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Messages - sandymargarita

Pages: [1]
Dream Interpretation / Being Murdered By a Serial Killer
« on: December 29, 2010, 02:04:17 AM »
Last night I had a dream about being murdered. I dreamed that I was the next target of a serial killer. I knew I was his next victim because he sent me a small package that resembled a pager, and when the pager went off, I knew it was time, and that he was on the hunt for me. I went around to various different people asking for help and protection, but no one was able to offer that to me. Most people that I had asked for protection became victims themselves, some were murdered as well. My boyfriend was with me, I think he was the one who handed me the pager, but I'm not 100% sure about this. He didn't play a huge part in the dream itself, I just know that he was present in the dream itself. At one point in my dream, I could see myself in a "murdered" state, parts of my body were chopped off. Funny though, with all this murdering, I didn't see any blood at all in this dream. I was terrified, and I vividly recall trying to move at some point during my dream, but couldn't, I felt completely frozen. Shortly after feeling and seeing being murdered, I was finally able to wake up.

When I woke up from my dream, I was chilled to the bones, really shaken up, and I burst into tears and was in hysterics for about a half hour. I live with my boyfriend, and as soon as I burst into tears, he woke up to comfort me.

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