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Author Topic: Could not write a letter  (Read 4709 times)


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Could not write a letter
« on: August 01, 2017, 02:54:27 PM »

I had a dream that i was trying to write a letter to my ex step-son (whom i am no longer in contact with, not by my choice, but raised him as my own for 6 years) but i couldn't write it. Either my pen didn't write well, the paper wasnt flat enough or i couldn't be still. I had gone through several pieces of paper trying to write him (that i missed him and loved him and that i was always there for him no matter what and that i love him unconditionally - the UN was capitalized too). I had lost the original piece of paper that had my initial thoughts on it and i was frantic trying to find it.
Every month or so i have dreams about him. About seeing him, crying, hugging him or finally re-connecting with him. This is the first time i have had a dream that i couldn't do something. His father wont allow us to communicate. His father and i have a daughter together and she always asks me why i cant talk to him. SO i hear about him through my daughter, but thats it.
I just want some insight to this as i have been struggling with these vivid dreams for years  :'(
Is there something more i can be doing in my dream to help heal

Tony Crisp

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Re: Could not write a letter
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2017, 10:07:13 AM »
CS – Yes, I think there are several ways to help. But first read the following for I think you need to understand many things. It may take time to adjust to it - http://dreamhawk.com/news/there-is-a-huge-change-happening/

So, if you have taken that in, you will realise that we are all like islands in a sea of consciousness, and the shoreline is the limit of our range of awareness. But our awareness spreads like an ocean in which we are like islands, and beyond the shoreline, beneath the surface, we are all connected. So, you can never lose anybody you have lived with, cared for, and loved even when they die.

That means that prayer is a working way to reach out and touch and subtly support others. You do not have to believe in a God, because we are all living beings, and as part of this extraordinary Life we are all connected.

Your love is a tremendous power – for love as a caring thing, is the power behind your life and flows through you. So imagine holding your son in that love – that is prayer. Talk to him in the same way.

Another way is patience. At one period of my life I had moved a distance away from my family, it was Christmas, and I had written and sent gifts to my five children – but nothing came from them. Not an email, nothing. Fortunately I had enough life experience to know that such rejection is a part of becoming independent, or perhaps they felt abandoned by my move. I waited and connection came again and deepened over the years. Those years have been so full and satisfying it made up for any empty years.

Keep trying to communicate in normal ways, without making a nuisance of yourself.

Your dream, maybe you can try using http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/secrets-power-dreaming/ and http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/carrying-the-dream-forward/

« Last Edit: August 05, 2017, 10:01:24 AM by Tony Crisp »


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Re: Could not write a letter
« Reply #2 on: August 04, 2017, 08:11:25 PM »
Thank you. I appreciate your feedback. I will check out that link you sent. Again, thank you for taking the time to respond