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Author Topic: my clone killed me???  (Read 7932 times)


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my clone killed me???
« on: February 14, 2017, 06:29:59 PM »
So i had this disturbing dream last night. I've never had a dream with my clone in it before but last night was my first one. and I'm a little confused by the meanings and cant find too much on line about it but it kind of disturbed me a little. so here it goes.

In my dream i was going to the store with my boyfriend and his dad was following us in a separate car. we got to the store and went inside I'm sure that it was a grocery store of sorts because i remember walking around in the bakery area and the deli. anyways we were walking around the store shopping picking out this and that and i decided that for some reason i needed to go to the car.

so i got the keys and i headed out to the snowy cold parking lot toward one corner of the lot. this corner of the lot was surrounded on three sides one by the store and then the other two sides had a thick line of trees and snow banks from them plowing the parking lot.

now this is the part that gets a little fuzzy for me. i believe i was walking to this corner where our car was supposed to be and i turned around and saw myself. and exact same look and wearing the same clothes and everything AN EXACT CLONE. so somehow this clone kills me and i want to say it hit me in the head or shot me but i somehow took on the perspective of this clone like i became the clone once it killed me. and i rolled my body up in a carpet i found by the dumpster on the side of the store and i panicked because i didn't want anybody to see that i had killed someone.... myself???? so i rolled my body up and i hid it on the side of a car at the end of a lot right between the car and the snow bank. and i covered it with some of the snow.

the clone who was now me and i could feel everything the panic and the fear of being found out. i couldn't let anybody know that i killed myself. but i went to go back in the store and my boyfriend was coming out of the store with his dad. and we met and i/my clone kissed him and he couldn't tell that it was not the original me neither of them could. and we began to walk back to that corner of the lot together and his dad said something about going to go get the car.

so he begins to head to the corner of the lot where i hid my body and i get nervous and run over there i began to chat on about nothing getting more nervous and as we get closer to his car it turns out to be the one right next to the car i hid the body behind but the cars gone now and all i could see was a snow pile with the back of my head sticking out of it.

this feeling came over me and it is hard to describe it but it was like i was dead i could feel the cold and the stiffness of that dead body rolled up in the rug that was me but i was me and i could feel both entities in my waking life as i was dreaming. it feels so hard to explain. so i could feel the death and i could feel the panic of being found out at the same time i was alive and dead feeling.

that's when i woke up.

can anybody explain this to me. please i feel so strange and i feel like it is important i feel a little broken right now and creeped out.

also im not sure if this has much to do with it but i suffer from PTSD from childhood abuse as well as depression and anxiety and i feel like this has some kind of mental meaning to it, i also had a dream just a few nights ago that a redish brown parasitic worm went under my skin of my inner thigh and never came back out i just woke up after it kind of went into like a pore in my skin..... whats my brain trying to tell me?????
« Last Edit: February 14, 2017, 06:33:44 PM by TheWhiteWolf »

Tony Crisp

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Re: my clone killed me???
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2017, 12:47:26 PM »
Well, White Wolf – First Hi – I am stopping from answering your posts fully – but will try to give hints; sometimes long ones because I quote from masses I have already put online. Also I need to take time to update the site – dreamhawk.

It would help you to understand your dreams, if you would read – http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/questions-2/#Summing and also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/features-found-on-site/

Nothing can replace your own ability to understand your dream. With a little effort you can do this by practicing what is described in – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPersonOrThing or http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/getting-at-your-dreams-meaning/


In general a dream clone may very well be a sign of you creating a copy of yourself because of troubles with the self you usually know.

The clone may very well develop a different view than the you that you know. This could result in a split in yourself, or even a take over by the clone. This because the dream clone, animal or person all exist in the one mind, so any conflict is a conflict in you.

I think it depends how you deal with the fact that you wanted ‘out’ of your personality – and so you set about killing your old self. That may not be a bad thing, except for your feelings of guilt. Please read before reading on - http://dreamhawk.com/interesting-people/animal-children/#Program

The point being made is that you as a person suffering with PTSD has been programmed by being brought up by parents or a society which is very sick. You have a Core Self which is strong and capable, but there is so much muck and trauma blocking the real flow of who you are. See Finding the Secret at https://www.facebook.com/pages/dreamhawkcom/578558282225032?
« Last Edit: April 09, 2017, 09:00:03 AM by Tony Crisp »


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Re: my clone killed me???
« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2017, 09:57:05 PM »
I have had a lot of dreams about stores, so I thought I would share my thoughts about your dream.  Usually a store is where you go to pick out what you want and pay for it.

So, thinking about the interaction with your boyfriend...I am wondering if you recently gave up something you wanted for yourself?  It might not be a material possession.  It might be your creativity, your voice, an intangible value like your independence. 

The fact that your boyfriends Dad followed you both to the store...and they being father and son...makes me think some attitude toward women might be shared by them...in their blood.

I would think about the first part of the dream as if it happened in real life and ask yourself...what would make you walk out of the store without picking out and buying what you wanted?  You might watch your own feelings thoughts and behavior the next time you are with him and you want something different than he does.  Watch his behavior too.  This is not about someone doing something wrong...this is about you paying attention.

The reddish brown colored worm...makes me think of a blood color..maybe angry red...little penis...male aggression or even just the fear of it...getting under your skin.  The inner thigh is very sensitive...at least mine is...ticklish.  It is also kind of a "hidden area."

I would not worry too much about killing yourself in the dream...you can also resurrect yourself in a dream too.

I had a similar childhood, depression and anxiety for a long time.  The dream is telling you, you are strong.  You are strong enough to observe your Self and help your Self get what it wants.


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Re: my clone killed me???
« Reply #3 on: April 08, 2017, 07:12:42 AM »
I have had a lot of dreams about stores, so I thought I would share my thoughts about your dream.  Usually a store is where you go to pick out what you want and pay for it.

So, thinking about the interaction with your boyfriend...I am wondering if you recently gave up something you wanted for yourself?  It might not be a material possession.  It might be your creativity, your voice, an intangible value like your independence.

Strange I had a similar dream.
« Last Edit: October 12, 2021, 04:41:57 PM by Allenfork »