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Messages - Santhi

Pages: [1]
Dream Interpretation / Re: Loosing a diamond from a ring
« on: May 29, 2012, 03:36:42 PM »
Thank you Tony for your reply.It was really helpful.May God Bless You

Dream Interpretation / Loosing a diamond from a ring
« on: May 26, 2012, 02:57:35 PM »
I had a dream I have a diamond ring with 3 stones. This is not engagement or wedding ring. Sitting in a group, suddenly I noticed i have lost one stone. I and my husband searched  and I found the stone on the table. Later we went to someplace and I found that I had forgotten to take the diamond. We went back, but could not find it. We found something but it turned out to be not diamond -something white, but strechable thing -not very hard.
What does this mean?

Dream Interpretation / Re: 2 Tiger Cubs - one healthy one dying
« on: May 12, 2011, 06:17:10 PM »
Thank you Tony. I am imagining holding 2 cubs -- healthy and hurt in my hands . I am trying to take care
of both the cubs now. Let me see what changes that will bring me.


Dream Interpretation / 2 Tiger Cubs - one healthy one dying
« on: May 05, 2011, 03:15:43 AM »
Hi Tony,

I had a dream yesterday. Some one showed me 2 tiger cubs. one is very sick-dying.The other is healthy. I took both in my hands. Healthy one started to lick my face and hands and love me like a puppy, looking in to my eyes.Sick one was taken away by the other person (I do not know who that person is) I feel like I should take that cub and save him, but I and the person know the cub is going to be dead/  to be killed. I am holding the healthy cub, he cuddles to me, but I look at the other cub being taken away to death – feeling helpless and sad – what i should do to help it. No talking in the dream.When carried away the sick cub looks in to my eyes.I know (like the the person in dream) , the cub is very sick and so he is going to kill it. I know the cub will not live, but still does not want it killed. But I never say anything, but what goes in my mind the other person knows
My dreams have always told me something about myself or future.Here the 2 cubs confuse me - one healthy and other dying.I love them. No fear of any kind in the dream. I and the other person can understand our thoughts -even I can understand the thoughts of the cubs.
please help me


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