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Author Topic: Christ figure / mansion  (Read 8596 times)


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Christ figure / mansion
« on: January 25, 2011, 05:35:42 PM »
Hello again, Mr. Crisp!

I think today had one of the most incredible dreams yet. I'm fuzzy on how it started, but eventually I'm with this Christ figure and a group of people stepping out of a door in his house.

This door led to a rocky cliff overlooking a pool of lava. To one side was another big cliff, and between the two was a floating rock platform.  I climbed onto it, and for some reason sat upside down on it. Then the Christ figure told me he would check heaven and hell for me to see if anyone I love was there. The crowd shouted names, and he would check them for us, but going to hell was clearly unpleasant (ha).

On a side note, I think hell might be everyday life because he said my uncle was in hell, but he's still alive. (Maybe just personal trouble in his life)

 Anyway, we stopped asking names when he showed clear signs of wear and tear. Everyone started going back inside, but they forgot I was still upside down on the rock. I couldn't get down safely by myself because there was no room to move


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Re: Christ figure / mansion
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2011, 05:57:50 PM »
so I had to roll as far as I could and hope to hit the ground instead of the lava. It worked, but I was so scared I almost got left behind anyway. I made it to the door just before it locked.

Stepping back inside was like going into another dimension. It looked like Dali himself was the architect of everything in sight. We started walking down the hall and the Christ figure was suddenly a woman and 'melted' into a clock on the wall. She made everyone stop moving and asked me to go ahead alone, offering a large strand of hair to pull myself back with if I got stuck.

A bit ahead were two demon statues with half-shut, glowing red eyes. I looked at one and its eyes started to open, paralyzing me more and more. Using the hair rope to pull myself away, I reported that I could see nothing past the statues. The woman Christ urged me to keep trying, and eventually I saw a room the size of a mansion with paintigs bigger than small houses on the wall.

The group of people with us got impatient though, and rushed
« Last Edit: January 27, 2011, 07:07:17 AM by PowerMad »


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Re: Christ figure / mansion
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2011, 06:43:20 PM »
right into the statues, paralysing themselves. They were then posessed and ran down to the room below to a fountain of some sort. It looked like they would be eaten or killed.

For some reason, I decided that I was dreaming to get past the statues. It wasn't necessarily a lucid dream, but there was this idea that if I was dreaming that nothing would affect me. It worked. I ran past the statues and threw a rock at the clock the woman Christ was trapped in to free her. Then we ran to the room below.

As we ran to rescue the others, the massive paintigs almost morphed into real places/events and distracted me. For a while it was like my dream just rebooted into a different one. Then the woman Christ shouted at me to shake me out of it. Then I became aware of the 'main' painting of the area--a person on their hands and knees next to a black figure holding a flaming sword, all overseen by a giant person on a balcony.

Suddenly I realized that everyone here was already going to die, so I decided that I would offer


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Re: Christ figure / mansion
« Reply #3 on: January 25, 2011, 06:47:00 PM »
my life in exchange for theirs. Just as the black figure materialised next to me, I woke up.

Also, I'd like to apologise for the multipost. Would you believe that every computer in my house broke within a week? Now I have to post from a device that can only post a certain number of characters at a time.


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Re: Christ figure / mansion
« Reply #4 on: February 09, 2011, 05:24:51 PM »
Any ideas out there? There's just so much going on in there that my ideas seem to fall short.

Tony Crisp

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Re: Christ figure / mansion
« Reply #5 on: February 10, 2011, 10:24:08 AM »
Powermad  -  I think I will have to do this a bit at a time and see if it makes any sense. So first of all, the Christ figure.

As the meeting with Christ didn’t knock you down on your knees I am guessing you met the Christ to do with either your feelings of the moral norm that is a pressure on, or your feelings about the Christian religion. I suspect that the lava pool was an image you felt represented hell; yet it can also depict your core self that one can dive into. And being upside down is saying you have an upside down view of where you are in life at the moment. Or it could mean your view of life has to be turned upside down to see the reality of things.

Somewhere I have a feeling that you are trying too hard, and it need not be like that. Certainly hell is of ones own making, so the idea about your uncle could be right.

That Christ showed signs of wear, suggests what I said above about Christ. Maybe your sense of the Christ was wearing thin. Wearing so thin that you begin to enlarge your view of Christ – it is a multidimensional being, and also is whole being – both male and female. In recent years there have been books about the rise of the Goddess. They say that the feminine principle is needed now to counteract the male influence. Considering that Christ is always shown as a male shows this. In other cultures the male and female are part of a whole. It is the whole being that we need. It was said that the Goddess would bring peace, but there are terrible goddesses such as Kali who eats her own children.

That She is in the clock is a clever way of saying you have trapped her in your sense of time. Your core self is beyond time and space, so you needed to release her. Then the glowing red eyes and all the other paraphernalia you got past through waking up to the realisation that nothing can cause you any harm – except your own fears – or eve a false identification with your physical body, locked as it is in time, space and form.

As for the black figure, maybe you are still identifying with the image of yourself as you are and look in your body. Just a thought.

So the dream is the moving into a realisation of yourself as multidimensional being – but still getting caught up with the old three dimensional self.

I AM – Pure Consciousness
Pure Consciousness – Without Form
Without Form – I Existed Before Time Began
THAT Created Time
With it Came Change

So Pure Consciousness Became Involved in Time and Change
Out of the Chaos Time and Change brought forth Forms
Pure Consciousness, involved in time and Change
Took on Form

So the Highest and Lowest Merged
Pure Consciousness Married Form
The Marriage brought Darkness
To Ease the Burden of Darkness
Death came upon Form  
And Pure Consciousness Knew itself in Death
Until the next Involvement with Form

Through such Involvement Pure Consciousness
Learned Creation
That Creation was called Life
While Pure Consciousness had Infinite Potential
It had to Learn to Manifest its Potential

« Last Edit: February 24, 2011, 11:33:58 AM by Tony Crisp »