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Dreams => Dream Interpretation => Topic started by: annathedreamer on April 03, 2014, 07:04:15 AM

Title: a "chaos energy" dream
Post by: annathedreamer on April 03, 2014, 07:04:15 AM

Hi  :)

What I remember from this dream:
I am in my parental home in the big bedroom facing the backyard and someone, I think my mother, wants me to accept help.
Then we have an arguement about it, because I do not see it as tragic as she sees it, and she tries to convince me that it is tragic by telling me that I used to spend time with foster families.
I feel really put under pressure and I become angry and I contradict her view by telling her that the child protection system was not involved with these decisions to send me to foster families.
At the end of the dream I am walking in the street away from my parental home.

Then I wake up with cramps in my stomach and I make myself a fennel tea.

Tony is teaching me well  :):

An illustration of this last statement is that the very first suggestion they give to the student is to DOUBT! It is only through doubt that one will come to analyse truly and understand those things their attention is directed to. Following this they are given this advice, spoken by the Buddha. “Do not believe on the strength of traditions even if they have been held in honour for many generations and in many places; do not believe anything because many people speak of it; do not believe on the strength of sages of old times; do not believe that which you have yourself imagined, thinking that a god has inspired you. Believe nothing that depends only on the authority of your masters or of priests. After investigation, believe that which you have yourselves tested and found reasonable, and which is for your good, and that of others.”

Title: Re: a "chaos energy" dream
Post by: Tony Crisp on April 07, 2014, 09:01:45 AM
Anna - A wonderful example of the tremendous struggle to become independent from our parents and our cultural influence.

Please see http://dreamhawk.com/interesting-people/animal-children/#Program - it is an attempt to show how we are all programmed to believe something.
