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Messages - Mukaido

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Dream Interpretation / Train and Legs Nearly Amputated
« on: July 14, 2014, 10:42:55 AM »
Hi Tony,

I had a really disturbing dream last night - I have done my best to interpret the symbology of it but I have found no relief, only terror and I thought perhaps having your objective input would help.

I dreamt that I got on a train - it was an underground train, looking very similar to the London tube. I did not rush to catch it - I got on with ease and decided to stand by the door, even though there were seats available. The carriage I got on is light and airy, not at all crowded and a very pleasant shade of blue/white. As the doors of the train begin to close, I realize with great horror that my legs for some reason will be caught outside the glass doors and I'm terrified of losing them but there is nothing I can do. The doors close on me with my upper body inside the train and my legs from knees downwards outside. Strange bit - the bit of my legs caught on the outside of the train are wrapped in rolls of plastic paper, similar to plastic bags or wrapping paper. I wait for the moment of amputation as the doors close but it never comes and I see myself riding the train in this terrifying condition without anything untoward happening. The whole time I keep asking myself how this happened - why did I not stand further inside the train or take a seat...

I am terrified of this as you can imagine - I have approached each symbol separately: the train, the symbology of legs as mobility but any help you can shed would really help me.

Thank you.


Dream Interpretation / Re: Fire and Water
« on: April 30, 2014, 04:34:16 PM »
Hi Tony,

I thought it would be useful to report back on life changes experienced since I had this dream, especially relative to the prophetic nature that I felt the dream contained which was rather astute.

You were right - not just in your interpretation but also in other parts of the website where you mention fire can relate to problems with health. Basically, I have always had a problem with my digestive system which I never truly understood. It caused chronic acne that never subsided with age plus sensitivity to a myriad of foods, especially cold/raw stuff and last couple of years, weight gain that did not respond to gym workouts.

Anyway, beginning April, a toothache precipitated a huge health scare and brought to the fore all my digestive problems. For a week or two, it was horrendous as all the crap I had ignored/overlooked demanded to be really seen and taken care of. I had to really pause and take a good look at my health. Then came a wave of such strong, effortless determination to resolve these health issues and Life, which had been waiting for a sliver of an opening, pounced! I discovered TCM, especially the food therapy part of it which just fit me like a glove. I, who previously found no joy in cooking, have re-discovered my inner kitchen goddess.

My body is in the process of establishing a strong inner foundation - it's all inward. The greatness of TCM is that it starts inside out and so the organs which had been out of balance are now beginning to heal. My face has cleared up. I look years younger, even with the few scars that need to heal. I have made the most wonderful changes to my food - basically adopting the Japanese way of eating which just gels with the fact that I am a thorough Japanophile! I feel like I am being cleaned from the inside out. Weight-loss, which I previously found hard to achieve even though I was never a big girl to start with, is now beginning to show now that my digestive system is clearing itself out. Really, everything that was built on a shaky foundation has come to the fore. Teeth, digestion, dry skin, everything is calling out to me to look at it and solutions are just falling into my lap so effortlessly. What amuses me, is that it wasn't the first time I had come across TCM - I read about it years ago but I guess you are never truly ready, until you are.

I'm detoxing a fair bit now - effortlessly - not induced by a detox program but rather from the food therapy changes themselves and I noticed that my dreams have calmed down. They are not as vivid as they used to be - perhaps they will return in a different way.

Wanted to mention - I meditated on your suggestion about wave of consciousness and I genuinely believe that my conscious or subconscious decision to embrace more of it opened me up to solutions to my health so effortlessly. Everyday is filled with an exciting discovery of some sort.

Life feels good - wonderful even - in spite of the heavy astrological nature of April or perhaps because of it!

I hope you are well.


Dream Interpretation / Re: Fire and Water
« on: April 09, 2014, 09:37:24 AM »
Thank you Tony! I arrived at a similar conclusion regarding the burning buildings. In the last few weeks, I have began to truly understand what it means to be OK with what is. It is part of an intense change that I have been undergoing in the last few years. It's been a huge relief to accept as much of what is as I can - the amount of resistance we have to what is actually happening is unbelievable.

I saw that the tall buildings made of such flashy glass were built on sand - it made me realize all the ideas I have been holding on to, about the future, the past, myself, Life, were all built on very shaky ground, that of rejecting reality AS IT IS currently happening in favor of what I thought SHOULD be happening. In the moment I began to accept what is now, my past and future began to fall away. I am now more conscious of when I am wandering off into the past or an imagined future. Making peace with reality as it truly is, is frankly not as terrifying as one would think. It is in fact very liberating to stop arguing with Life!

It did not occur to me that the deep blue wave could be a surge of consciousness seeking to reveal itself to me - somehow, that thought gives me such comfort. I wonder if the dream were to repeat itself, would I have the courage to move towards it? At any rate, I feel that staying as present as possible to what is actually unfolding will lead to a deepening experience of consciousness.

I am a huge guest user of your website for many years now and I appreciate all you do here!


Dream Interpretation / Fire and Water
« on: April 06, 2014, 06:49:02 PM »
Hi Tony, Everyone,

I had a dream last night - feels very prophetic. I had an inkling what it might mean but decided to get a second opinion.

I dreamt that I was on the beach. On one side was the sea, beautiful light blue, sunny, calm. Then there was me on a white beach. Then on the other side was a row of humongous glass skyscrapers. Very modern, impressive buildings all made of shiny glass on a row extending as far as the eye could see in either direction. Then one of the buildings spontaneously caught fire and started crumbling and the rest followed suit! They were all crumbling forwards into the sea. I felt afraid and started to run but I realised that the buildings were far too tall and that wherever I went, they would all be falling forwards so I could not outrun them and I saw that my only option was to run into the sea. I didn't see myself running into the sea but the dream changes and I'm on the sea now with some other people. We are laughing - the sea is calm, a kind of turquoise blue and it's wonderfully sunny towards the beach and I decide to head there. Then from my right, a huge wave of the bluest blue sea starts to roll towards me - it's not stormy or dark, just really blue, coming towards me in a fat, huge, round wave, even though it doesn't feel threatening. The other people seem to look forward to it but I instinctively start heading towards the sunny, calm part of the sea feeling slightly afraid.

Particularly the burning building dream I would love to get an opinion on - fire has such different meanings.

Thank you.

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