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Messages - Tony Crisp

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Dream Interpretation / Re: A man from the past
« on: October 25, 2010, 02:11:32 PM »
Dear Halsya – You are not dreaming of the man you loved those years ago. That is not the way dreams work. You are dreaming of the love you once had and desperately want again. I have to say this again and again, and it is quoted from a book I published as long ago as 1990, The New Dream Dictionary:

“In the world of dreams our most intimate fears and longings are given an exterior life of their own in the form of the people, objects and places of our dream. Therefore our sexual drive may be shown as a person and how we relate to them; or given shape and colour as an object; or given mood as a scene, something that haunts our memory shown as a ghost or demon. Our feeling of ambition might thus be portrayed as a business person in our dream - our changing emotions as the sea or a river; while the present relationship we have with our ambition or emotions is expressed in the events or plot of the dream.”

So if you can see that you dream of him again and again, and ask yourself why you use his images, you may quickly go beyond them. As you can see, asking for it to stop doesn’t work. It works when you push the right buttons. So if you can admit what you want it may work. And it is not the man you want, but what he represents. Love, and a relationship with a powerful man. Once tasted never forgot.


Dream Interpretation / Re: reaccuring
« on: October 25, 2010, 01:38:15 PM »
Jo.May – The wonderful science fiction type of dreams are often about the amazing potential we all have, but are usually “disabled by a device”.

To understand the dream I suppose we need a map of the territory – and the territory is your own self – all of it. What you call ‘you’ is only a tiny part of the whole you. That is your conscious self.  Then there is what has been called the unconscious. This is a massive part of you that few people know about in any depth, and this is the part that does a lot of the work – keeping your body and mind in order and balanced. Then we have the supra conscious – the wonder part of us that even fewer people know or have any awareness of. This is the part that has supernormal powers.

Your dream, like most dreams, symbolises the different parts. So the supra conscious is the spirit that can appear or disappear easily, and knows the future – telling you that everything will be fine.

The enemy are the many doubts and fears and conflicts that block you from knowing and using your real abilities. These are usually unknown and in the unconscious. Of course it is a battle, and the threat is death or pain, which your supra conscious knows are empty threats. The battle is between the false beliefs, the pains and fears that have been grown as truths in our lives, and our own real self masked by such beliefs and experiences. It is a real battle. And to quote from the book There is a River, “The plan for the soul was a cycle of experience, unlimited in scope and duration, in which the new individual would come to know creation in all its aspects, at the discretion of will.”

Unfortunately we believe our lives are finished with the death of our body – and that is part of the battle, for it has been a trap set up for thousands of years, that lead us to be puppets of ‘masters’.


Dream Interpretation / Re: Funeral
« on: October 25, 2010, 12:43:26 PM »
JANINALITTLEWOLF - It is usually because there is so much we do not know about ourselves consciously. The tears are a bit like the string that Theseus went into the labyrinth, laying out to find his way, and killed the Minotaur.

But in your case you need to follow the string of your emotions, then you will find enormous amounts of you were hidden. But of course you need to not be afraid of feeling deeply. If you could sit with someone sympathetic and allow your feelings and say whatever came spontaneously perhaps you would find a treasure within you. You do not need to think or analyse, but just mention whatever is brought up.


Brandon – This is a mammoth battle you are in. Having been in dream battles, gone into the trenches and gone over the top, I feel I know what this is about.

The enemy are nearly always the almost unseen horde of darkness we carry with us from the past. I feel RD Laing was trying to describe this in the following:
Ah yes, “We are shattered, tattered, demented remnants of a once glorious army. Among us are Princes and Captains of Armies, Lords of Battle, amnesic, aphasic, ataxic, jerkily trying to recall what was the battle the sounds of which still ring in our ears: is the battle still raging? If we could make our way back to join the main body of the army.”
But your battle is by no means lost, and there is no desperation or fear in you about it. That is interesting, and it sounds to me as if you have not placed or understood your ‘enemy’ And that seems to link wit waking to somewhere new, and you were gathering something but couldn’t remember. Then suddenly you are in the battle, and it is the great battle fought by humans for generations. So dark because most of us do not understand – the darkness of ignorance – not knowing.
I believe you are now transported to the battle raging in the unconscious. If that is so and you can accept it, it will probably break into consciousness and you will experience it one way or another. Because you are not frightened it will be one you will not hide from. Even so it will take all our skill to deal with. What you are fighting are figures of the mind created by generations of people who believed in them.

And because of the wonderful treasures of information left we can win it. There might be something of help in http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/we-live-in-special-times/


Dream Interpretation / Re: Cats, kittens and tiger cub in bed
« on: October 21, 2010, 12:29:34 PM »
Wulfie – I know you will think I am talking a lot of rubbish, but your pain is put in you because of the culture you were raised in. Love need not be a terribly painful thing. See http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/recovery-from-a-life-of-pain/ and http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/growing-up-to-love/

In fact your dream seems to be about the crazy out of control feminine feelings. Lots of young growth as well as some possibly dangerous tigers. When your feelings are running like that and they are kept under the bedclothes it is a wonder you get any sleep or peace of mind.

It takes a long time to learn a new way of relating to painful emotions, but it is worth every step of the way. I would suggest using a meditation technique to build a new life, or breathing techniques. I mention breathing because breathing and emotions go hand in hand. Emotions are like spontaneously firing inner events that can be slowed down by slowing the breath. It is like getting hold of the second hand on a clock and slowing. Then the whole clock slows too.


Dream Interpretation / Re: Lovely / Sad dream
« on: October 21, 2010, 12:04:26 PM »
Dear PJWdreams – Of course it means something – and I am sorry I took so long to answer.

If you realise that you are all the characters in your dream, it helps. A dream is like a world of feelings and associations you give images to and create a drama with. So the friend you loved - the Queen - is you, as well as the girl from a less moneyed family.

How can that be? A friend dreamt of being attacked by dogs while in a phone booth. He was trying to contact his mother, but there was no answer. The telephone was his lifelong attempt to reach and be loved by his family. No answer because of no success to feel loved. The dogs tearing him were his awful anxiety he suffered – through being put in an orphanage while some of his siblings were still with the mother.

So the dream you have created shows the girl and woman you could have been if you could have found your way through the difficulties you met. Of course we all have the potential to be anything. See http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/recovery-from-a-life-of-pain/

But you went on to live the poor life of the other girl. But there was a point in your life when opportunity was missed. It was probably to do with the lost love – that you knewa new you for a while but couldn’t hang on to it.
Of course there is a connection with the past. Nothing can grow out of nothing. And it would be too much of a burden to see what we are facing.

And the piece about the story in the novel – of course it could have gone at least two ways – and many more. The point where you saw the Queen naked is very meaningful. That was your beauty disrobed of any poor feelings. That is the ‘you’ behind your depression. So keep hold of the image and look forward to more feelings and tears. They are very cleansing.

And thank you for sharing your dream.


Dream Interpretation / Re: Marrying Jesus
« on: October 21, 2010, 11:31:16 AM »
Wow Chris – This is a big one and says so much – much of it you have explained yourself. But before I move on to this latest dream you say that, “….that is the ability to love myself.” And as I look at dreams from the view of dreams, that is exactly right. You and Jesus are one and the same. Christ as I call it is, in your dream, a living expression of your very best. Difficult sometimes to live up to – but there you have it and you are uniting with it.

The vitamin pill is probably your understanding of your dreams. Then you have the influence of what life with your parents did. And you carrying the grate and the bags is what gave you the qualities of care that enabled the dream of Jesus. However difficult it was, you did it.

The father and the left arm seems to be that you have felt a lot of aggression or anger about the situation you were in. The left arm, if you are right handed, is your support to outer action. So this would hold you back in things you are capable of otherwise. Your father releases it because it was your father who set it up, and you are now capable of letting go of it. Having had the good fortune to look under the surface of life a few time, I see that such awful family situations are ways we work out something very important. I had such a dream where the bicep of my left arm was shot away. There was a terrible pain about not being supported or encouraged in my life.
But you still feel burdened and left behind, and that has meant you missed the boat. Fortunately there will be another one when you let go of the baggage you are carrying. And I know that isn’t easy, but as the Jesus dream tells me, it will take time but it will happen if you open to the promise of the marriage. As I say it isn’t an easy journey, but it is one worth taking.


Dream Interpretation / Re: baby and house on indian burial ground
« on: October 20, 2010, 11:35:26 AM »
Arabella – Another interesting dream.
The baby appeared to be your son, and I presume you have a son. If so it would add a lot to my understanding if I knew what character your son has. In any case, he is changing and growing fast. So he is probably something you have recently seen emerge in your life. A new birth so to speak, and so you must see signs of this in yourself.
That you arrived in a car suggests the location is new to you also. And it being an old Indian burial ground adds a depth to it. It seems that your son – the new part of you – as he matures will carry the Indian traditions with him/you. This is an honour to be linked with the spirits of the past in this way. And what comes out of your inner growth will give you new insights and talents.
But the warning about the drunk – excuse me but I do not know you and so I need to say all that might be relevant. This could be a warning about drink for you, or for someone you do no trust to deal well with your inner growth.


Dream Interpretation / Re: More cake without icing?
« on: October 20, 2010, 10:55:59 AM »
Midlander - I appreciate your being a part of what happens on the site.

I see from what I have written in the last few years, that I gradually realised that God - or as I call it now Life, because people often do not have any background in real religious theory so Life does not hook them into difficult associations - is at the core of our being. I also saw that it is at the core or beginning of the universe, and in fact it is all the same thing. Unfortunately we have been educated to have such a tiny view of what we are.


Dream Interpretation / Re: A visitor from beyond.
« on: October 20, 2010, 10:47:08 AM »
Well Powermad – I have been initiated into several of the great traditions, sometimes using hallucinogens, and your dream shows you have not been to anywhere near enlightenment, but seem to be quite lost. But I say this not as a criticism but as a help. You see, such drugs release or make less effective your usual barrier between your waking self and the unconscious or superconscious – the source of dreams. Drugs such as LSD, cannabis, psilocybin, mescaline, peyote and opium, can produce hallucinations. This is sometimes because they allow the dream process to break through into consciousness with less intervention.

If this occurs without warning it can be very disturbing. The very real dangers are that unconscious content, which in ordinary dreaming breaks through a threshold in a regulated way, emerges with less regulation, and without the safety factor of calling it a dream. Fears, paranoid feelings, past traumas, can emerge into the consciousness of an individual who has no skill in handling such dangerous forces.

Because the propensity of the unconscious is to create images, an area of emotion might emerge as an image such as the devil, or other threatening forces. Such images and the power they contain, not being integrated in a proper therapeutic setting, may haunt the individual, perhaps for years. Even at a much milder level, such as happening when smoking pot, elements of the unconscious will emerge and disrupt the persons ability to appraise reality and make judgements. Unacknowledged fears may lead the drug user to rationalise their reasons for avoiding social activity or the world of work.

I am not suggesting one should avoid using such aids. If you read the literature on LSD Psychotherapy you will see they are wonderful healing agents – when used with the right tools to deal with what is released.


Dream Interpretation / Re: Strange dream
« on: October 17, 2010, 12:44:31 PM »
Ginnie – Well the fact that you knew the man/boy seems to indicate this is part of your nature. I need to remind you that - In the world of dreams our most intimate fears and longings are given an exterior life of their own in the form of the people, objects and places of our dream. Therefore our sexual drive may be shown as a person and how we relate to them; something that haunts our memory shown as a ghost or demon. Our feeling of ambition might thus be portrayed as a business person in our dream - our changing emotions as the sea or a river; while the present relationship we have with our ambition or emotions is expressed in the events or plot of the dream.

So I feel you offered love, and that is a very powerful thing – but you didn’t get the response you expected. Then you ran away.

I have to guess what the young man represents, unless you get into him and tell me otherwise. He is probably the outgoing male side of you. I know the feeling of rejecting love, it comes from being confronted by something so painful. For instance I had acne so badly I rejected women because I could not bare anybody to be near me. I thought they would feel sick. But your rejection is one that expresses something else, and if you put into words spitting in your face, what would it be?

Then when you do not return you are faced by death and trash can. In other words, a dead end.

So try facing the boy/man and try a different approach. Try being him and understand his response. Try talking with him. Anything, but do not give up, because you will be giving up on yourself. Perhaps your attempt at love was one put off to easily. After all it is you you are trying to love.


Dream Interpretation / Re: Marrying Jesus
« on: October 17, 2010, 12:19:06 PM »
Christine – Well you have the name for it – follower of Christ.

To marry Jesus means, according to my understanding, suggests a very big change taking place in you. It suggests that you have an inner quality that will allow you to open to a new way of experiencing yourself. It doesn’t matter whether you are outwardly religious or ‘good’ or not. What matters is that you have a natural ability to love that will be used.  If you allow it to happen, then you will come to know yourself intensely, and have a real direction in life;

Of course there are several ‘faces’ of Jesus, from the very organised religious view to the living face of love and life.


Dream Interpretation / Re: Gabriel Powers
« on: October 17, 2010, 12:00:44 PM »
Barbara – What a strange dream. I have had to search for the meaning of it and so am giving my best.

The graduation is not straight forward either, because you are serving those who will graduate or have graduated. But your daughter has graduated. So I feel this is about a big change in your life – probably coming. Your daughter depicts a younger part of you who is capable.

I think you are uncertain of your value as a person, yet the dream is telling you that you are in service of the highest – Gabriel Powers. So it might be suggesting that you will give birth to a new level of life in you, a new realisation. This might not manifest as anything special outwardly, but it will change your outlook and ability.

So open your heart and let yourself be led. You seem to be a worker, not actually in the garden, but certainly ‘on the patio’.


Dream Interpretation / Re: More cake without icing?
« on: October 17, 2010, 11:32:41 AM »
Midlander - I don't suppose there is a correct answer or direction we should take - ie the wood and burning. When I have travelled deep in myself I have always found that ultimately we are in a universe that while it  has rules, there is an aspect of it allowing experiment. Also I have never found there is any condemnation except what we put on ourselves through the moral codes we have picked up from our culture.

I had a wonderful example of this when using LifeStream. I had been crushed by a world I had been carrying on my shoulders - dreams use such imagery to illustrate how we feel. Eventually the strength came to me to stand up again, and in doing so managed to lift the world off of my shoulders and swing it away. But then, standing before a Light that was pouring down onto me I realised that my wrists were chained together and I wanted to be free. Now I stood facing the Light, hands together at the level. I felt my wrists were chained, and I held them up to God, the Light, to be freed.

It was then as if God said, “Tony, you hold up your arms to be freed, but you have never been chained - only by yourself.”


Dream Interpretation / Re: Dream analysis
« on: October 17, 2010, 11:08:46 AM »
Rodeocowgirlnt – Okay, so your first dream proved to you conclusively that your mind is not limited by your brain. You brain only holds what it has received from outside, or what you had worked out from your thoughts. And that means you have the ability to see the possible future.

Why didn’t you warn the person in the second dream? No wonder you felt strange. What you should do is warn them if it is not already too late – and also of course ask whatever you consider to be the highest in you to protect that person.


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