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Dream Interpretation / Re: Dream About Dead Baby
« on: March 18, 2015, 04:53:32 PM »
Tony... I had no idea, you experienced this in your childhood. I am so sorry. I remember growing up, I never felt loved from my father. My younger brother was favored in our family. I was neglected emotionally and would rock as a sort of comfort when I needed a hug I guess. I carried that rocking into my adult hood. not as much as when I was younger.

Dream Interpretation / Re: Dream About Dead Baby
« on: March 17, 2015, 06:10:15 PM »
Tony... I had two abortions, with my ex. We had a very volotile relationship, with violence , homelessness, substance abuse. I felt bringing children into this enviornment would not be healthy. I realized I had options to have the baby's , and put them up for adoption.  I panicked I guess. And chose to abort. Afterwords, I was very depressed. I thought about what I did, and felt guilty. As far as  my birth, all I remember my parents saying to me, is I had a 50/50 chance of survival. that is all they told me. Both my parents are deceased now. My father passed away, in 2003, my mother 9, months later.

Dream Interpretation / Dream About Dead Baby
« on: March 16, 2015, 08:33:32 PM »
Tony... I had a dream, a couple of nights ago, regarding a group of young ladies, teen and up. This one young lady, I think may have been a teen, not sure. This person was rubbing her stomach, and mentioned her baby, is dead. Another girl walked over to her and spayed silver spray paint on her stomach area. Another person, a older lady, walked over and asked " what are you doing" I guess to the girl that was spray painting this teens stomach. According to how the teen looked she was 8-9 months pregnant.  All of a sudden, what looked to be only a small not fully developed baby, came out , and landed on the ground. The baby, had nubs for arms and legs and was small. Almost looked like the baby was in the begining stages of growth not fully formed. I started crying as I saw the baby fall to the ground and remember saying the baby on the ground can't stay there and has to be moved out the way. Someone moved the baby to a grassy area and covered it up. That is all I remember.

Dream Interpretation / Re: Dream interpertation
« on: February 20, 2015, 11:27:29 PM »
Tony, Thank you, for the feedback. I am  studying human development/Psychology, to eventually work in the field of advocating or working in the field to help homeless, battered woman, victims of domestic violence, and the mentally ill . The dream of me, volunteering in a mental hospital, or employed there was interesting.

Dream Interpretation / Dream interpertation
« on: February 18, 2015, 10:25:14 PM »
Hi, Tony! Happy New Year!
I had a dream about my mother who had passed away . I dream"t either she, or I initiated the call. I do remember when she was living, we stopped speaking to one another , over a falling out. She mentioned to me, to never call her again. The dream was weird, because I do not remember all details. I do remember talking to her on the phone , and her mentioning she was in a mental hospital and I remember her saying she had anxiety and heart issues. I told her I was volunteering in a mental hospital as well during that phone call. Any feed back would be helpful. thanks.

Dream Interpretation / Re: Dream interpretation
« on: January 01, 2015, 09:04:39 PM »
Thank you, for the feedback,. Tony. Happy New Year!!!

Dream Interpretation / Dream interpretation
« on: December 27, 2014, 04:48:17 PM »
Tony… I had a disturbing dream regarding my former hairdresser. I dream’t I was in his home for some reason and he was rubbing him self against my rear end fully clothed until he ejaculated. I excused my self, and used the rest room to wash off the the contents on my pants. The hairdresser informed me, he had company coming over and for me to leave. As I was there his company started to arrive. I believe all woman. They were drinking and socializing. I remember one person going to the piano, and singing a song , I knew but I am unable to remember the song.

Dream Interpretation / Re: Strange Dream
« on: December 03, 2014, 12:52:50 PM »
Tony.. I am a little confused by your response to my dream. I am a mother of an 18 year old daughter. She is away at college. I do not have a large circle of friends who I associate with.

Dream Interpretation / Strange Dream
« on: December 01, 2014, 01:03:12 AM »
Tony, I had a strange dream , last night. I only remember bits, and pieces. There was sort of chaos in the dream . People were shooting at one another . I think I may have been shot at as well. People getting high in drug houses as well. I stopped at one to sit for a moment. I did not smoke though. I think I wanted to sort of get out of the way, if anyone was going to be shooting again. Also, I had rented a room , and other people were in the house as well. I asked about privacy to my room and the other people said that this is how it is. There was no door to my room , just a section. I remember using a toilet outside in the middle of the street. The toilet had glass windows, and a door . The lady mentioned if I did not like the arrangement to find another place to live. Also, I remember people talking about sex openly as well. very strange dream.

Dream Interpretation / Re: Dream Ex Lover
« on: December 01, 2014, 12:51:54 AM »
Tony... The dream of my ex lover...In the dream we kissed with passion.

Dream Interpretation / Dream Ex Lover
« on: November 29, 2014, 07:23:43 AM »
Hello, Tony, I had a dream of my ex lover, who I have not had any contact with in two years. The person was in his office looking through Christmas cards he received from his clients . I was standing in the doorway to his office looking at him . He looked up at me, and stared with out saying anything. The look on his face was not happy. I noticed he was starting to grow out his hair. I saw a little growth. He is a black man who has always been bald. I do remember we had kissed with passion after an absence with out seeing each other. The chemistry was still strong between us, after so long. That is all I remember.

Dream Interpretation / Money
« on: November 14, 2014, 05:18:14 PM »
Tony....I had a dream a complete stranger , who happened to be a lady, Gave myself, and daughter $4,000 each in an envelope. The scenario , I believe was in a store. I am not sure. I do remember sitting in a booth with my daughter and a lady, just cam up to us and mentioned something and gave us each an envelope with the money in it.

Dream Interpretation / Money
« on: November 12, 2014, 09:34:00 PM »
Tony....I had a dream a complete stranger , who happened to be a lady, Gave myself, and daughter $4,000 each in an envelope. The scenario , I believe was in a store. I am not sure. I do remember sitting in a booth with my daughter and a lady, just cam up to us and mentioned something and gave us each an envelope with the money in it.

Dream Interpretation / Re: Dream Of Cat Torn Up By Dogs
« on: November 06, 2014, 09:27:00 PM »
Tony.. Thank you, for your feedback on my dream. I will tell you, the response was accurate! I had a relationship with my daughter's father , for 7, years, filled with verbal, and physical abuse. I ended the relationship when our daughter turned two.

Dream Interpretation / Dream Of Cat Torn Up By Dogs
« on: November 04, 2014, 10:42:55 PM »
Tony... I had a dream About my former cat outside catching a mouse . Dogs, ran to the cat and wanted the mouse, as well. The fought for the mouse , and my cat was badly tore up and defeated by the two dogs , in the attack for the food.  There was a couple of men around where this attack happened and they wrapped my cat in a plastic garbage bag and handed him to me, to bury.

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