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Author Topic: Who's running from who?  (Read 8953 times)


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Who's running from who?
« on: October 15, 2015, 07:28:39 PM »
Dear Tony, be great to get your feedback again if I can.

Why would I play a character in a dream that is the opposite of my actions in normal life? I don't understand why I would 'be' that energy, rather than interact with them as myself..

In part of the dream I played a power hungry man, a British general who had become a sort of a highwayman. Wearing a red jacket and expensive silky shirt. He was vain, supercilious, greedy and destructive. In 'being the thing' he had all the stunted personality of greed (I did sense an absence of mothering though)  Is he a part of me, or is this just a way of getting a closer look at an energy that has negatively impacted me?

'we are everything' doesn't help me, as that has been a phrase that caused me deep confusion on my path and gave me a sort of sub-genre to the Stockholm syndrome, delaying my process in realising how often I was bullied in so many life situations. I needed then to locate myself within the dynamic, not reflect on the oneness of things.

Later I'm being chased by some dangerous force, I'm young, in a dark forest. The police come to find this person who is causing trouble and I ask them to take me with them, so I can be safe, I'm so relieved to get in the back of the car.

But soon the car turns into a cart, and the police into a poor old man and boy, and now we're being chased by the police! It seems to be just because we are poor and vulnerable and they have power.

Then there's a wealthy man sneaking out from his mansion to have an affair. Then there's a famous actor who loves art and spirituality, but has an abusive demeaning attitude towards women. The dream ends with a friend telling me to give the city another go, I thank him and say 'the problem is so much deeper than that'.

Thank you
« Last Edit: October 16, 2015, 12:22:20 AM by Omega »

Tony Crisp

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Re: Who's running from who?
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2015, 08:35:04 AM »
Omega – The question ask about the opposite character is because - Many of the characters or elements of our dreams act quite contrary to what we consciously wish. This is why we often find it so difficult to believe all aspects of a dream are part of our own psyche. Some drives or areas of self act or express despite what we would want. These are named autonomous complexes. Recent research into brain activity shows that in fact the brain has different layers or strata of activity. These strata often act independently of each other or of conscious will. Sensing them, as one might in a dream, might feel like meeting an opposing will or being possessed by an alien force. Integration with these aspects of self can of course be gained. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/what-we-need-to-remember-about-us-3/#Important and http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/brain-levels-and-dreams/

The greed crazy man with stunted growth is often an expression of your baby self that is expressing in an adult form. Very few of us in Western culture have actually been able to allow our baby self to mature. See http://dreamhawk.com/relationship-sex/beware-of-love/

You are potentially everything, but as explained above we all have such awful hang ups that have to be dealt with that we take it as normal to live a neurotic type of life. As I said, at forty-four years of age I regressed to be a four or five-year-old. Why, because I was so pissed off with being my ‘normal’ self and decided to face my own crap. You said, “The police come to find this person who is causing trouble and I ask them to take me with them, so I can be safe, I'm so relieved to get in the back of the car.”

The person causing the trouble is the mass of your past that you avoid by being safe. Obviously it isn’t an easy path to take facing your own pains – but we are all on the rough path by not meeting our repressed self. We all suffer an awful form of amnesia.

Please read http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/dreaming-a-new-life/ and  http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/lifes-little-secrets/

As you say, the problem is so much deeper than that – but I have found that none of us are mad or insane but are deeply mired in unconscious muck we carry undealt with in ourselves.

Recently I asked other people to write and tell me how they survived great change or difficulties in their life. Sandra, one of the people who replied, wrote:
Through my dreams I have met perhaps the most devastating events in my life, creating both loss and change. Also, my dreams created the ability to really see, know and love.

For years I had a recurring dream/nightmare of not being able to open my eyes. They were stuck shut and no matter what I did I couldn’t open them. Eventually, in large part due to my dreams, I learned what I was unable to open my eyes to. For over 40 years I had lived my life unaware of my childhood. I had very few memories of home and family, but knew it was a life of poverty and parental abuse, and I was always aware of these things. But at some point I began dreaming of things I had not been aware of, things that I eventually learned indicated sexual abuse. – Sandra

What may be the most important fact here is that through her dreams and her efforts to understand them, Sandra was able to see and know what she had previously been blind to. In her case it was the painful and abusive facts of her childhood. Such hidden experiences are the ‘circuits’ that produce the most awful effects in our waking everyday life. But dreams also open our eyes to creative and extended dimensions of ourselves we might otherwise remain unconscious of. See http://dreamhawk.com/news/avoiding-being-my-own-victim/

« Last Edit: October 16, 2015, 09:32:28 AM by Tony Crisp »


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Re: Who's running from who?
« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2015, 11:03:44 PM »
Thank-you so much Tony, it's just a relief to read about all of this! I wish I'd come across dreamwork sooner..

Ah yes - I read this dream before, as I have had two dreams with the same thing, my eyes gluing shut, in both dreams  female acquaintances I'd thought were friends were rejecting me, they were very bitter and nasty towards me and I was trying to maintain my cool while feeling crushed by the experience and totally at a loss as to why they would treat me so.

..I forget to mention that the 'General' character was also on the run from the police.

So the summary is:
 'I (as General) am on the run from the police - I (as girl) am rescued by the police and someone else on the run, some criminal I'm afraid of, remains at loose - I (as girl/woman) am on the run from the police (as the police that were rescuing me transform into less powerful figures)'.

Then I'm in the company of two males who see women as something to take advantage of in a powerplay kind of way, they both have a very self-satisfied, arrogant vibe, a bit like the general.

Fascinating to read about autonomous complexes in relation to the General. I'm finally getting the detail I need to make that 'we are everything' phrase make sense to me. Thank you.

Just to mention, the dream began with a young man competing with a very powerful long haired leather-clad warrior type archery at a tree, the warrior guy tolerated him to pass the time, but when done he picked up his leather bags by stabbing a knife into them and picking them up that way.  So lots of male energy in this dream.

Interestingly the night after I had this dream, a very warm, very handsome guy approached me with a beautiful smile when I was out locally - I was so surprised and looked over my shoulder to see who he could be talking to, but it was me, then such fear shot through me, and feelings of worthlessness, I could barely speak and had to get away.
« Last Edit: October 17, 2015, 10:31:22 AM by Omega »

Tony Crisp

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Re: Who's running from who?
« Reply #3 on: October 18, 2015, 11:37:00 AM »
Omega - Keep watching those things you notice, like, "then such fear shot through me, and feelings of worthlessness, I could barely speak and had to get away". That is the 'neurosis' we all have that most people take as normal. Accept it as your own and don't blame it on anyone else.

Years ago my mother did something that I felt was so awful I divorced her - I was only six - and I wanted to kill her. But later as I recovered more from amnesia I realised that I had suffered decades of misery from what I had done to myself - I had no love - for I had killed it in myself and so suffered the emptiness. See http://dreamhawk.com/poems/ground-zero-the-psuedopod/

« Last Edit: October 19, 2015, 09:22:53 AM by Tony Crisp »


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Re: Who's running from who?
« Reply #4 on: October 18, 2015, 10:46:37 PM »
Thank-you Tony, I absolutely identify with the sentiments of this poem! sums up my early life attitude..
 'You are all so so loud and needy and angry and you are all confused as hell, just leave me alone to my peaceful centre here and stop pulling at me, stop needing things from me'

 I'm very up for empowering myself through ownership. But it doesn't make the automatic fear reflex go away.. I'm hoping eventually my dreams will help.

Last night I along with others, was being interviewed by an amateur female radio host, but drowned out by crowd noise in the background. She also didn't know how to get the volume levels right on the desk.  We had to end the interview after a short while because of this. But she was a strong character, a sort of activist type.

 When I was leaving I passed a tubby middle aged man she was holding hostage, she had tied him upside down to a fence, he was furious and shouting, I paused and reflected and decided he probably deserved it and walked on. (In 'being the thing' - he was an incredibly hate filled character and utterly despised women) I then dived into a murky river and retrieved two basket-weave items I had hidden for safety, one a pair of slippers/slip-on shoes.. I then found a shelf above water with my journals and lots of pink and grey cluster crystals, one was a beautiful bright pink. I took my journals and only one crystal as my arms were now full, and turned the rest around to keep them safe and not attract attention from someone who might steal them. A small boat had arrived to bring me back the way I came.
« Last Edit: October 18, 2015, 10:49:05 PM by Omega »

Tony Crisp

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Re: Who's running from who?
« Reply #5 on: October 19, 2015, 07:46:38 AM »
Omega – About the automatic fear response, it takes a while but it can gradually disappear. I have tried to describe several approaches in http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/integration-meeting-oneself/ - but they might not apply to you. But another approach is described in - http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/eight-step-method-to-manage-intense-emotion/



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Re: Who's running from who?
« Reply #6 on: October 19, 2015, 11:56:30 AM »
Thank-you Tony. Both of these help.
Do you think these last two dreams show progress in integrating an autonomous complex?
From being this bitter man, running from him, trapping him...
Is there a general route taken by the process of integrating autonomous complexes?
« Last Edit: October 19, 2015, 12:57:50 PM by Omega »

Tony Crisp

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Re: Who's running from who?
« Reply #7 on: October 20, 2015, 08:24:10 AM »
Omega – I believe that to shift an autonomous complex you need to dig deep. After all they are autonomous and therefore motivated by unconscious parts of our nature. But because the Life process keeps us all working – which is a miracle considering what is involved – it knows every crack and crevice of us. We are of course almost completely unaware of its workings – yet dreams and their process is almost certainly an expression of Life working in us.

So I believe that if you explore one dream a week you will find slow changes. An important fact about dreaming is that all the signals for movement while we dream are sent by the sleeping brain to the muscles but are blocked by a part of the brain called the pons. But this block can be bypassed by having a passive attitude while awake. This allows for a little recognised phenomenon which, while awake and in a passive state, allows the dream process to break through as spontaneous movement, sound and emotion, exactly as with dreams. In the past, and still in the present, this spontaneous movements and speech are all things that happen when this dream process breaks through into consciousness.

This natural process I have called LifeStream – it gradually works at bringing what was unconscious into awareness, and in doing so clears great areas of our difficulties. See http://dreamhawk.com/body-and-mind/peoples-experiences-of-lifestream/



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Re: Who's running from who?
« Reply #8 on: November 01, 2015, 08:09:22 PM »
Thank you Tony, I bought one of your books on this... and I've been searching for it.. But I can't find it!
Hadn't even got to read it yet!

I will see if I can start exploring this area..
I think I would find it quite difficult to do, spontaneous movement and speech.. Emm I think you'd need a lot of privacy not to end up embarrassed by being seen or overheard!

Tony Crisp

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Re: Who's running from who?
« Reply #9 on: November 02, 2015, 08:39:36 AM »
Omega – I think it depends on your upbringing and background. I can’t ever remember being embarrassed by letting out what had caused me years of depression and misery. I remember one day years ago I had just come across a pocket of repressed emotions and was letting it out. A while latter a rather English stiff upper lip type man knocked at our door and said to my wife, “Are you all MAD?”

It had reached him a long way away while playing bowls at the local club. I thought it was ridiculous because many people in the village were paranoid and lived in a constant state of fear and vengeance. Whereas I was someone trying to climb out of deep depression and the sort of social madness we are all a part of.

Any way there might be ways it can be done without stimulating that sort of response. To quote Anna, “It took me two years to overcome my resistance before I dared to explore what Tony has called Life Stream. To me it is like entering Heaven.”

Anna, like you had feelings about being embarrassed and being seen or heard, and has found a way – she never did the exercises with sound or movement. So maybe write to her to find out how she did it. See http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/water-wonderland/
