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Messages - Clarep

Pages: [1]
Dream Interpretation / Nudity and mice
« on: January 02, 2012, 12:14:09 AM »
Two nights ago I dreamt about a group of people in front of a store in a shopping centre. A few of the people were much larger than the others as in taller like giants not fat. One woman lifted her skirt to reveal very thick pubic hair. The men started doing cartwheels and had no pants on but their genitals were indistinct. I was troubled by how they could do this then other people called the authorities to complain about their disturbing the peace and nudity.
Then last night in my dream I saw two mice scurrying along. One was larger than normal and the other was normal size but orange. They both ran under something. I remember telling the owner of the house casually that they had an orange mouse. Normally I can decipher my dreams but these don't make sense.

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