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Messages - Shana

Pages: [1]
Dream Interpretation / Re: Clouds crashing into water
« on: October 03, 2011, 07:10:00 PM »
Thank you so much! Your reply cleared up much of the confusion I'd had about this dream. I definitely got a sense that there were forces at work, but I hadn't been sure how to interpret it. I greatly appreciate you taking the time to read my dream and interpret it for me.

Dream Interpretation / Clouds crashing into water
« on: September 29, 2011, 05:57:13 PM »
I had this dream last night and I"m not sure what it means.  In the beginning its sunny out, I'm standing outside in the street as my older brother rides up to my moms house on some Kawasaki motorcycle. He heads inside while I go to the end of the street which happens to over look the ocean with a bridge in the distance. Its a little cloudy, but still sunny (The dream took place in Florida). As I turn to walk back to the house I notice that the clouds near the bridge are starting to take a dip to the waters.  As they crash I can see a huge wave engulf the bridge and I start to panic.  I turn and start running towards the house when I see the shadow of a cloud above me that starts doing the same.  Then all of a sudden the road is covered in deep water and I'm swimming so I dive below the water to avoid the impact of the cloud.  When it hits, I get sent careening around like I'm caught in some kind of strong current until I find something to grab onto, my truck.  Then I notice there's a baby underwater and I grab it to to save it.  When I resurface with this crying baby, the houses and vehicles are all floating on the water like flooding didn't even exist. I make my way inside my moms house with a now sleeping baby in my arms and started grilling her about what was going on.  She just brushes off my concerns saying that this was normal.

That's all I remember about this dream and I'd really like to know what it means.  Specially since I remember it so clearly.

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