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Messages - Patie

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The dream.  I am sitting outside my mother's house around a large glass table in a circle with a number of people.  My aunt is to my right, the man I am seeing to my left.  I sense my younger sister is across the table and my mother beside her.  I say sense it is them because there are a number of people around the table but the ones I am aware of are those I have described.  The sun is shining.  Then, my other sister arrives, (next sibling to me) and I internally panic.  I panic because my partner is with me.  I am afraid of her loudness, brashness and provocative behaviour.  Next, in panic I get up and excuse myself to go to the bathroom.  I return to find that my sister has gone outside the gate to have a cigarette with my boyfriend.  I am internally uncontrollable with fear and anger.  When she comes back I am getting into the back of a car with her and I behave very badly by grabbing her mouth and saying "you've been smoking" and making a scene of it ..... like an older child sister telling!!  It jumps from the car scene to the destination hotel and as I am entering I pull my boyfriend aside and say "by the way, it is off, you are now free to do whatever you like". 

This dream is very important in that I have been dealing with my family constellation this year with a therapist and through other work myself.  I am not 20 as it may sound with the nature of the dream but 45, divorced for eight years. I think the gathering described may relate to my fathers 20 th anniversary coming up soon.  This significant dynamic between my sister and I - abuse.  I have learned my experience was far more severe but I became suppressed creatively and sexually to counteract the opposite in my sister.  The dream is very reflective of real life feelings but I do not know how to finally break away from these chains I am in.  As eldest, I have had support role in family all my life, and picked up pieces, been drawn on from sister, and energetically have to keep my life very private as the dynamic is draining.
Can you help?

Dream Interpretation / Re: Creeper Plant
« on: July 06, 2014, 05:54:59 PM »
Hi Tony,
Well I consider myself young at 45 and I have no mobility issues.  So I am very curious now as to what this might mean.  The ivy was not blocking the driveway.  My driveway is quite long and goes all around my house.  The area where the ivy had grown from the verge and on to the tar was on the area to the left hand side of my house.  There were two very, very, long branches extending from the flowerbed area, one going North, the other going South. 

I have had a lot of changes recently.  I have been addressing some familiy issues, specifically going through a period of "dissassociation" in order to root my own identity.  I have recently found myself in a "mediating" position where a family member has presented challenges in another relationship.  I am the eldest in a family and lost my father twenty years ago.   I have my home for sale, and trying to decide if a relationship is for me or not, but also providing a "support" role as the man in question is going through some health issues. 

Dream Interpretation / Creeper Plant
« on: July 05, 2014, 09:56:34 AM »
Hi Tony,

I note plants in general depict growth, but what I recall of my dream last night is very short but prominent in my mind this am.

There is a creeper plant i.e. ivy growing very vigurously, but it overflows to the tar driveway.  I see it and initially that is fine until I realize it has clung on to the tar, rooting itself.  I panic when I realize it is rooted and say "oh no" and begin immediately to pull up where it has sewn itself into the tar, but I do not want to damage the ivy itself.  My only concern seems to be that it does not cling to the tar drive.

Can you enlighten me as to what this might mean?


Dream Interpretation / Re: Dead End
« on: March 14, 2014, 08:50:48 AM »

Thank you so much.  Your assistance is greatly appreciated.


Dream Interpretation / Dead End
« on: March 08, 2014, 09:25:18 AM »

Again I am sending a dream.  Most I can work out from your very informative site, but some seem too big for me.  I am in a slow developing relationship for two years following marriage breakdown eight years ago.  I go through bouts of anxieties and affection with regard to the relationship, and have been described by boyfriend as always having "one foot in one foot out" ever ready to leave.  So as he is in this dream, I need assistance working it out.

I am in a bare room hunched in a corner with another heavy set woman about my age in another corner diagonally across from me.  We are both frightened, listening for the shooters.  I have a black blanket half covering myself, hunched up.  The other lady is standing with a pink cardigan on her, she is almost in forties style clothing.  We just keep looking at each other with wild frightened eyes, listening.  Then the door bursts open and my boyfriend has a gun and shoots the other lady.  He is also dressed as if in a "forties" movie.  The then becons me to come on, come on, don't be afraid, trust me.  The dream then changes.  I am following his instructions to drive to a particular location.  It is pitch black.  I am driving my car down a dark, very narrow country lane.  The lane seems to get narrower and narrower, and I get more and more anxious.  I stay going despite the fact, that I am concerned I will get trapped.  Then the car can hardly pass between two trees, a big black hole in the road, everything is getting narrower, then I start to panic because I have reached a dead end.  This end feels and looks like the car has been jammed by an old white washed style wall and the problem is - there is no-where to go, I cant even reverse.  It ends there!!

Hope you can help.

The dream is brief.  It is about Sinead O'Connor, our infamous singer songwriter here in Ireland.  As you may know she is a very talented singer and has been quite a controversial figure due to her statements about Catholic Church and her strongly held views about issues such as womens rights, etc. through the years. 

Ironically, I am a musician also and know that people in dreams reflect an aspect of yourself.  Anyway, the dream is..... Sinead is in a hospital undergoing a scientific experiment with a rat.  She has controversially embarked on this experiment herself, to undergo a profound concept.  I am not sure what the concept is but in the dream she is in a semi-conscious state but determined and focused on the experiment, she is attached by a drip to an incubator where there is a rat attached at the other end of the drip.  The rat is lying there in the same semi-conscious state - drip attached to both of them.  In real life Sinead's head is often shaved.  In the dream she has whispy hair, almost like a very elderly lady who has patches of whispy hair loss.  The rat does not have its outer skin covering on but rather is lying there as if like a skinned animal, the outer fur removed.  The experiment, that Sinead has controversially embarked on and is being recorded for the media has something to do with integrating the genes of the rat with a human. 

Would be grateful for feedback on this very unusual dream.

Dream Interpretation / My mothers dream Tony for your help - thanks patie
« on: January 04, 2014, 10:58:20 AM »
early morning dream 4-1-2014
i am woman in mid sixties
the dream has all male components.
a young man doing research on why some doctors  do not  put themselves forward to become famous.
a doctor came to be interviewed, intelligent, competent . he had thick red hair but he had a portruding forehead.
he brought in a patient he was working on, a young man in mabye mid twenties who had suffered severe burns, was mentally alert but physically immobilised from whatever happened to him.
helpers helped him in to a swimming  pool. a particular helper looked at him and without speaking his facial expression asked are you ok. the young man in the pool was looking at him as if to answer, then turned to the right and sank under the water, the water seemed to close above him. in great fright in the dream i realised he had drowned in front of us all.

Dream Interpretation / Re: Last Will and Testament
« on: December 20, 2013, 09:10:54 AM »
I am continuously grateful for your insights.  I wish you a peaceful and happy Christmas.
Kind regards.

Dream Interpretation / Last Will and Testament
« on: December 17, 2013, 09:26:35 AM »
Thank you so much for your last response to my dream "ex husband at top of stairs".  I have been actively working on unlocking my feelings since your helpful insights.  Last night I had the following dream.

I have just heard that a neighbour has died.  She was not old but has suffered for many years with poor health.  Now the thing is, she does not appear to be of any real significance in the dream insofar as it seems to be a fact of the dream rather than upsetting news.  Once I receive this news, I am in a room with many other people.  The local priest is present and hands me one of two scrolls.  When he hands one to me, I am a little bewildered, but open it just enough to see in old style calegraphy writing "The Last Will and Testament" these words are in red ink and the rest of the document is in black.  I do not read any more and fold up as I am surrounded by several other people.  I call the priests name, and as I do, he says, "do not read it yet" and I say "I didn't, I know, the time is not right".  (this is because there are so many other people in the room).  I am of the understanding that the priest will be addressing the people with the contents of the Will and that I got my personal copy as there was reference to me receiving some inheritance.  I seem to instinctively know this and the focus in the dream is to wait as the priest will be making a general statement to everybody and I have my own copy for when he gets to the part that makes direct reference to me.  It ends there with everybody, including me shuffling to sit down for the address. 

Dream Interpretation / Ex Husband at top of Stairs
« on: December 09, 2013, 08:46:19 AM »
Hi Tony,
Last night I had a dream wherein I had called my children for school.  It seems to be my mother's house rather than my own.  They are up in the kitchen to the left hand side of me.  Next I am standing at the bottom of the stairs looking up at my ex-husband who is wearing a maroon dressing gown.  I ask him "what is he doing here" and he ignores me.  I am conscious of the children to my left all the time, but do not look at them.  I get the impression that they are not surprised that he is there, even though I do not look.  I am determined to let him know that he cannot just walk into my house and stay the night.  I say to him that he has no right to enter my home and that I will report him to the police.  I then, from the bottom of the stairs, have the thought of reporting it to the police stating that he just waltzed into to my home at night, slept in house, after eight years.  I would love if you could give me some insight as I am just standing at the bottom of this stairs, do not move but have a sense that I am determined to stand my ground in my own house (even though in the dream it is my mothers house).

I am not sure about the relevance of ex - husband.  It so happens that there is no communication from him in everyday life, even though I extend information pertaining to the children on a regular basis and we are apart eight years.

I would be grateful for your assistance.

Dream Interpretation / Re: Shattered Glass on my feet
« on: July 02, 2012, 01:40:56 PM »
Once again, sincere thanks for your detailed and kind reply.  It is wonderful to have your kind communication.

Dream Interpretation / Shattered Glass on my feet
« on: June 28, 2012, 10:18:30 AM »
This dream came as a response to a new relationship that I am in but afraid of due to past experiences.  The first part involves me rehearsing for a concert.  (this part of the dream I have had many times as I am a musician that has struggled with performance anxiety for years).  There is a break before the performance.  There are numerous other violin players for other parts of the world in this ensemble also - mainly China.  I am Irish and have never travelled to China.  Anyway, as in other dreams it is time to tune up before the performance and as I do I fail to be able to tune my violin and am pretending I can due to the fact it is expected that I am great.  
Then the dream changes quickly, I am coming down stairs with a baby in my arms, into an open kitchen.  I trip on a step and baby and I go flying through the air straight for a window at second floor height.  I prevent us hitting the glass by extending my arms to the frame of the window, but nevertheless the window shatters.  Next I am sitting down with the soles of my feet covered in shattered glass.  The baby has no injury and I have no injury or pain.  I am sitting looking at the base of my left foot when my mother comes and sits down to my right.  She says "I want to say something to you, I was speaking with the Professor, and he thinks the worst is behind you that you will be ok from now on".  I shake my head as I do not want to hear what she is saying as I have repeatedly failed in performance, with strings breaking, loosing my notes, etc., total melt down in public paces and performances.  

Can you please help analyse this for me.

Dream Interpretation / Re: Someone in the room
« on: January 02, 2012, 03:31:12 PM »
Thank you so much for your help once again and Happy New Year from Ireland. :)

Dream Interpretation / Someone in the room
« on: January 01, 2012, 03:16:04 PM »
In the dream I woke feeling there is someone in the room.  Frightened, staying completely still until I knew what to do.  The only way I can describe it is, the presence seemed to move behind me in the room.  It is like some part of me recognised who it was and the terror lifted.  It seemed to be getting into the twin bed beside me when I recognised it. The fright lifted. Can you please advise what this means.

Dream Interpretation / Getting on a waiting bus
« on: October 15, 2011, 10:16:22 AM »
My dream begins by getting on a bus that is waiting for all the passengers to get on.  I get on it specifically to speak to my sister who is on the bus.  She is sitting on the right side of the back of the bus with her back to the right hand side window.  As I am speaking to her for a few minutes and wishing her well (I cannot remember the content of the discussion) the bus closes the door and starts driving off.  I am calling out to the bus driver to stop but he does not hear me as the bus is so full and I am lost behind so many people in front of me.  I keep calling out to the bus driver to stop.  I start banging on the window with I think my car keys and I think I crack the window a little but nobody notices.  Eventually the driver hears me and stops about a mile ahead.  It is the dead of night when he opens the door and lets me off into the pouring rain.  I am dressed very dark and concerned as I turn around to try and make my way back on the puddle filled road but afraid that traffic might not see me as I start back on the road.  Then suddenly the same bus pulls up and opens the door.  The driver was going in the wrong direction.  He said he was going to Canada and should have been going the other way.  (I am from Ireland).  Anyway, excited that I was getting the lift back I hopped on and I got off again about a mile ahead back where I started.  It ends with me stepping off the bus.  I have never had a dream like this and cannot figure it out, except to say I am a lone parent who has recently decided to try and sell my home and maybe move to a new location from my home town with my children but that carries a lot of unsurity with it.  In my life at the moment I am feeling quite lost.  Can you help

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