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Author Topic: A Haunted Video Seen At Boyfriend's House.  (Read 4958 times)


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A Haunted Video Seen At Boyfriend's House.
« on: November 19, 2015, 02:48:54 AM »
Hello! It's been quite awhile, hasn't it? I'm terribly sorry I haven't updated with any of my recent dreams and that I don't reply to the messages given on these forums! I'm quite the busy person and I hope that you don't see this behavior as disrespectful or uncaring, because I certainly don't want to seem that way. I mean, I just saw that one of my posts made in September got a reply and that was around two months ago! My most humble and sincerest apologies.

But enough about that. Onto the dream!

It was a nightmare, to put it bluntly.

In the dream, my mom had driven me over to visit my boyfriend's house(he lives in a completely different country) and when we get there, she leaves. Things go well at first, me getting acquainted with his family and talking. I was given the guest room in the house and after I moved everything to my new room, I got nice and cozy. But my comfort soon faded as strange things began occurring. My belongings would be knocked off the table in the room, the bed would shake violently, and the television would turn on and off repeatedly. In my head, I knew this was an act of a ghost. Yet I kept quiet about it and continued to let it scare the daylights out of me. I hid under the blankets and tried to fall asleep.

The second day rolled around and it was as peaceful as the first when it came to interacting with his family and him. We all talked and I tried to avoid that guest room as much as possible. Yet they seemed very persistent in wanting me to get things from there or wanting me to do something in there. I'd refuse politely and I didn't explain why. The second day ended and I tried to sleep on the couch in the living room. My boyfriend approached me and said I was acting silly, and shooed me back into the guest room. It was dark in the room, so I went to flip the switch, only to realize that the light in the room wasn't working. I left the door to the guest room open and I crawled back into my bed and hid until the blankets once more. Once I began to doze off, I heard a loud slam. My eyes slowly widened and cautiously peeked over at the door. It was shut.

The night continued. The television flickered on and off. The bed shook. The windows pulled themselves open and slammed themselves shut over and over. I new source of light had gotten my attention. My laptop was now on, and it was on my Skype account. Someone I didn't know had sent me a link to a video they supposedly made themselves. I clicked the link and it brought me to a poor quality video of a guy I didn't know, reacting to something. His commentary was quite boring, so I skipped to near the end, only to see him with this strange face. Staring directly into the camera with these inhumanly wide eyes. His mouth opened, revealing nothing but darkness deep within him. He just stared intently at me as I did with him. I tensed up heavily, my hands shaking. I slowly reached over to turn the laptop off and as I pressed the power button, the face leaned in closer to the camera and the mouth grew wider, showing something deep in his throat. Luckily, the laptop finally shut off before anything else in the video could happen and I was once again in darkness. I laid back down and everything was quiet. I fell asleep.

Day three, I woke up and heard my phone ringing. I picked up the phone and heard the calming sensation of my mom's voice. She asked if I was okay and if I needed anything. I told her quietly that she needed to get me out of here as fast as she could. There was a slight pause and she answered with that it was only a couple days left and I should just try to make the best of it. I begged her to take me back, and she said that she'd give me a muffin when I get home in those next couple of days, to make me feel better. With that, the conversation ended.

That's also where the dream ended, and I'm unsure of really what to say. Though, I will add that every time I have a nightmare, it always seems to be related to ghosts and I even had a recurring nightmare of ghosts for awhile.

Tony Crisp

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Re: A Haunted Video Seen At Boyfriend's House.
« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2015, 11:29:28 AM »
Akaine - Remember that everything in your dreams represents something - usually a way of showing you something about yourself you were previously unaware of. Also dream images are not like real life, because a dream is nothing like outer life where things could hurt you, but is an image like on a cinema screen that even if a gun is pointed at you and fired it can do no damage – except if you run in fear; so all the things that scare you are simply your own fears projected onto the screen of your sleeping mind.

So you feel fear abou9t something that is beyond your conscious control - like your heartbeat is, but obviously a different sort of uncontrolled that you met before so they seem ghostly - in other words an unknown unseen influence. Dreams tend to put images that you tend to have ready made explanations for. For instance anything you can't see or have an explanation for is a ghost and scary.

But your dreams link the spontaneous events with the boyfriend and his family. The bed shakes and the TV goes on and off, and finally your laptop too. TV's are like dreams, the produce images and information spontaneously - except we feel that somewhere other people are doing the actions. Skype also has images that are not under your controls - except you can decide not to see/be aware of them.

"In the early hours of the morning, as I lay beside my husband Andy, our bed began to tremble. A gentle, persistent tremor running along the mattress and through my body. I sat up and looked around the bedroom. The curtains were partially drawn and, through the crack between them, I could see out into the night."

This is the description given by a woman who was developing awareness beyond the usual everyday things. But what honestly could move the bed and mattress like that - a ghost again? What probably happened is that it was her that was vibrating, but of course how could anyone vibrate, it is unheard of. 

"Then, gradually, a new movement started. I began to shake in the genital movement, my whole body vibrating at fantastic speed. This, I knew, was the full movement, and it had only now been able to break through properly due at last, to the clearing of the enormous fear."

The fear that blocks us realising that we are more than we ever believed ourselves to be, makes us believe it is not us that vibrating but the bed, an earthquake, anything except the simple truth.

So all the phenomena of your dream points to that. You are on the very of becoming aware of the More that you are, but are blocking it with fearful feelings.
