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Author Topic: Hip pain, shops and cats  (Read 4984 times)


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Hip pain, shops and cats
« on: October 11, 2011, 09:29:15 PM »

I was in a little shop, or someone’s healing room.  There were 2 other women – something happened where one of the women was about to leave or had something wrong with her.  The other woman said something like, “well, lie down and let’s see what your body says”.  She reminded me of LW (she looked more like me, though…the profile/nose, only thinner and older).  She was doing something like BodyTalk on the other woman, who laid down on her massage table.

I felt some distress and was thinking in my mind about how she needed to do an ecology check – we were both doing Matrix Energetics (basically using imagination and intuition and play), I could feel a non-physical body of something to the woman’s right, and there was a "thread" over to the left of her neck that I wanted to pull out.  I think it was her reasons for wanting to be sick.  Anytime the other woman would make a shift, the woman lying down would sit up and sort of argue for why she needed to be that way.  I was thinking “ecology check”.  The woman on the table finally sat up to leave, looked straight at me, and said emphatically, “I’ve had (a particular kind of) leukemia, so I’m probably going to have pain in my hips.”

Don’t remember exactly what happened next – then I think I was supposed to close up the shop and go back to mine next door.  Disjointed scenes of going outside, there is a metal wire rack with jewelry on it, most noticeably some big flowery earrings (Bakelite style), orange/red.  They were facing away from the road..I may have turned them to face the road so people could see them, then understood why they were facing away and put them back.

I was by the concrete back steps of a house, I put out some cat food.  An orange and white tabby came up to eat, then the food changed to something weird, clumpy bird seed or something.  Another cat appeared, maybe chasing the other one away.  It was black and fluffy.

I suddenly felt worried and rushed to get back to “my” shop, that I had left unattended and open while I was in the other shop.  I thought of the cash registers in there, and worried that I had been robbed.   I got back to my place, it was old.  I noticed a door in the hallway that was open that I believed I had left closed, and felt some fear again that I had been robbed.

I walked in, it was dark and dusty and musty (reminds me of old room in a previous lucid dream).  I wondered then or later why I would even be worried, all of this was pretty much old junk.

There was a an old, dusty, rust-colored couch over to my right, that was long and some of the cushions were knocked off and over.  I thought maybe the ‘robbers’ had trashed the place, simultaneously thinking it was already disheveled like that.

I passed the living room, where an enormous television was playing sound, with a red indicator light ON, but no picture.  I thought the ‘robbers’ had probably tried to see if it worked and realized it was an old junker.  Images in my mind of a cluttered room, worried about my iPod.

Woke up to the alarm, conscious mind thinking WTF what a nasty, dirty place full of old crap.  It reminded me, in feel, of the living room of a place I used to live where they set the table, arranged the furniture, and then never used it or touched it for the next couple of decades.

(To my knowledge, I do not have leukemia or any symptoms of such - I have experienced debilitating hip and back pain for the past 3 years, after a period of being athletic and flexible.  My first thoughts upon waking were that the woman was an unknown relative (I'm adopted)  I had somehow aligned with and taken on her pain.)

Tony Crisp

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Re: Hip pain, shops and cats
« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2011, 10:49:15 AM »
Rain_Dancer – There are so many issues in this dream that it is difficult to give a defined answer. But it does seem as if it is a review of some kind – I suppose like going through stuff prior to moving and wondering whether to keep or let go of.

If I can go through them perhaps it will clarify things for you. The opening scene – always a scene setter – is about healing. I think the important thing there is, “lie down and let’s see what your body says.” Which could be give up your effort and watch to see some deeper wisdom.

And then some slight indecision which ends up with another important statement: “I’ve had leukemia, so I’m probably going to have pain in my hips.” And I think this is pointing to the argument that the woman would sit up and sort of argue for why she needed to be that way.

So you close the shop and go to your place – does that mean you have given up on what went before – letting go of the past?

The cats seem to be a caring for strays? But the business about fearing you have been robbed seems important. And I suggest you ask yourself what do you fear that has been taken from you. I could be anything, none physical.

Then your waking feelings are a sort of summary - Woke up to the alarm, conscious mind thinking WTF what a nasty, dirty place full of old crap.

If the dream is a way of reviewing your attitudes and approaches, take time to see what is valuable and what is not. And the remarks that follow are just my thoughts and have nothing to do with your dream.

You are obviously worries about the state of your health, and may be that is why you had the healing room as the scene setter. Looking back over a long life, I can see many times when I thought my active life was finished. Once for instance I could not stand because my left hip was in such pain. Then I had such severe and disabling chest pains. Another time my knees felt as if they were giving out and years of depression. And recently I lost my speech and my right side was paralysed through a stroke. And I too thought WTF!!! But I never took it seriously or thought it could not be altered. For my hip, I kept walking even with the pain. I had separated from my wife and I wanted to be with my children, so walked eight miles twice a week – and the pain went. (I am sure people are scared of pain and so believe it means they should give up. Nothing is further from the truth. The body is a wonder and can heal itself. My right hand was crippled with arthritis through working outdoors in weather below freezing. It was painful, but I took time to take hold of the crippled fingers and move them and keep wriggling them till it went through the pain. My hand has a big bump on my index finger where arthritis started its work, but no pain now.

So, do not give up, unless you choose to. I found taking a lot Brewers Yeast tablets has been a wonderful cure for all sorts of pain – the nerve sheaves are often eaten away through lack of vitamin B and I had found almost immediate relief through eating handfuls of them. I have only taken pain killers in extreme situations, preferring to find out what the cause was. So experiment with diet and activities to see what works. Also see http://dreamhawk.com/health-and-healing/back-pain-and-its-cure/
