Dreamhawk.com discussion forum - Dreams, health, yoga, body, mind & spirit

Dreams => Dream Interpretation => Topic started by: helloxxmags on December 23, 2010, 08:24:19 PM

Title: Recurring Subject
Post by: helloxxmags on December 23, 2010, 08:24:19 PM
So, I have been best friends with this guy for a while now and I have known him for about four years.  I usually don't dream because I don't get enough sleep.  But every time I have dreamed in the past month, it has been about him.  The most recent one was: we were walking down this fancy hallway in a nice place, he was in a suit and I was in a nice dress.  Our arms were linked and we came across a grand piano.  He walked over to play for me while I stood there. (He is an amazing pianist in real life and I am horrible at it, but I love to listen to it...especially when he makes songs up)  Then I was with one of my used-to-be close friends and we were talking about him and him playing piano. 
Do all these dreams about him mean that I like him?  I mean I guess I could always picture myself with him, but have never really seen him in that way...
Title: Re: Recurring Subject
Post by: Tony Crisp on December 31, 2010, 01:33:21 PM
HelloxxxMags – It seems to me, and this is because there are no real feelings of love in your dream, that the friend is one of those guys who are good to be with. You know, if you picture yourself with this guy, and a really good attractive guy comes along, would you run off to be with the new guy. Would you introduce him, as you did in writing your dream, as ‘My best friend’?

Of course you like him, but do you like him enough to take the next step?
