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Author Topic: Mountain stream  (Read 3520 times)


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Mountain stream
« on: July 06, 2018, 05:52:02 PM »
I am in a third level institution, someone tells me I'm late for something to do with my job, I just turn around and walk out the door, being in an institution makes me ill, teaching makes me ill. Outside their is a soft rain, I notice geometric clear shapes on the ground, I believe they fell from the sky as exceptionally unusual hail, they look like crystals and I photo them as much as I can before they disappear as I assume they will.

Now I'm walking up a mountain, barefoot, carefree, through a white gushing stream. The stream is flowing along a raised rock platform, as if the mountain created it to elevate this very precious stream, cupping it's waters with perfect precision in its form. The water is pure, fresh and it has created lots and lots of white foam from its cascade, the foam covers a lot of the surrounding area, after a sharp turn upwards I come across 10-15 mountaineers, it's not foam now, but snow and these people have clearly been here a long time stuck in their decent down the mountain, they are scattered about, with most close to death. I am bare legged and hot from my climb, though the climb is very easy. I can't help but laugh and tell them, but just around the corner below there is no snow, it only looks like snow. Don't die here!

The most beautiful part of the dream is the stream. A wonderful joyful feeling and I have the sense that it springs from the very top of the mountain, which is where I am heading for.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2018, 06:25:09 PM by Omega »

Tony Crisp

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Re: Mountain stream
« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2018, 10:37:05 AM »
Omega – You have gained ground and are near the top. But remember that such achievement starts again with a new beginning – obviously from a higher stand point.

In a previous dream you walked near a mountain, now you have joyfully climbed it and are near the top. It means you have ascended in consciousness – meaning that can be expressed in many ways:  Opening to that inner potential is like allowing a spring to start flowing from deep in the earth. It is a movement toward flowering of the innate quality or potential within oneself. So overall we could say that it is a push toward realising yourself as one and the same as the essence of the universe. A much greater emphasis on the transformation of self, a renewal and rejuvenation of what one is.

Maybe become capable of a form of waking lucid dreaming. See https://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/the-waking-lucid-dream/

But of course, as said previously growth takes time, because a dream is something that comes from a deep part of you; it is something that is working upwards toward being conscious. As such it often, like a seed, takes time to break through to the surface, and then it has to grow. So often dreams are not recognised for their full meaning until later – sometimes months or even longer. I wonder what physical age you are because at a certain age the process is speeded up a bit.

The stream is another important feature of your dream. Dreams appear to love the image of streams coming out the top of things. “You climbed in consciousness until you reached the top (of your head). The trickle of water was the flow of energy that produces us and grows us - your core self in fact.”  - “It came out the top and then opened, a clear consciousness, like a clear sky, nothing else, immense space.” - “I saw a huge Shiva-linga, and at the top of it water slowly flowed. I saw it as a wonderful sign of touching an immense force of nature.”

Or this:

Example: I dream I am in a landscape and notice that everything is brown; the whole world is brown and lifeless. There is also a feeling of solemnity or dullness. I have enough lucidity to wonder why the world of my dream is so brown and dull. As I ask this I become more aware of what feeling the brownness expresses. It is seriousness - with no room for humour or fun. The feeling deepens, real enough and clear enough to look at and understand. I see it is my father’s attitude to life that I have unconsciously inherited. I realise how anxious he always felt about life, and how I took this in. That is how I became a ‘brown’ person. I see too that I do not need to be either brown or serious anymore. 
Then the landscape changes. There are trees, plants, and animals in brilliant colour. I wonder what this means, and the landscape begins to spin until the colours blend and shimmer. Suddenly my body seems to open to them, as if they are spinning inside of me, and with a most glorious feeling, a sensation of vibrating energy pours up my trunk to my head. With this comes realisation. I see how stupid I have been in my brown, anxious existence, how much life I have held back. The animals and plants are the different forces in my being that blend into energy and awareness. I feel I am capable of doing almost anything, like loving, writing a song, painting, telepathy, or speaking with the dead. This sparkling vibrating energy is life itself and can, if I learn to work with it, grow into any ability or direction I choose. I wake with a wonderful sense of my possibilities. 

The climbers trapped near the top, my impression is that you had such fantasies of how hard a climb it must be to experience enlightenment, and your dream shows how ridiculous that is. The lower and the higher are connected, because within us we already have enlightenment. But we are so busy trying to work everything out with our thinking, our conscious personality that we stand in our own way.

“While in the state of simple existence I was able to observe many things I am usually not aware of. For instance while I simply existed, my usual pattern of behaviour and thought went through contortions to be the centre of awareness again. I could see them almost like habits, systems, that have life, like a body does, and they were dying and twitching in their death throes. Also I saw that I knew that all thought is like a mimic, so all our thinking is like photocopies, without any real life. Also as I saw this I had an image of a monkey that was actually me, the normal thinking self, running alongside my every motion and trying to mimic it. It was almost as if as I as a person walked along, another mechanical person ran alongside trying to keep up and mimicking everything I did in an attempt to be alive and real. Yet thought can never be life.’

Yes, our personality, with all its lostness in emotions and thinking, is like a monkey trying vainly to imitate ones Self.

“The many different paths to the one great ocean of Life can be summarised in a simple way because they all have a common factor. It, like dancing or meditating for extended periods, quietens your normal way of thinking and looking at the world. In a meditation seminar I attended that lasted for several days I observed this with great clarity. After three days of meditation I saw my thinking mind faint. It could no longer sustain the continued concentrated pursuit of the question we were asking. In the moment of my rational thinking mind fainting there was an experience of divine Life knowing itself as this man people call B. In that state I knew connection with all the people around me, and the birds, trees and earth. For they and I shared the same spirit. I had arrived home at the source of things. I felt I was in the Garden of Eden, and that we had never left it. That experience, as ephemeral as it may sound, has given me something that strengthened me to pass through big life changes, and travel joyfully into old age.”
