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Messages - Becbar32

Pages: [1]
Dream Interpretation / Not sure what to think!
« on: September 30, 2016, 09:38:35 PM »
In my waking life, I've had 5 surgeries all for different medical reasons. I'm 32 and all of them started when I was 19 years old. In all that time, I've never dreamt of surgery or anything entailing it.
My dream, I had, involved me some how having a cut on my mid section, that I didn't do myself, it was close to my right side, well this cut in actual life is there from previous surgery. In my dream, I remember thinking to myself, oh my goodness how did this happen? Then I felt something trying to poke out, not sure why but I began to feel around, then I found something, then I proceed to pull out what looked like black long pointy plastic or wood sticks, I continued to do this, with no pain at all, a little disgust though, wondering why I was doing this. I didn't like doing, but felt as if, there is no pain, so why shouldn't I continue til it was all out. I thought I should go to the hospital after I was done though. I finished, there was numerous of the black sticks, I'm not sure who but remember saying to a person, look I pulled these out and I'm fine. I do remember being concerned after pulling them out about the cut healing properly cause I was pulling things out of it. There was no blood, the sticks were sorta wet. I'm not sure what to think of this dream, I've never had a dream like this about pulling things out of my body. Sorta gives me the hebeeee geebeessss. :-\ :o :-[

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