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Messages - Emmajanecraig

Pages: [1]
Dream Interpretation / Fiery Black hole
« on: August 09, 2013, 10:55:49 AM »
Hi there tony,

Last night i had this dream that i was standing on a grassy hill hugging my partner and i looked behind him and all of a sudden the world was collapsing in a black hole with a fiery outer edge. My partner begun to panic and i told him not too. I was hugging him until we reached the black hole and were sucked through. When we were on the other side and we had two options. we could go to the left stair case or the right were there was a gravel pit and pews were located there. We choose the stair case first but it was locked, so we figured we must have not been good in this life to be allowed entry to heaven. We walked across to the gravel pit where the pews were and just as we were about to take our seat they started to disappear and then out of the blue hundreds of people started fighting for a spot on the pew.

I have no idea what this could mean?


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