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Dreams => Dream Interpretation => Topic started by: tulip on September 07, 2015, 12:22:20 PM

Title: Plane crash
Post by: tulip on September 07, 2015, 12:22:20 PM
Been a long time since I had a plane crash dream,but,I had one in the early hours.As with previous dreams of this nature,i am a bystander and not involved.I am in my grandparents house looking out their kitchen window.(They lived in a tower and both have passed). I noticed a very large plane coming into view,but,it was shaped liked a killer whale,the plane was very cumbersome,much like a whale and was clearly struggling.I noticed it heading towards a local park and ditching into the loch.I ran to dial 999,but discovered that the number was 118 instead.As I connect with the emergency services,I discover they are based in Australia and not in the Uk,this however is not a problem.Anyway,the next thing I know,my father(also deceased) got a phone call to tell him that he had to go and help out at the scene,he had to provide mobile homes for the tv crews etc.After this the dream started to break up and I don't really know what happened next.I hope some one can help.

Title: Re: Plane crash
Post by: Tony Crisp on September 09, 2015, 12:52:11 PM
WellTulip - My 'take' on your dream is that you have had good relationship times with your grandparents, but mostly your grandfather. But it is important in understanding your dream that you have an inner grandfather that appears at the end of the dream. Many people do not realise that they have an inner grandfather equally as powerful as an external grandfather. You have taken in millions of bit of memory, lessons learnt, life experiences along with all the feelings or problems met by loving and living with or knowing your  grandfather, and they are what makes you the person you are. This is true even if your grandfather was never there for you – you still have all the memories of him not being there for you filed under ‘grandfather’. The memories and experience we gather unconsciously change us and are not lost. It is part of you and is symbolised in dreams as a person or event. Such an inner grandfather can appear in dreams because you are still deeply influenced by what you hold within you.

 That you look out of a window from their tower I take it that you were quite high up. If so it suggests that their influence in your life led you to have a wider appreciation of the world and life experience. This wider view, probably subtle feelings or intuition enable to have a dream suggesting that you have a part to play in coming life events.

The whale is a living thing, a process of life, and in the dream it is also shown as a plane that holds many lives in it. The whale is a creature living in the sea, and only appears to people when it surfaces. This indicates that something in yourself that you were previously unaware of is coming to consciousness - a sort of preview. See http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/the-unconscious-2/

It seems to be saying that many people are totally or partly aware that they exist because a much large part of them causes their existence - what we call the Life process or the unconscious. Many people, symbolised by the whale crashing, indicates that many people will find themselves in a situation that is show as an emergency for them.

The dream goes on to say that your grandfather - what you carry inside you as his influence - will be called upon and you will use it in some way to get people to hear about it - the media. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/what-we-need-to-remember-about-us-3/#Seed

Title: Re: Plane crash
Post by: tulip on September 13, 2015, 03:02:03 PM
WOW! You are so right Tony,I was very close to my grandfather,in fact both my brother and i used to sit on the  large windowsill in the kitchen of their house,we were 16 floors up and we would stay there for hours with my grandfather standing between us,keeping us safe.That was what he liked to do,stand there and watch the world go by.I learned a lot from him and in fact I recently had a dream in which he was hugging me(previous to the above dream)His influence has played a big part in my life.In fact,I have met someone who I feel has a lot of his qualities.
Im not sure of any part I have to play in upcoming events and i have yet to read the links you have supplied,hopefully they will help me understand this more.
I have really not been dreaming much in the last while,but recently,they have been returning,even last night I had one about Pirates and a clock.I am going to have to start a dream diary again to see if I can find any links.

Thanks for your help.

Title: Re: Plane crash
Post by: Tony Crisp on September 15, 2015, 08:55:03 AM
Angela - Thanks for the feedback, it is useful to have to see if we have hit or missed the mark that your dream suggests. Let us know how the future works out, but it usually takes some time for such dreams to materialise.
