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Author Topic: A visit from a female alien  (Read 7382 times)

Tony Crisp

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A visit from a female alien
« on: November 22, 2018, 12:11:28 PM »
I was staying at my son Neal's house in London, so was in a new bedroom and surroundings. I had just got back into bed and was half asleep and near the bedroom window, suddenly a bright light switched on; it made me think that an animal must have triggered the outside light. On getting back into bed, still almost asleep, I experienced a very intense fantasy as if it was a dream.

In this dream state I saw the creature that had triggered the light to come on, it was a female humanoid alien; she was covered in fur, maybe a greyish colour. As I saw her she knew I had seen her and was very nervous and started to run away. I had the feelings that she had stood at the door seeking shelter, so I called out to her not to be afraid and I would let her into the house.

I did that and she came in and she was a very cautious creature, and I felt she needed care and love. I noticed that her face and hands were slightly different to human hands - she had three fingers rather than four. I reached out to touch her and she did not back away.

It was a wonderful dream that links with other dreams.

« Last Edit: March 03, 2019, 10:09:21 AM by Tony Crisp »


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Re: A visit from a female alien
« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2018, 01:36:40 PM »
Wow, what a beautiful dream...moving, making speechless…

Feels like: total acceptance, 'next-level', sort of reaching the ultimate...maybe sounds weird, but that's what comes to my mind (with even a little teardrop)... ;)


Tony Crisp

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Re: A visit from a female alien
« Reply #2 on: November 22, 2018, 02:38:00 PM »
Love to you too Sunflower.

It was very similar to what you felt. I want to write a reply to it, but I need to look up what I mentioned - the links with other dreams. For many years I have had dreams of meeting and even loving beautiful animals, and they have got closer to being human, but this the first one that I dreamt of as a furred creature with human form.

I think there was a lead up to this dream because while staying with my son in London, his house has a a wonderful position away from any roads, and surrounded by trees, and I was sitting in a room with a window that looked out into trees, with  a wall with tree branches over it. I looked up and there was the wild staring at me in the form of a magnificent fox. It stared at me as if searching my face, and then without hurry went on its way. It was a very impressive meeting.

« Last Edit: March 03, 2019, 10:11:03 AM by Tony Crisp »

Tony Crisp

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Re: A visit from a female alien
« Reply #3 on: November 26, 2018, 02:12:55 PM »
When I imagined myself in the body of the female alien I immediately felt I was a strange mixture of things. I knew myself as a primal animal that somehow was becoming close to being human. As such I was both very drawn to Tony because I felt a link with him, and at the same time had a big animal caution as a wild creature about getting close to a human and entering his different world.

But when he looked at me I felt no aggression or fear in him and so his calling was an encouragement in my urge to get close to him. So when he opened the door and I went to him.

As Tony I felt there was a link with several dreams I had.

In one dream, "The vivid part was that a cat spoke to me. It spoke in a rather female voice, very clearly. As it spoke I felt great amazement. I had lots of thoughts about how it had learned language - that it could speak because of human language - what did language do to its psyche - and so on. I didn’t reach any conclusions. I noticed as it spoke that it had tiny lips, but they were perfectly formed like a woman’s. They had lipstick on - or at least were red and attractive. I cannot remember what the cat said, but this didn’t seem to be important. It was the fact it spoke that was so wonderful."

There were many other dreams, but I want to show how the animal slowly integrates with the human awareness. The next dream shows this transformation. 

"Now I was in a room, or storeroom, full of chimpanzees. I had to leave them. Some of them opened the door. It was not locked, and I didn’t lock it, but I went back in and asked them not to open the door, as there was a busy road nearby, and they might get run over. As I spoke, one was standing near me who was now almost as tall as myself. The features had become almost human, female. She seemed very sad, perhaps because she was only half human. I felt deep links of sympathy and care for her."

Again all the leading animals were female, and in exploring this dream I saw that, 'They are being gradually brought together. The room is a gathering point, in a journey toward being made human.'"

So the female alien creature had completed the journey, and having only three fingers shows that it wasn't now from a mammalian background but an older and even more primal part of me, in fact from the dinosaur period were three fingers or toes were the in thing. Chickens are modern survivors of dinosaurs and I see this as a big step forward for me, because most people today seem completely shut off from their animal heritage. But she was also a Life Form - an expression of the great mystery Life. It felt to me that in that meeting all the dogs, cats, and other wonderful animals that have come to me in dreams, that meeting was a huge step. In a sense NATURE met me and took me into her arms.

So it was interesting that the very next  day I dreamt that a young woman who had apparently experienced a motor accident which had twisted her face making her look and speak as if mentally not fully developed. She came to me, and at first I felt that she was mentally deficient. But there was something about her that I needed to understand because she was seeking a loving relationship with me - (loving not sexual.)

Slowly I realised that it was the accident because really she was a beautiful and intelligent  young woman. When I entered the dream I was shown that the cause of the car accident wasn't that she had been physically hit by a car, but that she was born in our society, which to her as a natural creature is a mad mechanical world. People are constantly killing each other, there is an impossibly huge gap between the rich and the poor, many people are terribly anxious about global warming and people are more interested in what an animal or natural creature would see as frivolity. So living in her world was like being hit in the head - and when this was dealt with she emerged a beautiful and intelligent woman.

« Last Edit: March 03, 2019, 10:23:12 AM by Tony Crisp »


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Re: A visit from a female alien
« Reply #4 on: November 28, 2018, 11:28:01 AM »
Again: Wow!! The Subconscious: Level 432... ;)

Lots of food for thought!

Makes me want to take a look at old dreams again...

I remember 2 dreams that left me with the feeling i was entering sort of a next level.
In one of them i was walking 'some place i'd never been before'. For a short while there was a guide with me. After some talking he left me, had to do something else. I saw a signpost. Instead of citynames it showed the way to 'Adjective', 'Noun'...i was in the land of 'Grammar'...

In the other again i was in a 'foreign' place. There were floating rocks with trees on them and wet stone underneath. From under these rocks suddenly lizards appeared. They crawled from under the rocks, still normal forms...then they stood up and started walking like human beings, were then even much taller than me. They walked away through an opening in a large green hedge. They were with four...the most important one was wearing a king's mantle...
This foreign/unknown place was close to the 'highest' existing mountains..

Happy dreaming,

Tony Crisp

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Re: A visit from a female alien
« Reply #5 on: December 04, 2018, 01:23:11 PM »
Sunflower – The feeling of entering another level is possibly because you have, because life in the body is about constant change, entered another phase of your growth. Each of us is immersed in this ‘river’ of constant change. If you think about it you have been carried, pushed, impelled by this current as you were moved through babyhood, childhood, teenage and adulthood, and there are more stages of growth beyond adulthood. And as we passed through these changes we died to our old self in order to change to the new. It is the current of Life. This current then carries us on through old age and through the gates of death. All the time we are faced by decisions, and each decision directs us on a different path, helping to create your future. And this is a force of growth and change.

The drive is largely about becoming an individual, which is quite a journey, for it is about becoming independent of all our childhood dependencies and the often unconscious traumas that act as barriers to this. The journey of individuation is not only that of becoming a person, but also expanding the boundaries of what we can allow ourselves to experience as an ego. As we can see from an observation of our dreams, but mostly from an extensive exploration of their feeling content, our ego is conscious of only a small area of experience. The fundamental life processes in our being may be barely felt. In many contemporary women, the reproductive drive is talked about as something that has few connections with their personality. Few people have a living feeling contact with their early childhood; in fact many people doubt that such can exist. Because of these factors the ego can be said to exist as an encapsulated small area of consciousness, surrounded by huge areas of experience it is unaware of. These unconscious areas of their being direct their life to an extraordinary degree. Individuation means to emerge from unconscious dependence on this hidden side of self. It means to become functionally independent of the huge patterns of behaviour that dominate human life. In many ways it is similar to, and includes, becoming functionally independent of ones mother and father.

Your dream seems to be about a greater awareness of your reptilian mind, a great growth in itself. The Reptilian Brain is sometimes called the ‘R-complex’, and includes the brain stem and the cerebellum. It carries our genetically transmitted ‘instinctive’ behaviour such as suckling at the breast as a baby, aggressive response as with and including territorial defensiveness, the courtship and mating behaviours in reproduction. One of the best known expressions of this brain is the ‘flight, fight, freeze or faint’ response in survival situations and of course panic attacks.

This brain deals with behaviour that is either innate, as described above, is learned and has become habitual, or is a conditioned response. If it is habitual we can repeat it without having to learn it or be very aware of how we do it – as with riding a bicycle or driving a car once we have mastered the skill.
This is because it links intricately with our unconscious physical and psychological systems and with our self regulatory functions. So it throws into consciousness things that might detract us from a direction, a decisions or a relationship. This might not be rational as far as we are consciously aware, but is nearly always based on past experience that throws up a red danger signal, or a ‘yes’ response. There is no moral judgement at this level of our awareness. The ‘R’ brain simply gives rise to acts in ways it has learned that enable survival, reproduction and food gathering. In actual lizards it has a limited range of behavioural responses.

But it sounds as if you have developed a good relationship with it and have encouraged it to ‘crawl from under the rocks (the unconscious) and develop into normal forms of life...then they stood up and started walking like human beings. One was wearing a king's mantle and existed in a foreign/unknown place which was close to the 'highest' existing mountains.’

This suggests you are growing toward the ‘highest’ within you, but you are not quite there yet. I don’t know how you have managed this level of growth, but keep at it, for it promises contact with your experience of what I call Going Beyond. This is going beyond every day awareness and achieving what may be the next level of human evolution, a different type of awareness. It is that enlightenment, wholeness, is your right. It isn’t something you have to earn, it’s yours. You don’t have to pay a mortgage to get it. You don’t have to be terribly good, or to conform to some rigorous moral practice. You are an integral part of the universe, of that living consciousness, now! You are loved and you are wanted. When you hear the Core of your being speak to you, it says, “I want you. I love you. I want you in every conceivable way. Don’t hold yourselves back from me.”



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Re: A visit from a female alien
« Reply #6 on: December 17, 2018, 08:41:08 PM »
Hi Tony,

i would like to thank you for started this topic about that female alien visiting you...funny, but even more very interesting where your female alien lead to..

The Reptilian brain....the dreamexperience was very special. It was not all. Against some of those highest mountains there was a school and before i experienced those reptilians coming from under the rocks i walked past that school. It was on fire, while children were attending class. When i come back later i see they solved the problem with putting wooden plates against the windows...while fire was still burning. I didn't understand...this must have let the children choke, though i knew they survived.
After having seen the reptilians i went to a swimming. It had several pools inside, specially made for seals. This was going to be my first time to see seals and i was very excited...

Back to the retilian brain...the fight, flight reaction. For some time now i'm going through a process which teaches me that for years (lots and lots of years) i've been in the surviving mode. Sometimes i already said that some things in life felt like survival, but i've never known how far i am in this...it's a painful proces, but i wouldn't want to miss it. To me, right now, this is a bit what life is about...i hope more clearity will come though... ;D

Tony Crisp

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Re: A visit from a female alien
« Reply #7 on: December 26, 2018, 12:26:51 PM »
Sunflower - It seems to me that higher education was a choking experience for part of you, maybe that set in motion the survival mode?

But there is a link with the highest - the King creature. Why not become it?

« Last Edit: March 03, 2019, 10:40:36 AM by Tony Crisp »

Tony Crisp

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Re: A visit from a female alien
« Reply #8 on: March 03, 2019, 10:45:10 AM »
Sunflower - Regarding the hard things in life, a friend of my posted on Facebook the following:

John Hodgson Interesting post. There’s a new book ‘Good Reasons for Bad Feelings’ that deals with high anxiety in relation to evolution.

Tony Crisp I have lived it, because you John have watched me squirming on the floor and screaming -- and yes, it was all in a good cause - me happy and relaxed as an 81 year old not chasing anyone or anything. 🙂🙃🧙‍♂️ See https://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/opening-to-life/
