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Author Topic: Animal dream  (Read 6359 times)


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Animal dream
« on: February 28, 2014, 03:49:56 PM »
I only remember a piece of my dream from the other night, but it feels important.

I'm outside on a street and feel exposed.  There are various animals and creatures (that don't look like any animal I can name) ahead of me in the distance.  Before I reach them, I come across a group of huge cats (they might be tigers, but I'm not certain) laying down in the street.  The pavement is completely covered by them in that section, there might be 50 or more of them.  They are a light tan with black markings.  I'm pulled aside by one lone cat away from the rest of the group onto the sidewalk.  At first, I fear she will hurt me, but she's very gentle and curls her body around me with a paw over me.  At one point another creature, large and black with sharp teeth, comes over and hisses at me, but the tiger rises to her feet and swipes at it with a paw.  The creature backs off, but I know if I leave the protection of this tiger/cat that it will come after me.

Any insights would be much appreciated!  ;D

Tony Crisp

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Re: Animal dream
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2014, 10:19:35 AM »
DreamingAngel - Your exposure has opened you to see ahead of you something that you cannot define but you probably feel slightly anxious about. But you are not someone who backs away from a challenge.

I have the impression that your confidence comes from certainty of your own womanhood, a beautiful and even at time a ferocious thing if need be. And you have a lot of it - 50 tigers WOW!

I wonder how you managed to know this precious side of you - your instinctive animal side - that so many fail to meet and allow. See - http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/brain-levels-and-dreams/#mammalbrain

It isn’t that you are an angry person, you simply show your strength when challenged - rightly so. Any dreaming angel could be hurt if it didn’t have that strength behind and in it. The black creature is such, and probably represents something emerging from within that you have not met before, and it seems threatening, but with the wonderful and protective strength you can meet and explore it and also the mass of undefined creatures you first saw. They are all parts of a much large you, a huge awareness that you are capable of but have not met or explored yet.

It is worth having, but in claiming it your must remember the old myths because they are all about the adventure you are on the path too - the street you walk where you felt exposed. The story about the dragon that guards a treasure is one such. You must meet the dragon - in other words the old fears and hurts before you can own the treasure. But there is no hurry, and take the tiger with you - it is a wonderful aid and help along the road the walk.

See http://dreamhawk.com/body-and-mind/methods-of-awakening/ and http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/archetype-of-the-night-journey-the-search-for-self/

Something bigger than me also walks beside you - not to take away the challenges you need to learn strength and the lessons in front of you - but to help you with a greater wonder.



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Re: Animal dream
« Reply #2 on: March 06, 2014, 03:18:55 AM »
Wow, thank you so much for the in depth comments!  Your interpretation definitely resonates with me.  I look forward to discovering what's ahead.  :)