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Author Topic: RE: Snakes again: white with orange diamonds, white with lime green diamonds  (Read 8186 times)


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Dear Tony and forum friends,

Snakes have visited me yet again in a dream!  I have searched resources online and here at DreamHawk for help but I really would like some guidance as to what these could be trying to tell me.  I feel they are a message of some kind because last night before sleeping, I asked the angels to send me an answer regarding an additional teaching job that I have the opportunity to apply for.  I have actually been praying to *stop* teaching at university and to be able to devote my energies to *finally* getting my art/design business to a completely self-supporting state instead of always trying to supplement (and thereby diverting energy) with teaching which I find incredibly draining and emotionally difficult.  But this position is in my field and a perfect fit and could help with some money problems.  I don't know what to do.

So I dreamed of two snakes.  They visited just before I awoke this morning.  They weren't doing anything, just laying near me.  I don't have a sense of whether they were on the ground.  It was in a non-dimensional dream space and all I feel is that they were to my right.  I had the feeling they were clearly a message to me, not part of a dream story.  They were bright and beautiful and friendly, calm, just like the energy of the snakes in my last dream but more directly friendly.  One was white with orange creamsicle color diamonds and seemed to be more prevalent, dominant, though not sure why because it was just a little larger (closer?) as the other and wasn't doing anything but just being next to me.  Maybe because it was closer to me...  (Corn snake?  Fluorescent milk snake?)  The other was white with green diamonds.  Both super bright, almost neon, and slick, fresh looking.  Thick bodies like constrictors and though they were curled up next to each other, if stretched out they'd probably be at least six feet long (5-6 inch thick) so they were substantial.

What could the angels be trying to tell me?  I just want to know if I should go for this additional teaching job even if it means I will have little time to devote to my art (especially at a crucial potentially lucrative time just before the holidays).  I need the money but I am tired of not being the completely self-sufficient artist that I dream of being...I would be happier about teaching if I knew how to do it without getting completely depleted on every level...

Thanks in advance for any connections or insights.



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Just a note: do you think that the snakes could be offering support to me?  Like maybe they are angels themselves in snake form (brilliant, new life, creative form) and just chilling next to me as if to say, we're here holding space for your creativity no matter what direction you take, we will be here next to you,  you're "right hand"...like spirit friends... ?


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meant to write "your" right hand  (bad spelling slip!)

Tony Crisp

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Xochitl – Snakes usually represent your unexpressed potential. They are therefore definitely a support if you dare to go on that open road in a previous dream.

Being so colourful the snakes are offering you the opportunity to use some of your potential, and teaching is a wonderful way of drawing out what was only potential. Also it is a giving to others in a way to open to them a doorway to their own inner pathway. Giving is a great way of opening up the doors to the spiritual.



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Dear Tony,

Thank you for your reply!  Thank you for your insights and for the connection with the previous snake dream.  Speaking of teaching, I wanted to share some amazing things that have happened and that I just discovered in relation to this dream.

First, I rather randomly ran across an opening for an instructor position at the school where I teach for a course on the art of Africa.  I have been feeling my mother so strongly this past month and have had numerous conversations where friends have spoken to me of the incredible legacy she left and have encouraged me to continue in that direction.  I culled my library recently and primarily kept my books on African art, ones she gave me, and I remember saying to myself, I wish I could just spend my time teaching about African art and go back to my roots and focus on the love I have for the art forms across the continent....!

Then, I saw the ad, applied, and was offered the job on Thursday!  So I have been in crazy mode to get ready since the semester starts next week.  Well, today, I ran across an article on the concept of "twoness" in Yoruba art.  And guess what?  It talks about two pythons (or two-headed python), and how this represents abundance and the Yoruba goddess Osumare, the rainbow goddess, that her rainbow encodes a message from Olodumare to his mother!  Alice Coltrane has a beautiful song "Galaxy for Olodumare" that I play for my students every semester.

Babatunde Lawal:
"The Yoruba deity that immediately comes to mind is Osumare, who appears as the rainbow and whose symbol is the python (ere).  Frequently represented as a pair of serpents or a single serpent with two heads, Osumare is associated with wealth and prosperity.  Curiously, the word mare ('the immense, infinite, or eternal') appears in both Osu-mare and Olodu-mare.  One folk explanation of the rainbow is that it encodes a message from Olodumare to his mother (the python?) in the underworld."

Can you believe it?  And I have been also getting the two of cups *a lot* this past week in my tarot readings for work projects, the Rider Waite deck with the two snakes twisting up the center.  I remember that I had the dream of two cobras sometime ago except that time, they killed someone....

My mother used to appear as elephants (which she loved in life)...speaking of the message to the mother, perhaps she or the angels she sent are coming as snakes, encouraging me for the teaching as you have done....There hasn't been one negative tarot reading for this job despite how nervous I feel about preparation for it, all positive, like "chance of a lifetime" positive....

And I have been wishing secretly that I could do work in everyday life that is of a spiritual nature, that I could push the transformative and helpful aspects of my work further...so your comments really resonated with me.

Ah, I'm so overwhelmed with all of this!  I am trying to breathe calmly to process the intense transformation of the last weeks.  :)  Thank you, Tony, for the forum to share these dreams and for your beautiful insights.  I have learned so much from you and your website and am so thankful for the way that sharing my dreams has helped to illuminate other connections.

Peace, light, love,
