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Messages - chaderopla

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Dream Interpretation / Scared in the attic
« on: October 21, 2014, 11:47:34 AM »
I was in a huge house that was mine, but it didn't feel like it was mine, maybe as if I just moved in or something. The house had a few secret passages, one of them lead up to the attic. As I was walking up the stairs I felt as if I was being watched by the something in the shadows. I couldn't find a light but there was a window and the moon shone enough that I could see. There were old paintings and clothes hanging and some in a chest that I went looking through. Toward the back of the attic near the window there were huge drapes, like tapestries. On the other side of it there was another room and had a huge bed. Suddenly the light turned on and I turned out of the room with the bed into the main attic part and there he was, but I couldn't see his face. I just knew I was glad to see him, I felt relieved, and then I woke up.

I should note that until the I saw the person who I knew I was scared the entire time. Also, I have had this dream before, but it was about 10 years ago, back then it was a reoccurring dream. And back then there was no room with a bed and the light never came on, I was just always scared and trapped knowing someone was watching me in the shadows.

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