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Author Topic: Manly  (Read 6736 times)


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« on: July 23, 2018, 10:27:40 AM »

In the dream, it's a story of a man who is holding a baby in a cloth wrapped around his upper body like a cloth bag for the baby.It's a custom in the story for men to entwine their genitals before certain activities like combat.
This man's left testicle is missing.He has connected his right testicle with a goat's genitals.He is also holding a black gun/rifle.Another man asks him," Do you have courage? Do you have no fear?.That is the gift.You can always tell."

A man befriends another man who is the enemy.The enemy takes him straight to his hiding place.He opens a secret door in a rock and behind it is a river valley with a forest across it and a waterfall way down below. Ultimately the man kills the enemy as now he is exposed in his hiding place. 

My sister and I are trapped in a lift/elevator.The lift is not moving.Then I see a way out.( I have begun to establish boundaries in waking life).Even though I am wearing stilettos and a sexy dress I am able to climb to the top of the lift and I see there are steps going all the way down.We were lucky we were not on a high floor with no way down.We run away and my sisters friend sees us from the top of a hill but we tell her "we have to go now,we have lots to do".A young Maid wants to talk to me but I say 'there is no time now,we can talk another time'.

 The dream seems to be about an awareness of the masculine but there is one testicle missing....
The masculine is about taking action&being assertive yet the paradox in this dream is the feeling of "having lots to do" in life but I have no time for being a "servant of Life."  I am just beginning to get back to practical,daily living after spending years on "cleaning work"
« Last Edit: July 26, 2018, 04:31:03 AM by dreamy »

Tony Crisp

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Re: Manly
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2018, 12:23:57 PM »
Dreamy – Something I feel that is often not understood is that everything in dreams is a symbol referring to something else. This becomes apparent when we realise that older cultures thought in and relied on and understood symbolic language in everyday life. In today's world we do not think in the same way. As an example, I remember a Christian woman trying to walk on water – and of course failed – because the Bible was almost entirely written in the symbolic mode. So walking on the sea was realised that it meant that with the Christ consciousness one would no longer sink into the great turbulent ocean of emotions and thoughts most of us are victims of – the sort of emotions and thinking that leads many to sink in the waters of despair, depression and suicide. See https://dreamhawk.com/news/avoiding-being-my-own-victim/

So the lift in your dream does not represent a way to get to the ground floor to escape – instead, because dreams are based on our ancient way of thinking, it shows how your awareness is locked was locked in one level of yourself, your thinking and feeling. Such thinking as, “We were lucky we were not on a high floor with no way down.” Leads to a deep misunderstanding about your own nature. See https://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/dimensions-of-human-experience/

In dreams we are alone with our self, so are surrounded by images of oneself in various states of being. One of these states that we forget because we are locked in today, its cares and views is that we have a whole life of memories, and you only remember today and forget that your whole fundamental self was set in place in your babyhood. So the man holding the baby is about your own baby/self – and the man sounds like a male stance you are taking that is linked with baby impressions.

Only you would know whether that is true if you became the baby, because only you can know the web of influences which have produced you. See https://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson

The male is you working through the many things you are faced by integrating the male side of you - http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/archetype-of-the-animus-the-male-in-the-female/

Having only one testicle may mean your inner male is still developing and is not yet whole. Mind you, a male produces millions of sperm every time he ejaculates, so there are plenty, even as a one baller.

Killing in dreams again represent not death as we tend to see it, but like daffodils that ‘die’ when they have done what is to be done and then die and retreat to the bulb – their spirit self which sprouts a new them next season.

There is a sense of hurry which leads you to not listen to the maid side of you, the part of you that is sociable and works in the background making inner changes in your body and self, but needs payment or encouragement to carry on the work. It is, in most of us, an activity that goes on working unconsciously for most of the time. The You, your conscious self, is only a tiny thing, and all the time is cared for by this unconscious work.



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Re: Manly
« Reply #2 on: July 26, 2018, 02:26:33 PM »
Oh dear,I have not phrased it correctly- in the dream we were on a very high floor in the lift .The thought was that had we been at this height with no stairs down  we would have been stuck there on the high floor. I got the feeling I had found a way out of being trapped in the lift,I had found a way to the top of the lift too and was no longer stuck. Even though we were on a high floor I had now seen steps that could lead me down.
« Last Edit: July 26, 2018, 08:01:23 PM by dreamy »

Tony Crisp

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Re: Manly
« Reply #3 on: July 26, 2018, 09:08:26 PM »
OK - will think again, tomorrow.

Well, what I have written was the best I could produce and took an age, but you do seem to be stuck. Why doesn't your lift work? In dreams lifts represent the ability to shift your awareness between the many levels of your being - between the basic energy level to the sexual, on to the ability to absorb and digest experience, up to the emotional/feeling level, then further to be able to speak from your core self, to be able to see beyond the obvious, and then higher still on the roof of your being to the experience of enlightenment.

So why were you feeling you had to get down? Also why did you not explore being the baby, the one ball man and the maid - also the stuck lift? For dream images are like icons on a computer screen – You have to ‘click’ on your dream images to make them come alive. Thinking about them doesn’t work. You need to open yourself to the magic of them. To make them into the wonderful gateways they are you may have to learn certain skills such as Being the Person or thing. Or https://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/practical-techniques-for-understanding-your-dreams/

As I said in "I am no longer interpreting dreams" I notice that millions have passed through this site, but most people want to receive and give no effort to use the tools given freely. I also know from experience that you yourself have the answers if you give just a bit of yourself.

« Last Edit: July 27, 2018, 10:06:06 AM by Tony Crisp »


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Re: Manly
« Reply #4 on: July 27, 2018, 01:52:48 PM »
Many thanks Tony,
I have had enormous breakthroughs thanks to your suggestions on the forum and the website since many years. I have done many of the processes and they have been life-changing. I hope many more that follow your work do the same as it's been phenomenal for me.

I have explored being the baby, the one ball man and the goat, the maid and the enemy and the lift experience to gather an experience of my life that should have been obvious but was completely unseen till now. It is a very old part of me that seems to have formed as a baby that has haunted my life for the last many decades. It’s kind of unraveling now. All the events in my life particularly in the last few months were kind of preparing me for the revelation in the dream. It farther changed my state my mind which led to a confrontation few days after the dream and I had a huge emotional release .It had a lot to do with undeveloped masculine qualities and now I wonder if the one balled man (and the mention of courage) maybe a pun on 'having the balls' to stand up for myself with family.

I have been trapped in the lift since childhood because I was unknowingly dependent in certain dis-empowering ways. Now for the first time I am beginning to sense how this has unconsciously been a part of my life since childhood.

The Maid is a recurring character in my dreams and I had kind of imagined her as my ally in cleaning up my inner house and also as a reminder that I am a servant of Life. In this dream you pointed out yet another aspect of the maid that I was blind to.

I had not realized that the baby was related to my own babyhood... that was another very powerful insight from you which I didn't see at all and it opened up the entire dream for me.

I was also curious about the one balled man. I felt the left ball missing could be drawing attention to the 'right' side, indicating that the more active side was developing giving me the tough ability to survive difficulties. Now it occurs to me the missing left side is the unconscious aspect which can never be known fully and is unseen/invisible. I got this insight as an extension to your take on it.

The dream is still a mystery in many ways yet it's conveying a lot...And it's somehow pointing out what I had no idea was going on.

Thanks to your dictionary, the info on the website and all the processes to help understand dreams I have learned enormously and I am thankful that I am getting better at it. It’s been very helpful to hear your suggestions because they open up new worlds and I can't thank you enough. Much gratitude for this info and all earlier suggestions on dreams. Much gratitude for all the work you do.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2018, 09:51:40 AM by Tony Crisp »

Tony Crisp

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Re: Manly
« Reply #5 on: July 29, 2018, 11:09:12 AM »
Dreamy – A great thanks for describing what you found when you explored the one ball man, the goat, the maid, the enemy and the lift experience by using Being the Person or Thing.

You achieved a breakthrough by exploring in that way. As I have written elsewhere, I have to sometimes write the things I do, not just for you, but for a larger audience – for your post has already received 67 views and older pages have 500 and even 6000 views.

So it was a very good feeling to receive your reply, for I have constantly striven to have people experience such breakthroughs. For in the Spring of 1972 I experienced - after a long search - a breakthrough to a new dimension of experience. It healed me of wounds, transformed who I was, and so of course I wanted to share it with everybody. I have done that without any charge in the online features in Life’s Little Secrets - Opening to Life and Dimensions of Human Experience – Going Beyond - Great Dreams That Guide Us - Mountain Path.

Here is another example of it:

Example: "I dreamt of being with a woman who was desperately seeking a man. I was also with my own female companion. I believe the woman had been suddenly dropped by her man, and I and my partner were close and with her.

Still in the semi-awake state I tried ‘being’ the woman, and had a very clear response. I experienced being her, but was also me with experience of seeing into myself in some degree. I saw that the woman, like most of us, was a female creature whose instinctive drive was to find a mate. But she was not aware of this as an instinctive drive but as a personal feeling. As such she had become, like many women and men, lost in a huge web of personal ideas about whether they were attractive, sexy, with many complications about love, gender mixed with childhood unconscious traumas and the heartbreak all that brings." See https://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/integration-meeting-oneself/#ManExp

Meeting your dreams in that way you are coming face to face with a glimpse of the greatest mystery – your Life. Of course it is just a glimpse, for as you wrote, “My dream is still a mystery in many ways.” Because dreams occur in animals, and have been a feature of living creatures long before humans arose. So dreams come from a part of us prior to the arrival of human language. And animals do not think in words, but nevertheless have a huger awareness than our body allows with its enormously smaller comprehension. As an example dogs can sense when the owner they love is about to have an episode and give warning allowing the person to get to safety before they lose consciousness; or like my wonderful dog Vince that, while I projected my consciousness from Germany to my Mother in London, and my mother was not aware of me, Vincent heard and saw me, and rushed to the spot in the room where I stood and jumped around and barked with his joy of being with me. See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PLsiBOfcIRU It describes a dogs wonderful awareness.

I know many dogs now are trained to detect cancer and episodes maybe by smell, but as I was not there physically, Vincent could not have detected me by smell, but by a finer sensing. He did this another time too.

But I’m rabbiting on, and I wanted to tell more about your glimpsing. When you go beyond your thinking personality, yourself, and enter an older level of your awareness typified by animal consciousness, you can access what I found in 1972 that healed and enlarged me. The point I want to make is that we can ask questions of this deeper self and receive answers – but to do so we have be capable of listening without our thinking self rushing in with old stuff that it will now parrot. Listening silently allows our older and vast awareness a chance to speak. Maybe it would be helpful to try using https://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/using-your-intuition-1/

« Last Edit: July 30, 2018, 09:39:59 AM by Tony Crisp »