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Author Topic: Running in Fear  (Read 6598 times)


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Running in Fear
« on: September 28, 2010, 09:30:17 AM »
I have had a similar dreams the past two nights... I along with a group of people are being chased by a murder. The random group and I are trying to get away and I know that it is a matter of time before we are located. However I am so fearful in my dream that I encourage the group that we must continue to run or move away from where we are. The group does not seem responsive unless the killer arrives or is located near us. No faces from any one in my first dream just the second one from tonight. I do not recognize the face however I feel that it is my niece's husband and the person who I feel that killed her in my dream. Here is the weird part that was different my from dream yesterday... I do not know for a fact if the person or persons that are persuing me have killed someone. Nor do I know for sure that my niece was killed in my dream. And in this second dream from tonight I do recall that we made it to a lake and I was swimming when the killer arrives. Struck with fear I see if I could locate a deep part of the river or lake to hide without being seen. However most parts of the water are shallow. I make eye contact in the water with the killer. By now I hear a few people behind me saying that he is hear to collect the murder weapon. Now I feel a bit of a change as if we are now there to find the murder weapon. I jump to the next scene and I am running to my huge truck and I am panicking to get away. I have a pet with me now and I think it is a dog and it is a lot larger breed like lab. I lose the dog in my dream but still carry a sense of urgency to make sure the dog is okay.

Tony Crisp

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Re: Running in Fear
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2010, 11:44:47 AM »
Ana – You are mixing up your waking life with your dream self. Nothing can kill you or harm you in your dreams. What happens is that we run in panic from our own fears and emotions. And because we are avoiding our fears, they can chase us forever.

When you felt a change in your dream, it was because the intensity of your fear lessened. If you faced the fear it would change into a scene of beauty – believe me I have done it.

Please see https://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/masters-of-nightmares/

I know that if you use some of what is said you can dream a new life.

A man exploring his dream of seeing someone murdered, said:

In ‘being’ the dead body in the dream the man said, “But it wasn’t until I got into the role of the dead body that any depth of feelings emerged.  Almost as soon as I was in the role of the dead body I began to think about and feel things connected with the way I had killed my sexuality as a teenager.  Gradually these feelings deepened and I was describing my feeling hatred in regard to sexuality and how the masses were pulled along by their genitals into some sort of conformity and performance.  I felt anger and loathing for what I felt at the time were the cattle human beings were. At the time I despised and hated them.  I also felt repugnance at the way people talked about sex or appeared to enjoy it.  It has to be understood that in that period in history in the UK, most of sex was depicted in terms of smut, dirt, animal desire, hidden pornography, or loveless fucking.   I wept deeply, at times hardly able to breathe, with the pain of seeing what I had done to myself.  I said sorry over and over.  I saw that I need not have killed my love and sexuality, but could have expressed it in a tender and loving way.

So ask yourself, "What do I feel is being killed in my, or what am I murdering in myself by suppressing or being terrified of." The man was using https://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson

« Last Edit: July 04, 2018, 09:21:52 AM by Tony Crisp »