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Author Topic: Thorn, Bougainvillea and a Soldier  (Read 9797 times)


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Thorn, Bougainvillea and a Soldier
« on: August 09, 2015, 10:35:18 AM »
Hi Tony,

Writing after ages.  Hope all's great with you.

This dream has considerably confused me. :-\

"I am walking up, a slightly inclined dirt road beside a mountain.  Its barren.  And its a pitch dark night.  At some distance my sister is following me.  After walking further up, I am faced with a thorn bush.  Actually it seems its a bougainvillea bush, with pink & white flowers, surrounded by many thorns in a circular fashion.  This thorn bush is obstructing my way. And I am not sure what to do. On my way to this point, I have seen  (Rangers)/Soldiers in a white van eating, drinking etc.  As I stand confused in front of the thorn bush, one of the soldiers comes over.  He is fit and well built.  For a split second, I fear that he is going to arrest me.  But silently, and with one single, strong jerk, he takes the thorn bush out of the ground, and throws it away. 

After its removed, I see two pathways. There is a dirt road that goes up further in the mountain, and the other one that is focused are "cobbled/stone" steps going down."

Please help. Thank you.

Tony Crisp

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Re: Thorn, Bougainvillea and a Soldier
« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2015, 09:25:48 AM »
Romanov - Your dream seems to say that you are or are about to go through a period of life during which it feels like nothing interesting or living is in your experience. It is a bit like living in a dark room and you are uncertain where you can walk.

Also a mixture of beauty and difficulty holds you back from making changes. But the dream character of strength helps you. That is part of you that previously you felt would also hold you back, but in fact he/it is strength that is yours to use.

When you use your inner strength to clear what blocks you, you are confronted by two choices - to go up or down. This is like an either/or thing - you can go up or down. But dreams have a lot of tricks or talents that we usually forget we have because you can do both. In fact our body or being does everything at once. For instance our body is constantly dying and creating new life.

In every moment of our life we face the possibility of death. In fact we only live because we are constantly dying. Our body is all the time dying as thousands of cells die, and in doing so the new and living body can continue. If we allow ourselves to realise that it illustrates the meaning of the phoenix – it is consumed by the flames, and yet it arose anew. We have the fire of life within us; we eat and feed the fire that consumes us and gives birth to us continuously. It is the warmth of our body, the warmth, even passion, of our emotions and that is life – continuous through death.

The down path usually leads to the discovery of what was previously unconscious in you, and the finding of the treasure of what you lost awareness of. The up path can lead to the experience of enlightenment and finding awareness of your forebears. See http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/the-unconscious-2/ - http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/a-look-at-enlightenment/ - http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/a-modern-approach-enlightenment-part-20/



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Re: Thorn, Bougainvillea and a Soldier
« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2015, 05:32:35 PM »
I am very much in the dark room, these days Tony. 
Its interesting how vacations are supposed to lift your spirit, specially if you have enjoyed them, but I came back completely listless.  I was happier when I went. I wonder if unconsciously, I absorbed my sister's negativity? 

Its difficult to see a way out of darkness.  I know action is the remedy, but the problem is depression takes away any energy to act, to act with wisdom.

I do appreciate your help though. Thanks.


Tony Crisp

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Re: Thorn, Bougainvillea and a Soldier
« Reply #3 on: August 16, 2015, 10:14:20 AM »
Romanov - We are very much creatures of nature, and have arisen in a world dominated by seasons. So we too often have the experience of autumn and winter when everything fades and nothing grows in us. Also it is true that it is darkest just before the dawn. But I found in my own times of darkness when depression took all the joy out of my life, that often we cannot wait for the sun to rise on our new day, but sometimes it brings the sunshine back into our dark room by a change of some sort - a different sort of holiday.

My way through came because I felt sure that all the darkness was because I carried it with me in some way - absorbed my sister's negativity - was probably something you both carried maybe from the way you were reared, and so was restimulated by your sister. The conviction that behind the darkness I had within me was a light that was never diminished. So each day I would sit for half an hour not meditating but without any goal or expectation, for I felt if there is any real thing beyond my own experience it would come like friend who I was waiting for and I do not have to imagine and meditate the friend because when they came they would touch me on the shoulder and I would know them as physically real.

In fact this happened to me as explained in http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/lifes-little-secrets/

But it is also explained in http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/water-wonderland and in http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/mountain-path/ and more fully in http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/integration-meeting-oneself/   



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Re: Thorn, Bougainvillea and a Soldier
« Reply #4 on: August 16, 2015, 10:46:26 AM »
Romanov,  Thank you for sharing your dream!  I hope you do not mind my sharing my impression of some of the images.  Overall the dream felt positive and the soldier a source of gentle strength.  The soldier is part of you and is helping you now.  The armor...maybe you are creating for yourself to build a thicker skin.  Your sister...you are not turning around to meet her...you are walking away from her and the soldier part of you may be removing some future pain...as you can clearly see others negativity (hers) became your own pain.  That can change now.  Acting with wisdom is actually simpler than we make it out to be.  Overthinking can be a symptom of depression.  Well it can be for me. 

This article might help...you can cut and paste the link.




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Re: Thorn, Bougainvillea and a Soldier
« Reply #5 on: August 19, 2015, 08:08:35 PM »
Dear Tony,

You are spot on about;
"was probably something you both carried maybe from the way you were reared, and so was restimulated by your sister."

My mother was a schizophrenic, anti-social, anti-human, compassion-less being, who thought everything was negative with the world.  I sometimes feel, my sister has been unable to shed those learnings, and views the world in the same way.

And yes, I have experimented with a "different sort of a holiday" when the darkness was worse, and it more or less had healed me, till now. I don't want to go back to that black hole again.

Thanks for the references.  I will be reading them all.

Best regards


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Re: Thorn, Bougainvillea and a Soldier
« Reply #6 on: August 19, 2015, 08:14:24 PM »
Dear Christine,

No I don't mind you intepreting at all.  The more the merrier!   :)

That can change now.  Acting with wisdom is actually simpler than we make it out to be.   

Thank you for giving hope.  And I completely agree that wisdom is simpler than we make it out to be!
