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Author Topic: Sand flies bite palm, refugees in W. Africa  (Read 6134 times)


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Sand flies bite palm, refugees in W. Africa
« on: March 16, 2013, 04:10:51 PM »
Dear Tony,

I had a dream last night with a few things that stood out and I'm hoping for some guidance.

I was in W. Africa and we were in a long guesthouse with many rooms and a common open-air corridor that had a lot of enamel buckets for water and dark wooden tables like found in rural areas.  Concrete, dark as with age and use.  There were a lot of refugees coming through, arriving in groups of maybe 20 each day, a lot of kids.  We were trying to find places for everyone, maybe I was a refugee, too, but had been there a long time?  I was in the middle...had some responsibility as a caretaker but also not the one "in charge"...  I saw a group of children of all ages walking single file following one of the other caretakers, singing along the grassy park that bordered the guesthouse.  It was strange because the grass was so perfect and I associate that with parks in U.S. where there is enough water to sustain that kind of manicured lawn, also usually such parks for privileged, not common folk.  I saw some other children taking a bath in a beautiful concrete "tub" set into the edge of the compound overlooking an incredible landscape.  I peeked in to make sure they were okay and felt like I was eavesdropping so I left.  I thought about how the landscape was like a priceless view and how the poor in rural areas often have access but then lose to rich....(I love landscapes and am very soothed by them whether rural or city...)  I checked in on another room and saw a man sleeping alone, exhausted.  I thought it was okay that he wasn't sharing the room (there weren't nearly enough for everyone) because he was so tired and it was also during the daytime. 

I was walking in the corridor and a sand fly (large for its species) bit me on the palm of my left hand (on Mount of Venus).  It really hurt and as I was trying to brush it away, another one came and bit me right next to the other one.  I could see them both on my palm as I looked down.  The pain from the second one was terrible, affected my whole arm.  And it was like it inserted its barbed tongue into my hand and then was stuck but it wanted to stay there stinging me, almost a vindictive energy from the fly who seemed bigger than his friend.  I tried to pick it off or smash it or do something to stop the terrible burning sensation, afraid if I smashed it would make his barbed tongue stay in my hand, like a piece of glass, when you move it, it just hurts more and more and causes more damage.  I woke up from the pain.

I can offer some information about my waking life but I don't want to alter the symbols....I have been going through a very sad breakup with someone much older than me who believes in a much less attached way of being in relationship than I do....I have been trying to let go but feel there has been no closure.  I have been in pain but also learning a lot about myself in the healing process.  Also, I was raised in W. Africa and the scene in the dream related a lot to my parents' life work of helping others.  I have been studying the heart chakra and trying to meditate on the color green....  An earlier part of the dream I had been visiting a college friend who lives far away and with whom relations have been distant and strained.  We had always dreamed about where we would be at 40 and then she forgot my birthday. 

Anyway....just some thoughts....Thank you for any guidance on this.  Thank you for the beauty you bring with your beautiful and amazing site.

Tony Crisp

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Re: Sand flies bite palm, refugees in W. Africa
« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2013, 11:07:56 AM »
Xochitl – Some of the images of your dream are new to me, so I am feeling my way in this dream. But you are in an environment in West Africa, and in a refugee camp. It suggests to me that even though you have been there a long time you do not feel it is your home, but a temporary situation. Perhaps one you are in refuge from or are trying to escape from something.

Even so your background seems to shine through your sense of unsettlement. You sense the beauty of your life and the things that were left you from your ancestors. So in a sense you very blessed or rich. The green lawn shows you the wonderful growth and opportunity despite the other surrounding events of your life. I suggest you open to the beauty of the dream situation and let it grow in you. Perhaps it will be helpful to read http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/questions/#DeadHusband and Secrets of Power Dreaming



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Re: Sand flies bite palm, refugees in W. Africa
« Reply #2 on: July 15, 2013, 05:32:30 PM »
Dear Tony,

Thank you so much for your reply.  I didn't visit your site until today so just saw your reply from March.  I truly appreciate your insights, link and suggestion about power dreaming.  I will continue to research and investigate this.

Peace, light, love,
