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Author Topic: Two Past Lives Lived of Being Affronted  (Read 3618 times)

Tony Crisp

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Two Past Lives Lived of Being Affronted
« on: September 12, 2019, 12:04:35 PM »
Tony, My father sent me this again – “I started looking intuitively at my children and my attention firstly went to my daughter Sally.  I sensed that she was dealing with feelings of being affronted.  I feel that what she is facing arose from a very powerful influence coming to her from the past, from being a lady and having servants.  In that situation she had the space to be affronted.  She was in a cultural situation and an economic situation in which she could afford to be affronted by any number of things.

Behind that I sense there are many other influences waiting to come through, and the affrontedness needs to be dealt with before they can emerge.  I sense that the affronted personality encapsulated the other influences that have yet to emerge.  It captured them.  It held their essence. That personality wasn’t a small or limited one. Far from it. That is how it managed to incorporate these many others influences. Yet, strangely, it expressed them in this limiting, or limited way. So, it needs to be worked through to release the many other factors that all held within it.”

Yes,  it has been on my mind recently funnily enough. The first time you sent it I recognised that it was true - I remembered incidents when I had felt very affronted even as a child. Ha ha, I thought I had dealt with it over the years, but found myself feeling affronted by a number of small incidents recently.

I resolved to work on this once again, especially when I was given a random bible text which read: Great peace have they which love thy law; and nothing shall offend them. Psalm 119:165

I have had glimpses into two lifetimes where this character trait was very strong- one where I was a privileged and well-to-do youth (male) in Ancient Greece, and one in which I was a rich aristocratic lady in France. In the first life my outraged affontedness at being jilted by my bride to be led me to take my own life as an act of revenge. In the second one I was outraged as my world crumbled, my family was torn apart and I went to the guillotine - a catastrophic blow to my feeling of entitlement, yet still there was part of me thinking: how dare they - don’t they know who I am!

I like to think that I have got somewhere with it in this lifetime! I am fascinated to see what other things may come to the fore as the affrontedness is dissolved. Sally
« Last Edit: September 12, 2019, 12:09:03 PM by Tony Crisp »

Tony Crisp

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Re: Two Past Lives lived of Being Affronted
« Reply #1 on: September 12, 2019, 12:08:06 PM »
Sally  - Your father's statement that, “Your personality wasn’t a small or limited one. Far from it,” suggests that you are a much more powerful being, held back by past life choices. You obviously take this seriously which is extraordinary, as most people blame their personal problems on anything other than their own actions. See https://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/karma-and-past-lives/

But something that is noticeable connected with, "As you sow, so shall you reap" again karma - is that the first life mentioned took his own life and the second one her life was taken from her forcibly. That is exactly what I have seen in other people's past life memories; it is that we do not own our life so it is in the end not ours to destroy. So what we do in a life is repeated in another life. so harm to oneself is often reflected in another life.

For our mother did not create our body, she was the instrument the Life Process formed the miraculous and intricate building of a body, and gave the consciousness allowing our personality to form. But apart from that I witnessed the same in another life where my wife, Brenda was told that the baby of friends of ours was seriously ill. Its illness, she was given to understand, would need to be treated with a drug taken every day of the child’s life. The reason for this illness and the drug use, she was told, was because in a past life the being now born as the baby had committed suicide using a drug.

I quote something for general readers:

“Things other than pattern concern the soul in its selection of a body: coming situations in history, former associations with the parents, the incarnation, at about the same time, of souls it wishes to be with and with whom it has problems to work out. In some cases, the parents are the whole cause of a soul’s return; the child will be devoted to them and remain close to them until their death. In other cases, the parents are used as a means to an end-the child will leave home early and be about its business.

The personality is shaped by three or four incarnations, the portions of the earthly experience on which the individuality wants to work. The emotions and talents of the person reflect these incarnations. The dreams, visions, meditations-the deep, closely guarded self-consciousness of the personality is the pat¬tern of experience among the other states of consciousness of the solar system. The intellect is, roughly speaking, from the stars: it is the mind force of the soul, conditioned by its previous experience in creation outside the solar system, and dimmed or brightened by its recent experiences within the solar system.” Quoted from The Story of Edgar Cayce

You have obviously worked long and hard in doing the most important thing – facing and working on meeting yourself – your ‘Life Work’.

« Last Edit: September 13, 2019, 10:22:30 AM by Tony Crisp »