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Author Topic: space travel dream  (Read 9675 times)


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space travel dream
« on: May 31, 2014, 01:39:12 PM »
Hi Tony......I've never had a dream about space travel and I could use some help with this one. It seems to be linked to the inner process I'm going through now. In the dream there were different groups of people joining with one another. The gathering was on a large scale - like a planetary scale. We were gathering to work together and there wasn't total trust because we were all very different, yet joining together and choosing to trust was the only choice. Somehow I knew it was the only way forward and I wasn't sure how it would all turn out. Also, it's as if we needed to join because there was some kind of great change coming that we needed to prepare for together in cooperation. It felt like it had some likeness to a kind of battle but not in an aggressive or dangerous way. I could see this part of the dream as symbolic of an inner joining of different aspects - the process of integration going on within me. Next I remember flying on the back of a huge winged unicorn to another planet. The unicorn was a being from one of the other groups my group was joining with. The flight was a really vivid part of the dream as we went straight up into space at lightning speed zooming past multitudes of stars beyond anything I ever imagined. Space just seemed to go on and on and it was a very magical trip that seemed to bring greater clarity somehow. I was a little  nervous about flying so fast but I knew I was safe. (Not long ago I had another flying dream where I felt this same way - the anxiety over feeling out of control came up but then fell away as I realized it wasn't necessary because I was able to direct my flight). In this dream I knew it wasn't me directing my flight but I could trust the unicorn to carry me. When I arrived on the planet I was traveling to all I recall is that it was nighttime and me and an unknown male partner were in an upstairs bedroom of a house. We were staying there just for the night and I knew there were people asleep downstairs but I also understood that we were not intruders. Also, he was not a male I know in my waking life but he was familiar and it seemed completely normal that we were together.

I read over the dream dictionary interpretation of the unicorn but I would like to hear your thoughts on this dream Tony because I'm still trying to understand the symbolism.


Tony Crisp

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Re: space travel dream
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2014, 12:45:27 PM »
Dear God Lynne, there is so much here to comment on, so I might have to refer you to links.

The first thing I want to say is that your dream is probably not understandable unless you have certain information. We are all multidimensional beings, so have body sensations that are often quite distinct from our mental life. But often we may not realise that our mental life is also full of dimensions that are presented symbolically. We are like a landscape which if excavated is like an archaeological dig. It goes through right to the beginning of time. For instance you are probably not aware of all the life processes that brought you into being and still carries on caring for you. We usually call this the unconscious.

Because we are creatures created by the universe we live in, and despite much of the scientific arguments, we have in us all the levels of the universe, except our conscious self is such anew and vulnerable thing it shuts out what it cannot bear to know about itself. See http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/jesse-watkins-experience-of-enlightenment/

So the beginning of creation was when there was not space and time. It was created. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/archetype-of-the-big-bang/ It believe from that and people experiences and dreams, that not only do we have a sense of being a single identity, but also there is a level of experience in which we are all joined and so united. And the strange paradox of this and our inability to understand that paradox is what you see in your dream - “of people joining with one another. The gathering was on a large scale - like a planetary scale. We were gathering to work together and there wasn't total trust because we were all very different, yet joining together and choosing to trust was the only choice. Somehow I knew it was the only way forward and I wasn't sure how it would all turn out.”

Then the battle - “However, I was experiencing a strong feeling of being connected with all things. I had a deep sense of being part of everything, and of everything being a part of me. It was very real and I had a spontaneous image of standing in a great garden, an immense place of creation and unity – the Garden of Eden feeling. As this happened I had an insight that most of the people in the world do not have, and perhaps do not want to be a part of this unity. This thought, in the way it was experienced was completely new to me. I couldn’t understand why anyone would not want to experience this wonder and communion. I knew I was at the wedding feast, the celebration of life or creation. It was a wonderful feeling to be a part of this mystery. Therefore the realisation that many people did not want this was slightly shocking or unnerving. It made me ask myself the question of whether I was naive, perhaps not seeing or realising something. This realisation went on to the sense that in fact a sort of battle was going on between those who were part of the celebration, and those who didn’t want it. I thought that those who didn’t want it were perhaps frightened of losing the control they thought they had over their life and the world. I knew I was playing a part in this battle or struggle”. 

So you are not alone in those feelings. Many people are experiencing such. Also the unicorn was a creature from another planet. The unicorn is similar to Pegasus the winged horse. This symbolises the sexual or instinctive drives that have not been repressed, but allowed, in conjunction with consciousness and reason, to develop the higher possibilities latent in us. Put in plain language this suggests that the sexual drive rises like a wave that carries our conscious desires with it. This energy wave rises, but in fulfilling itself in genital sex the wave falls again, self-awareness with it. However, if the energy is released, and yet not allowed to spill out in the full sexual release, the energy keeps on rising – flying in fact – lifting awareness with it, until it becomes a vast awareness of life and death. Observation of this suggests it awakens parts of the brain that were not really functioning before.

Also the other planet may have another explanation as well - remember the paradoxical nature we all share - “The plan for the earth cycle of souls was a series of incarnations, interlarded with periods of dwelling in other dimensions of consciousness in the system-the planets, until every thought and every action of the physical body, with its five senses and conscious mind, was in accord with the plan originally laid out for the soul. When the body was no longer a hindrance to the free expression of the soul-when the conscious mind had merged with the subconscious, and the atomic structure of the body could be controlled so that the soul was as free in it as out of it - the earth cycle was finished and the soul could go on to new adventures.” Taken from the philosophy of Edgar Cayce, see http://dreamhawk.com/interesting-people/edgar-cayce-and-the-cosmic-mind-superminds/

And now, without making this too long the business of “In this dream I knew it wasn't me directing my flight but I could trust the unicorn to carry me”. And of course the man.

See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/what-we-need-to-remember-about-us-3/#Important - and also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/archetype-of-the-animus-jungs-view-of-the-male-in-the-female/



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Re: space travel dream
« Reply #2 on: June 04, 2014, 07:54:11 PM »
Hi Dreamtime,
What an exciting dream you have shared! You say that you feel this dream is linked to the inner process you are going through. In light of this,it seems to me,this is a very positive and promising dream. If this were my dream,I would be particularly curious about that dynamic tension/battle  and I would be curious as to what these two forces represent that know they should trust each other but are still hesitant. I love that you not only travelled to another planet,but also found safe shelter there. Also,you mention the Unicorn being of one of the other groups your group was joining with - in my mind,you riding on the Unicorn to another world,shows on an individual scale (one member of each group) what could happen with this communion. Immense energy,transformative speed and expansion in a new world. :)

Tony Crisp

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Re: space travel dream
« Reply #3 on: June 11, 2014, 08:02:52 AM »