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Author Topic: Powerful black vulture.  (Read 8520 times)


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Powerful black vulture.
« on: November 30, 2015, 01:15:43 AM »
Dear Tony, I was this time passing by, like if I were sustained by a vehicle or something, I was neither walking nor flying, I was just like traveling at a constant speed observing everything around; it was night time and then I passed by a huge black vulture-kind, which slowly opened its wings as I passed by; It was huge and very dark black like death, like dangerous. I was glad it didn't do anything to me. Then I passed by another one, but this time I was very close to its head and I knew it could and it was going to attack my eyes, for I was right in front of its strong peak and it was like death, mysterious or something; Sovereign. I wasn't scared, I was resigned, there was nothing to do, it was going to attack my face for sure. But it didn't. On the contrary, as I continued passing by, I could see how its peak was turning into a delicate feather with fine tiny hair-sort-of, that was dark black and shone some colors while moving softly with the wind.
I'll share some comments with you after I know what you think about this dream. Thank you Tony! 

Tony Crisp

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Re: Powerful black vulture.
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2015, 10:33:49 AM »
Patricia – It seems like you are on a journey of which you have little control of the direction or route. So it seems to me that the journey is one of discovery directed by your future self. I call it contact with your future self, because when we begin to become aware of the More – which I think you are - that we realise that everyone has an enormous potential. So it is usually contact with great love, peace and understanding, which is what we can become - so is the future.

You met images of hugeness and darkness, and most of us are programmed to feel fear or a sense of death when we are confronted with them. Your resignation and fearlessness to the creature transformed what could have been a nightmare into a sense of soft beauty as you were moved by the invisible forces – the wind.

Overall it is a meeting with death, darkness, fear and attack which you passed through with flying colours – A+.

I sense it cannot help but subtly change the way you feel about yourself and the world you face. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/initiation/



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Re: Powerful black vulture.
« Reply #2 on: December 29, 2015, 06:17:36 PM »
Hi Tony, thanks for your interpretation! What I wanted to comment is that in past dream interpretations you had pointed at the importance of not being scared when facing death or danger in dreams, which I thought it was near to impossible specially cause we don't know that we're dreaming. Although I read your articles I always thought I could not be prepared for this also because we are not the ones who design the dreams, therefore, we answer the best we can to the unexpected. However, I can say that in my daily waking life I have faced and learned certain lessons and worked on healing which have changed my attitude in general; for instance, in a previous dream it was dark and a dangerous witch stood up in front of me, which would've frightened me before, but I began to say "I love you, I love you so much" and then it let me alone. By reading your articles and your interpretations I had the idea that we could reach to a point where we could always be aware of being dreaming and then control our dreams or do whatever we want, which I -dreamed about-, I wanted to get there. Although I've had more conscious dreams lately, I still don't know that I'm dreaming in most of my dreams and I think that that is for a reason, like if we are being tested in our unconscious world or the one beyond this material reality. I would love to hear your opinion on this, am I right? For instance, you mention the invisible force, which in this case you say is the wind. I thought it could be my unconscious. But it could be the universe too, or a master... Perhaps something that determined I could be ready for this new scene...? Although there are other forces interacting in our dreams, can we still become the masters of our dreams?       

Tony Crisp

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Re: Powerful black vulture.
« Reply #3 on: January 03, 2016, 11:55:34 AM »
Patricia – Wow you are asking such important questions, and I will tell you what I understand so far.

“….the importance of not being scared when facing death or danger in dreams, which I thought it was near to impossible specially cause we don't know that we're dreaming.”

 That brings up a very important point, one that we often fail to appreciate. The point is that we are in all ways a dual being, but we seldom realise it. So apart from the other dualities such as male and female, sleeping and waking, life and death, there is also conscious and unconscious. The important thing is that they are not separate but constantly interacting. So you do not need to know you are dreaming to influence your dreams; because your conscious thoughts and intentions change the inner world of your dreams.

Tests by researchers show that we can extend our range of behaviour in our dreams by becoming aware of habitual patterns expressed in them. For instance, if you are habitually passive in your dreams, becoming aware of this and deciding to express more fully in dreams and waking, changes the habit. 

I found that the dream creator needs help often because it needs our focussed attention to make changes, because many of our habits are not life enhancing, and consciously recognising them and changing them brings rich rewards. So consciousness and our dream creator work together and are mutually helpful. So holding in mind and even visualising facing death and danger can really work.
“By reading your articles and your interpretations I had the idea that we could reach to a point where we could always be aware of being dreaming and then control our dreams or do whatever we want, which I -dreamed about-, I wanted to get there.”

Yes, we can ultimately become able to be conscious all the time in our dreams, but that is a long way off for me and most of us. But you are mixing up being lucid in ones dreams and controlling them. Why should you wish to control your dreams, for they are full of useful and transforming information?

Here is a real lucid dream - In my dream I was watching a fern grow. It was small but opened very rapidly. As I watched I became aware that the fern was an image representing a process occurring within myself, one I grew increasingly aware of as I watched. Then I was fully awake in my dream and realised that my dream, perhaps any dream, was an expression in images of actual events occurring unconsciously in myself. I felt enormous excitement, as if I were witnessing something of great importance.

So the aim is not to control but to break through the symbols while in the dream state and see what they are actually being caused by. Most information about lucid dreaming is about controlling because most people are unwilling to transform their fears.

As I said it is a goal we need to work toward even though we may not go the whole journey, but every step brings its own reward – see http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/jesse-watkins-experience-of-enlightenment/

We can become the one who becomes so adept at working in harmony with Life/Wind/Universe that we are no longer victims of our own creativity.

Suddenly there were two beings with me in my room.
I could not see them with my eyes,
But they were standing in my awareness,
To my left, suspended above the bed
Where I lay musing.
Surprising, because I had not sought them.
Frightening, because they were the living dead.
Radiant, because they were angels.
Inspiring, because they shone with wonderful life.
Uplifting, because of the gift they brought.
The living dead!
Yes. That I knew of them.
It was everywhere about them,
Communicating itself to me.
Telling me the majesty of death.
Speaking to me without words
They led knowing in me,
As you might lead a friend
Through your new house,
Revealing its secrets.
Thereby I knew,
All that I considered human,
In them had died.
Desire, longing to possess, sex, ambition,
All had melted away.
And I understood in their presence,
If I surrendered to the Highest,
This was my path.
My own person would melt away,
My desires fade like shadows in the sun.
Fear – Yes – in the loss of myself.
In the sense of my own futility.
In the knowledge of my littleness.
In the confrontation of majesty.
At the loss of what I thought my wisdom.
In them I saw beyond myself.
Through their emptiness
Of all that I so valued.
I saw shimmering light,
Cosmic in its vastness.
Their death allowed,
Shining through them,
Dimensions of a life
Beyond the very best
Of all my mind, or love, or art.
Radiant they were
With all the mystery of life itself.
Suns shone through them;
Not just with light,
But with ungrasped joy and love.
Inspiring me
By showing me the possibility
Of my life,
And all the lives
Of those myriads around me.
Uplifting too,
By unveiling to me
The meaning of the story He told,
Where, having lost ones cloak,
You offer your coat also.
Not, as I had thought,
An act of selfless generosity.
They said it was a statement.
“How strange. You want this old coat,
When you could have the life unbounded?”
That was their promise.
If I dared lose my self,
Let that coat be taken from me,
My being too would shine.
As theirs shone on me that day.


Tony Crisp

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Re: Powerful black vulture.
« Reply #4 on: January 04, 2016, 08:53:26 AM »
Something to add to what was said.

Holding the idea while awake that you do not need to restrain your anger in dreams can produce enormous changes in your dreams and in your everyday life. Tests with women who had dreams in which they failed to express anger, and who, in everyday life were passive in situations calling for assertiveness, showed that when they learned to express anger in their dreams, they became more easily assertive in daily life.

Again, the link between the dream self and waking self.



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Re: Powerful black vulture.
« Reply #5 on: January 13, 2016, 10:22:23 PM »
Thank you Tony, you are very kind!

I am a person who comes from having only nightmares. For about half of my life I didn't know what having a dream was. I had only horrible nightmares in the dark with horrible people trying to hurt, harass or with sneak or tarantulas. When I became adult I studied different types of psychology but I immediately switched to psychoanalysis when I discovered that it focuses on dreams. Fascinated, I psychoanalyzed myself and then my nightmares started to decreased.. or to change. I remember when I saw light in my dreams for the first time, when I actually started to have dreams. As a result, my desire to -control my dreams- comes from not wanting to have only nightmares. Thanks for stating that the aim is not to control but to break through the symbols and see what the dreams are actually being caused by. I wanted to eliminate-control my fears because I didn't know that fears are to be transformed, which is what I've been experiencing lately thanks also to dream interpretation techniques like yours.
It is of a great value to know what you were told in your fern grow dream, that all dreams might be an expression in images of actual events occurring unconsciously in ourselves. ... I also know that the dreams are a common place where other beings interact, including the dream creator. Like a universal place. I believe that we are not to know always that we are dreaming, so we can be -observed- interacting spontaneously with others; tested.
I read your article about Initiation. I am working on doing whatever I want in my dreams when I know I'm dreaming, and I have identified two dream indicators so far: when I dream that I am in my apartment or when I start flying. I still don't realize I'm dreaming when I read words or numbers.

I have explored my dreams wanting to know more about my unconscious since I learned that the unconscious mind determines the conscious life. Your article -being present in dreams- suggests to influence the unconscious by or with he conscious mind-life-actions. I had been focusing on changing my unconscious to change my conscious life. (working on the bases, the root) For instance, I love singing and I was waiting for me to start singing when I know I'm dreaming, believing that if I am able to sing in my dreams, I'll be able to sing in my awaken life for an audience. But I haven't remembered to sing when I'm dreaming and I wake up feeling upset for having wasted my time in dreams without singing. After I read your article, I will schedule more opportunities to sing in my awaken life, expecting a change in my unconscious life or in my dreams... I had forgotten that the conscious mind can influence the unconscious one too.

I used to react aggressively in my dreams because that's what I learned in my nightmares to defend myself. However, I decided to change that pattern since I have quiet normal dreams now, therefore, my aggressive reactions are no longer strictly necessary... I am thinking of your suggestion about the importance of expressing anger in my dreams and how that has been positive for many women... I have done it, I have expressed my anger specially to my family members in my dreams, which has been crucial for me to grow and gain confidence. I'll pay attention to that since you mention it, maybe it has a link to start expressing my potentialities-qualities..   

Thanks again, Tony. Have a nice day, lots of love, good health and joy.

Tony Crisp

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Re: Powerful black vulture.
« Reply #6 on: January 14, 2016, 09:59:28 AM »
Patricia – Thank you for giving so much of yourself in your reply. It is like an education to read another’s life experience.

The things I write are given as the best I have at the time, and they are from many years of exploring and working with many people, so what I write should not be taken as ‘the truth’ but simply as possible guides.

Even so I hope they are of value to you – and again – thank you.



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Re: Powerful black vulture.
« Reply #7 on: January 20, 2016, 04:28:12 AM »