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Author Topic: kisses  (Read 5763 times)


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« on: February 15, 2013, 11:39:47 PM »
I dream like I was communicate with someone who is far away from me, in another country and he was telling me that he will come and take me with him one day (someone unknown for me). Then, suddenly I was on the skyscraper just near to fall down and I needed someone to hold my hand. I didn't fall.
In the second part of the dream.. I was sitting on a chair alone, putting lipstick on my lips. Then one man come to me... he couldn't pass behind me and not to kiss me because my lips were so soft. I felt that kiss very sensually. In real life I know him, and I don't think that he has feelings for me because he has a long relationship and he never show me affection. I don't know way he kiss me in my dream.

Before 2 or 3 days I dream like his girlfriend was jealousy on me.

I read something about kisses in a dream but I don't know..I can't be objective, I need some opinion..



Tony Crisp

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Re: kisses
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2013, 12:42:41 PM »
Anchy - Dreams are virtual realities that we create in our sleep. Even the wonderful dreams of God and angels are an external virtual reality, and mirror of our own inner immensity and our enormous variety. Unfortunately people either accept them as externally real, or as fantasy. But they are reflections of your potential that cannot be seen in your daily life that is so dominated by your physical senses and hungers and fears. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/the-magical-dream-machine/
So the images and fears we experience in our dreams are projection upon the vast screen of our mind. They are all projections from you. Running from them is like trying to escape from yourself. But such dreams are like a computer game with full surround virtual reality. In such games you can be killed a thousand times and yet you survive to deal with the monsters again. That is unless you learn a way through and go on through the levels. But unlike those games there is a wonderful intelligence behind the dreams we have, and if you listen and learn from it you will find a real mastership – not a false one of deny any fear or repressing anything that threatens you.
So I feel you have created a dream lover. Do not think of it as fantasy or unreal, because it is a way of working toward making it real. For instance in your dream you do not actually hold and really kiss him. So take steps to do this. It is a way of changing your inner life into one that is daring and passionate. So please use http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/secrets-power-dreaming
