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Messages - adr

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Dream Interpretation / snow
« on: February 12, 2011, 09:37:18 PM »
Hi Tony,
The site is great  :)!! I am keen to hear your insights on a dream I had somewhere around November ( before we had our stint of first heavy snow fall in the UK)

May be 2-3 weeks before the first snow fall in Nov I had a dream: I was looking out of the bed room window (which faces the back yard of the house) and it was full of new snow. it was a beautiful sight white smooth new snow and i could see a flat empty  land scape for miles covered with snow. ( It was like a picture postcard) I was thinking to myself in the dream that this year we are having a early snow fall' (and strange enough we experienced it in real life just a few weeks later!) In the same dream then I was looking out from the sitting room window (which faces the front yard)  and I saw all my neighbors out and looked as if they were cleaning and digging their front yards. the strange thing was there was no snow but dark red- brown soil ( the type of soil that is fertile) so i was then thinking in the same dream that ' the neighbors may have clean up all the snow'!!

( I meant to write to you earlier about this dream but somehow I never got around to it until today!!)

It was a strange dream. Looking forward to hear your insights.


Dream Interpretation / stars
« on: September 27, 2010, 05:25:41 PM »
Dear Tony,
It's great that the website has a discussion forum.  :)

Thanks very much for your insights on my previous dream interpretation. Just a few days ago I had a another strange dream. I was dreaming of seeing a blue sky full of glittering stars. I was gazing at the sky and the stars/ looking up to the sky. The stars were shiny and yellow / gold similar to the colour of fire. There were a couple of stars similar to shooting stars but they almost looked like tiny pieces of fire display/ fire works. It looked beautiful. Soon after the dream shifted to a computer screen and I was checking my emails. I was scrolling down the in box and then clicked on a message thinking ‘why didn’t i check this before?’ the message appeared with a picture of a huge bird and it looked like a Eagle (but the colour was white with a bluish/black outline) with its wings fully spread and moving as if the Eagle was flying and there was a message underneath in tiny english letters which I read something similar to ‘ your life is going to transform’ I can’t remember the exact words but it was something similar to this and then I woke up. Could this be a message for the future /a prediction/ a oman? Your insights would be greatly valued as always.

Many thanks

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