difficult because you cannot do what is in your nature to do.

 There is also something you have learnt of or love about Europe and this is mixed with feelings about what is coming in the world and the US. You have thought about survivalist methods, but it doesn’t work well for you.

I am having to guess what the mans skin means, and the best is that on ‘the face of it’ it represent a rather inverted or more inner but possible manufactured surface. But I suggest you get a better insight by using http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson



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Re: Part of a long dream
« Reply #2 on: September 30, 2014, 07:11:26 PM »
Hi, Tony, thanks for the help!  I followed the link and tried identifying with the bf, and some things that were so obvious that I had to laugh struck me. 

First, my spiritual teacher, who was raised Hindu, but became Christian and teaches via a mix of symbols, is from Europe and wears orange often (orange is a color which indicates a cleric of sorts, in Hinduism).  So, the orange has something to do with what I've learned from him or can continue learning from him, or something....since the bf came to see how we might mesh together, I'd say maybe it's about how I'm going to continue learning to live a life in harmony with what I've learned about divine love.  But, other than that it's not back-to-the-land, what does it mean?  In reality, I'm being forced to sell my house and won't be able to buy again in my home state (very expensive), and have been thinking of moving to a small town with a rural feel.  Is it a comment on that? 

Second, I felt the skin design just about doubled his skin surface, and made him very open, in a natural way, to the world around.  He was also very open to me in the dream, very patient, just open to whatever would happen naturally.  So, I guess that could be a comment on how to live with faith:  open, patient, confident and natural, not distressed, as I have been...?

3rd: The complainy friend traveling with him could be a reminder that I find his followers, in general, to be intolerable; so trying to live in close proximity to them is out - But, I already knew that....

In the dream, there was no resolution, so is there no answer offered to me?  Just guidance about staying in faith?

Tony Crisp

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Re: Part of a long dream
« Reply #3 on: October 01, 2014, 10:02:12 AM »
Duckle - The fact you worked on your dream and gained some insights means you have started a powerful inner  effect. You have started communicating with the deeper part of yourself. Once started your core self loves it and you will have more dreams deepening the communication. You will find answers to your questions.



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Re: Part of a long dream
« Reply #4 on: October 02, 2014, 09:25:11 PM »
"You will find answers to your questions."

Let's hope so.

Since you were so helpful with this one, may I ask for your assistance with a whole category of similar dreams I've had repeatedly for at least the past couple of years?  I'm on some pain meds for a back injury which make my dreams more unpleasant than they used to be, but that doesn't effect the interpretation, does it?  Once or twice was ok, but since, other than the obvious symbols and points, I just don't get it, the  - um, 50 of them - have been pretty annoying.  I've even scolded myself before bed, saying that they had to be less obscure - like, "Let's have a narrator, like the Ancient Greek plays did."...no luck.

So, I live in San Diego, and grew up and lived along the beach for years (as well as all around the country, at times) ; my dad was a surfer and I have one of those deep connections with the ocean surfers talk about.....and the dream is always some combination of traveling by car to various beach towns up to Central Calif (which, to give you an idea, would be about a six hour drive, from start to finish).  The towns involved are:  Laguna Beach, an imaginary place between Santa Barbara and LA, and Santa Barbara.  Sometimes my parents (my dad died in Aug '13 and my mom has been in psych wards and nursing homes, since.) go, and sometimes not.  Sometimes, old friends I'm out of touch with go along.  Sometimes, other things, like distant relatives, play a role.

In Laguna and Santa Barbara, it's always the beach, houses on the sand, waterways/inlets/narrows (we don't have narrows in reality, here..except in a few small spots like Huntington Beach.  They did have them in Alaska where I lived, though.), and the usual beach town mix of upscale and funky houses along grassy borders/parks along the shores of the narrows between the beach and town.  In the earlier versions of this dream, which goes back really about 2 yrs, I was just visiting and traveling, or looking for housing, or hanging out for the day or eating at cafes before leaving to return to San Diego.  There's a certain freeway intersection that doesn't really exist, where the N. Going side forks into two and the side going South just curves off to the coast.  The intersection area is undeveloped, except for one exit with restaurants we revisit in repeated dreams (a crowded breakfast place at a point travelers would want to stop, next to a plant nursery), and about 15 minutes south of there, there's a place for folks going South to get off and go to a beachy outdoor mall with a Hagen Daaz (I haven't eaten at one of those in decades, but I used to sometimes eat at one in high school, near the actual beach), from which a paved bike/foot path near the road in a grassy, hilly, beach-side park runs along the coast into LA (much to far to actually walk).  In a few dreams, I went there with my parents and/or an old friend, and walked south by foot, running into the usual Venice types - pot heads and craft sellers and such). Later, the dream/s gets more strange and pointed.

Sometimes, I'm at the beach to swim, sometimes, we're boating or on the upper floor of a tall beach house, with a great view, sometimes, we're walking on the sand.  The waves are usually way too high (20'-50'), and there are huge, leviathonish, wales and sharks of every type swimming in large numbers close to the shore.  One can easily see them and even has to avoid being eaten or accidentally killed by them, or at least, has that fear of being eaten by them, by stepping into the water.  Even the ones with baleen seem threatening. It's always considered rare or unique and very scary, even kind like grim omens. 

Before the leviathans took over the dreams, they were intermittent and not really the main focus, and there was in a few dreams a museum/gallery built into the cliff with a cave entry.  It always had the same kind of entry, with one or two subway-like toll machines with the rotating arms; it cost about a quarter to get in.  Inside, there were many rooms of interesting craft/folk art, docents, and also a large craft/art shop.  I frequented the place so often that the workers knew me, dream to dream.  Over time, the other characters and places have lost focus and now it's mainly just the beach, large waves, and people in awe of the scary monsters and omens.

In general, I've found that water means something spiritual, and I suppose an invasion of scary sea monsters would mean something.... psychologically scary?  These dreams are troubling in nature and because they just won't stop happening.