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Author Topic: Prayer of Protection to the Great Spirit Helps Me Recall Crocodile Dream  (Read 2852 times)


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I was able to recall a dream after praying to the Great Spirit for my family's protection.  In the dream I am roaming through a neighborhood and my sister-n-law calls asking where her kids are that they're not in the usual place for after-school pickup. I say maybe they're playing by the water since it's a warm sunny day. I come upon  clear body of water with a steep, rocky bank and can see crocodiles under the deep, clear water floating with their noses pointed toward the surface. Then I notice my children up behind me where the bank gives way to level ground.  A crocodile approaches my children from their right and I urge them to flee.  The crocodile doesn't attack them ultimately but they are finally convinced to leave.  m
Maybe the crocodiles represent the unseen dangers of the world.  The ones an adult sees that young children may be totally unaware of. My sister-n-law's children are a few years older than mine.  Maybe she demonstrates how there are dangers that our children will face that we won't foresee or know to prepare for and that they'll have to face many on their own.  The children weren't alarmed by the crocodile because they don't know a crocodile's nature.  I'm also reminded of Captain Hook and Peter Pan and how the crocodile seems to be a representation of time or death. 


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Re: Prayer of Protection to the Great Spirit Helps Me Recall Crocodile Dream
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2022, 09:15:53 AM »
I also wanted to add that for weeks now I've been consistently waking up at 2:30am each day.  The regularity is what baffles me.  It doesn't seem to matter when I fall asleep. 

Tony Crisp

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Re: Prayer of Protection to the Great Spirit Helps Me Recall Crocodile Dream
« Reply #2 on: November 24, 2022, 10:43:07 AM »
Late again - Got caught up creating new insights. See

Somehow I feel sure I commented on your crocodile dream but can't find it. But again you are mixing up your conscious fears about being hurt with the dream world where nothing can hurt you and everything in dreams are symbols meaning something else. Here is an example:

Example: Now a huge unknown creature began to enter into my awareness. I felt the presence of an enormous creature rising to the surface of something like a swamp or a body of water. At first I thought it might be a whale, but as I paid attention to what was happening it defined into a huge crocodile. This huge creature looked at me and said, “Mathew, join me.”

I laughed at this because it was so huge, and with so many associations of swallowing things, that I said something like, “What do you mean join you? Don’t you mean that you want to eat me?”

The creature replied to me, “No. No, it’s not like that, I’m just like a submarine. I have all these lives in me. I have many, many lives in me. I am life. I contain the many. You can swim this ocean alone Mathew, if you wish. Or you can join me, you can join the many. You can always, if you choose to live your independent life again and  leave us.”

I laughed here because I had the image of me being independent, stripping off, diving over the side of the boat into the ocean and swimming off. It is something I have often done in the sea, swimming long distances alone, or off to an island out to sea, by myself.

I began to give myself to that great creature which I now understood as the collective unconscious, the unity of lives. It felt as if it was absolving me, much as I had experienced earlier on. (One of those strange and beautiful, and also moving coincidences just happened. I am reading this in using voice recognition, and it is proving to be very accurate. But in the sentence where I said that I felt it was - and the word was supposed to be absorbing me - the software used the word absolving. And here I am again, back in the ocean, weeping as I know there is no judgment on the life I have led so alone and cut off.)

I am not sure of this, but your waking at 2.30 is something that happens to people who ask for help from
« Last Edit: November 24, 2022, 10:46:27 AM by Tony Crisp »

Tony Crisp

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Re: Prayer of Protection to the Great Spirit Helps Me Recall Crocodile Dream
« Reply #3 on: November 24, 2022, 10:58:45 AM »
from the 'Great Spirit' it tries to answer you. Remember i said that dreams are created by our Core Self which did you know that you are capable of receiving enough information to make you a genius? For the human brain can process up to 11 million bits of information per second. This is the natural processing capacity of the brain, including the conscious, subconscious, and unconscious mind. However, the conscious mind has an extremely limited capacity, and it can only handle anything from 40 to 120 bits of information in a second.

This highlights how marvellous the brain is, and how extraordinary capabilities it has beyond our imagination and everyday awareness and self. Estimates of our conscious mind, our personal awareness, shows that it is only able to process 50 bits of information per second. So, what happens to the other millions of bits of information gathered? But there is an even greater way we are limited, because almost all our thinking and even our understanding of what we perceive is via concepts. Strange that most humans cannot even understand that everything they see as a human being is a concept. Concepts can be based on real phenomena and are a generalised idea of something of meaning. So, when we see or experience something we build or remember a concept or idea. A person or dog we see or meet we then build a concept or internal series of ideas about it. We say look that is a dog, but we have no real idea of what a dog is, only ideas and memories of seeing a dog.

As humans we live in this self-made mental world of conceptual life. For concepts are Mental Representations, where concepts are entities that exist only in the mind (as mental objects). It all started with our learning speech for words are concepts. Animals don’t seem to have that filter between them and awareness of reality.

So your core self sees Reality and tries to present it to you in dreams, but as we only have experience of our conceptual ideas and exoeriences it has to use images fro our everyday self.