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Topics - shelbie67

Pages: [1]
I had a dream this morning which I can not stop thinking about. it begins with a happy scene of a park with children playing.. myself, my ex-husband, and my shamanic teacher meet outside a building (across the street from the park i believe), it is sort of run down. i introduce my ex and my teacher and my teacher offers to heal him in some way. next myself and my teacher are in the building and doing some improvements to it, tidying it up, and move a huge fridge. (my ex is no longer in the dream at this point.) it seems we are going to find a better use for the building or improve it for a good purpose. my daughter is playing in the building. my teacher and i are drawn to some clear water pipes or hoses which run everywhere in this place,(after he hits one accidentally with the fridge) it is a complex, intelligent heating system?  the building feels like it is owned or previously owned by myself. i remember being ashamed that it is not in better repair, i have not lived in it for some time and did not like living there for the most part. it does not reflect who i am at this point. as i look at some water pipes/hoses on the floor i see about two small birds, pretty, black base with lots of color, mostly blue and pink. one bird comes to me and jumps on my left hand, i am happy. i turn my head to see if my shamanic teacher sees it, then a tiny white owl lands and secures himself firmly on my right hand. i am very happy and surprised because i love owls, in real life too. (the other bird disappeared at this point, i think) i turn to my teacher to tell him about it, but instead of calling him by his name, i say “look dad!”. i feel kind of dumb for calling him dad and then wonder why i called him this, i wonder if this is a past life i am recalling, then i wake up. i am grateful for any insight <3

Additional notes:

 throughout the dream, when i tried to communicate with my teacher, the words did not quite come out as i wanted them to. something which is happening to me in my real life at times too. there were a few times that i felt awkward with him, embarrasement of the building

the hoses/pipes seem to be for a heating system and run up the walls and across the rafters in the ceiling. they are dusty. this area may have been a basement...it was an unfinished area. if i remember correctly, we followed the pipes to a lower floor.

the area that i found the birds was near the hoses and a furnace or something mechanical like this. the first birds where on the floor or near the floor. the pretty, dark bird jumped onto my left hand. it was friendly and i was happy.

the white owl just appeared to me after i looked away for a second, i do not know where it came from. it hung on to me like it was perhaps going to stay with me. i felt honored by it coming to me. this felt significant to me.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

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