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Author Topic: Wolf and Dog Dreams-Imported  (Read 4414 times)

Tony Crisp

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Wolf and Dog Dreams-Imported
« on: August 03, 2018, 08:41:23 AM »
I was walking across a hilltop with another man who was on my left. The hill was, or reminded me of the one opposite the hospital that was so much a part of my childhood. As we walked across the almost flat top of the hill I saw a grey/blue wolf on my right, about 30 metres away. It was trying to vomit something and was going through extraordinarily energetic movements. I had the sense that it had been eating carrion and something had got blocked or stuck. Then I could see right into its wide open mouth. A large bone was stuck to the left of it mouth, projecting right back into its throat, and packed to the left of its teeth. As I watched it was almost as if my awareness helped the wolf to know what to do. It made forward movements of it mouth muscles and the bone was dislodged.

Then I was further along the field – away from the village – and on the edge of what I felt to be a big drop or sharp slope. I was lying on my front on the ground, and a wolf was standing over me quite still and not threatening. But I was unsure of its motive or needs. I could feel it was a male, and wondered if it was trying to express sexually, but this did not happen. So, I slowly reached up and stroked it, and the scene gradually changed until myself and perhaps one or two other people were with several wolves.

Dreamt I had a little puppy. It was very fluffy and powder blue in colour, like the wolf in my previous dream, a sort of grey blue. The puppy was running around exploring, and I was watching to see he didn’t get into any trouble. My dog was around too.

The puppy ran up a slope. Perhaps there were steps in it, like a country footpath going uphill, quite closed in with a hedge or wall. At the top the path led into a bigger space, perhaps a field, but still with a sense of some restriction. I went after him. At the top a man was lying in a bed or a chair. He had some sort of illness and was lying back with his head on a pillow. The illness produced eruptions from his skin like inch long blackheads about an eighth of an inch wide. He was talking to me in a critical and slightly angry way. I particularly remember he said he knew that I had been violent and abusive to my dog. At this point I could see that my dog was very old and near to death, though still walking about, but very stiff.

Meanwhile the puppy was up ahead and I called him back because there were large black dogs looking very fierce and aggressive – perhaps a bull terrier type of breed. I asked the man why the dogs were being bred and allowed to run loose. No harm came to the puppy.

Dreamt I was walking with my dog near where I lived years ago in Woburn Walk, London. In the dream my dog was young, but not a puppy, perhaps about 18 months or a bit more. He was walking ahead of me and I felt unsure of what links of communication existed between us. I mean by this that I have always trained my dogs to heel at command, or to stop if I said. This was done to protect them near traffic or in any other danger. Because this dog was new – literally as if I had just got it – I didn’t know if it would understand my commands. Also I noticed that it was walking with a limp in one of its back legs.


Tony Crisp

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Re: Wolf and Dog Dreams-Imported
« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2018, 09:03:03 AM »
Tom explored his own dream using Being the Person or Thing.

I have been trying to find a real contact with the dream about the wolf vomiting, and the other two dreams that also deal with a dog. I had no real response at all for days, except for occasionally having the spontaneous words coming, “I created this.” But this evening I tried again and at last feel as if I have gathered some insight into what has been happening within myself, linking with events in my life, particularly with G, and of course in my dreams.

The exploration started with me shouting things like, “The bitch. You fucking bitch. You killed me.” This is old stuff that has come out of me many times in the past in connection with my mother. Although there was a little feeling with it, it had no very deep power, and I believe this was because it is simply part of an old pattern that I am dealing with. What it did do was to help the process of gaining insight into, or defining, feelings that are obviously still operating in me in regard to not forgiving my mother. The recent long session, in which I uncovered the great chunk of frozen feelings, the lump of ice that I had created out of not forgiving my mother, relates to this.

What I am gradually became aware of was that in the powerful and obstinate determination to hold those frozen feelings as a shield against my need for my mother, and therefore against any real connection with a woman, I had created something out of my life energies. Part of what I had created was a feeling of sickness, a sense of illness - and this was part of the shield. It gave me an excuse for not being committed. I see it in action now in regard to G. In this case it operates in the sense that because of my recent bout of vertigo, which is still persisting slightly, I come to the feeling that I am no good, I cannot cope, and therefore I can withdraw from any activity we had planned together. This was unveiled for the first time in the last long work session on my feelings. But what I saw tonight was how creative I am - we all are - with our emotional and sexual energy.

This insight into how we use, or how I have used, my emotional energy, led me to feeling that this is an area I would like to understand more fully, and be able to work with it myself and other people. I have been exploring this for most of my life, but in recent years, and particularly at the moment, it has become much clearer.

During the session I understood that the dogs represent this feeling energy, this natural spontaneous life response to events and one's situation. The bone in the throat of the dog was those feelings that I held against my mother - a bone of contention - a bone to pick. The image of the dog shows a really healthy male. Then the next dream with the puppy illustrates a new impulse, a new emergence of that energy. But the emergence is confronted by the image of sickness, returning of one’s energy into an excuse to avoid life and deep relationship. There are also anxieties to face - the black fierce dogs. Nevertheless, the next dream with the young dog shows that they have been faced and the dog is growing. Even so, it has a limp - I am still holding myself back. I am still restraining my own power.
