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Author Topic: Dreamt I gave birth to a Baby From a Penis-Imported from Comments  (Read 3775 times)

Tony Crisp

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I dreamt last night that I had a penis and gave birth to a kitten through the penis. The kitten at first was extremely vulnerable and I felt I needed to hide the fact that I gave birth to this kitten with a penis because the people I was with wouldn’t understand. The kitten grew quickly and was running around (it was one of those dwarf kittens with short legs) completely full of life and could be integrated into my family of cats. I remember thinking I needed to change feeding habits to accommodate this new kitten. I loved the kitten.
Before this dream, I also dreamt I was swimming in a swimming pool. It was like “summer fun” and I felt good about my body. I distinctly remember swimming underneath people and maneuvering around them.

Also, this article is extremely helpful for me so thank you

Tony Crisp

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Re: Dreamt I gave birth to a Baby From a Penis-Imported from Comments
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2018, 09:29:33 AM »
E – I take it you are a female – it helps to be certain?

It is not uncommon for a woman to dream or even act out having a penis, for in our basic self we are both male and female. See https://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/what-we-need-to-remember-about-us-3/#DualBeing and https://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/archetype-of-the-animus-the-male-in-the-female

Also men can dream of having a vagina and giving birth to a baby – “I was in a basement; my wife and a woman I loved was giving birth to a Baby, but I, a man, was somehow the one who gave birth to it, without a doctor being there. I remember my loved woman S. chewed through the cord. I looked at the baby, it was a lovely boy. Its lower face was covered by a tight caul, but I pulled this off and it began to breathe. It opened its eyes and looked about, fully conscious. The baby was then taken upstairs, and I felt it was a holy and wonderful baby. I was going to rest from the rigours of the birth.”

A dream baby can represent a new phase of life; a new idea; new activity – as when we say someone has a new baby, meaning a new project or business. This ‘baby’ might be part of you that did not have a chance to be ‘born’ or express before. Or it may be things learned in a rich life that you could not put into practice because of circumstances. The baby in this aspect is the ‘you’ that could have been if you had been free from problems and past hurts.

So having a penis and giving birth through it possible means that you have become more outgoing and positively active lately and so the new part of you that is starting to come to life in you is a mixture of this active side as well as your female quality.

A penis when erect can reach across space and enter a female and leave its seed. Like the sun which reaches across space and enters the earth bringing forth life – the positive and negative of cosmic and human life. A fundamental quality of a female vagina is the ability to receive seeds, and like the earth, give of her substance and form, enabling the growth of Life itself that we call a baby. All of life’s mystery, comes to life in the baby.

Swimming beneath and around people in a swimming pool says that you are entering your inner world by being beneath the surface of your mind. So you may feel contact with others as with empathy.
