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Author Topic: Dream of my old home, pterodactyl chasing me to eat me, no escape... no help  (Read 4540 times)


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Interestingly as I wrote the title for this post, which I did after writing the post, the words as I read them back to myself speak considerably about this dream...

I dreamed I was in the living room of the house I grew up in but haven't lived in for many many years. I was with others but can't remember who they were. A pterodactyl (very different looking in the dream than real ones) was outside the bay window, occasionally tapping on the glass, I wasn't much afraid at first. Then suddenly there was some dinosaur expert sitting in the room on another couch. He said "that's an interesting bird out there" almost as soon as he spoke it starting tapping more and more on the window with its beak. The expert said "if he breaks through that window.. (can't remember exact words after that, but like we are all in trouble). it broke through and got its head stuck but we all knew it was temporary. Suddenly I was a young child, running away from it to hide in a bedroom down the hall (the house was extremely accurate in the dream to how it was in real life). I expected the expert to go get a knife from the kitchen or kill it while it was stuck, but instead, he came to hide in the room with me. I asked why he didn't go to the kitchen to get a knife, I don't recall what he said back. I know other people were there but not sure who, probably my mother, they were all hiding too. I went to another room (what in real life was my parent's room, but in the dream looked different once I entered.). I closed the door and struggled to get a couch up against it, but there was still too much room and I knew it could push through. I was struggling to get a heavy chair up to the couch it to create a tight fit between the furniture and the wall so it couldn't push the furniture and come thru the door. but it got through before I could get the chair there. I was very afraid and wanted to hide under the bed, but was too afraid it would reach me there and I wouldn't have a way out. All the while I sensed my mother was the other person, and was also hiding in the other bedroom where I had been at first, but left feeling unsafe there. (pretty sure this is related to nightmares I had in that room after my sister died that I'd wake screaming from and my mother never came to me, but my dad always did. He isn't in this new dream). The pterodactyl came after me and was about to eat me and I woke up screaming. When it came after me it spoke to me, and I can't remember what exactly it said but threatening words, telling me it would destroy me, eat me.. I recalled the words when I woke but cant now. I know it probably has to do with maybe needing to change something about myself. but also I've had a rough life, my sister died (in that house in the dream, the room I first ran into when the dinosaur came thru the window) when I was 14 and my mother brother and I found her. She was 18. My son was killed by a drunk driver almost 8 years ago (you did a beautiful interpretation of a vital dream I had of him after that, and you were right on!(comment by "Lynne": https://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/dreams-about-dead-people/comment-page-1/#comment-1234). I just hope to figure out what message to take from this dream beyond some of the obvious. Thank you for all you do!

Tony Crisp

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Lynne – As you wrote, the dream speaks for itself.

The house you grew up in represents in dreams the memories you hold for that period of your life.

The pterodactyl and the man commenting on it are, I feel, things ‘experts’ and people have said about such creatures. But a large part of it is your imagination, because as you said, “.. a very different looking in the dream than real ones.”

At that period of your life maybe you felt your difficult emotions would ‘devour’ you or that you wouldn’t survive them. I wonder why it was a flying creature rather than a dinosaur. Maybe you could find out by being it - https://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson

Running away in fear was most likely a memory replay; the fear was partly your mother’s that you picked up from her. But the pterodactyl is a very deep part of you. Your present personality and body has arisen from processes and experiences that are millions of years old. The dinosaur or a prehistoric animal often represents your sense of this primordial past out of which your present self has grown. The dinosaur can also depict deeply instinctive urges, or your feelings about being a devouring monster.

No plant or creature grows from a dead seed, and each living seed carries within it all the past gathered from all its forebears. So, the seed in your mother’s womb is as old as and even older than human kind, and you carry that wisdom or memories in you. But in this life you developed a new brain, and the memories you gathered this time are what you built your personality from, but beneath that is a very ancient self. To reach it see https://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/opening-to-life/

Your speaking ancient creature occurs often in people’s dreams.

Example: I was walking past a large building site which had been excavated for foundations. Rain had filled the excavated pits and a large lake had formed. As I walked past I could see ancient primitive creatures rising out of the water. One of them, a large dinosaur, came toward me. I was scared and ran away. The dinosaur followed and started speaking to me. I couldn’t understand what it said. Don.

Don explored his dream and says – I realised that through my internal digging into myself I had uncovered some feelings I had never met consciously before. This was about anxiety, which I had suffered from a lot, and about the anger I felt toward my step children for not appreciating the work I was putting into building them a home and working to provide. Seeing these things helped me understand what was behind my difficult feelings and fears. For instance I saw that fear is fundamental to all human experience, and I needed to meet it and help it to enter into the modern world instead of be repressed and remain primitive.

So understand that your fear was a natural reaction to your past experiences. But as humans we can slowly bring those ancient reactions into our present life and change them. See https://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/brain-levels-and-dreams/ -

It is often so obvious that as a person we have no real awareness that we are a mammal. As such because we do not understand the animal needs we are often either in conflict with it, do not care for it, or are overwhelmed by it and express it in sick ways. As a society we have many unnatural ways of expressing our sexual needs because they have become twisted. But also we fail to see that as a human we are riding an ancient beast – our body. If we were caring for a horse for instance we would feed it with healthy food, allow it a normal sexual outlet, and exercise it. We would not constantly give it alcohol, allow it to smoke or give it highly refined or factory foods such a white flour, sugar and white rice, and carbonated drinks. Recent research has shown that these produce a higher incidence of illness in humans. See https://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/conditioned-unconditoned-reflexes-or-responses/
