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Messages - mikey

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Dream Interpretation / Re: you are more than your brain !
« on: May 04, 2015, 12:04:23 PM »
hi tony,
thanks for the info,all i can say is ,i am wearing my glasses so i have no excuse,followed the links from above,
i don't think in the past, i have thought of following up any info on the function of the brain during strokes  etc
as you would not normally associate such an experience with spiritual enlightenment,after what i have read and heard its a daft thing to say.
brain science , is a new avenue for me to go down,as amazing as it is,i know we are more than this bag of meat we dwell in,
it does beg the question,WHO AM I.
this is the next stage of my journey,as i have been awakened to this question.
on we go.
thanks again tony for all your hard work ,in making available to us all ,your wisdom from personal experience.
rgds Mikey

Dream Interpretation / you are more than your brain !
« on: May 03, 2015, 10:17:24 AM »
i just wanted to share something ,just in case you may not have come across this,
i have just watched a short video of a lady called jill bolte taylor phd,there are a few vids of her on you tube,
she is a brain specialist,and  is her story of having a stroke and the revelations she had ,
 she experienced a detatchment and some sort of zen/budhist breakthorugh,i was left stunned,

one of my mentors,carl jung ,termed a phrase,a re-centre of the location of gravity from the ego to the self,
i have not had a stroke so i do not know what it is like,but i do recognise a shift in the location of gravity from ego to self when i see one.
i hope you enjoy her revelations as much as i did.

rgds mikey

Dream Interpretation / Re: the buddhist holy man
« on: March 08, 2015, 08:17:33 AM »
thank you both for your thoughts.
reading what you had to say reminded me of a scene  from the novel,under the Tuscan sun,
the wise old lady tells of how she spent most of her life looking for ladybirds in this one particular field ,
she never found any,
then one day in this field,on a warm sunny day ,she fell asleep,
when she woke,she found she was covered in ladybirds.

i know zen Buddhism is full of opposites,IE its not about learning, but unlearning,
its not about trying to reach a goal,but giving up the idea of one,
what is simple,is never simply seen,
i suppose when you have that breakthrough,which i have yet to experience,
it probably is simple,& just like the ladybirds,
if you want to find something,don't look for it !
all is zen.


Dream Interpretation / Re: the buddhist holy man
« on: March 05, 2015, 05:44:21 PM »
i don't think you need helping out of your belief,
i feel that the symbols & metaphors in dreams are  relative to the individual,
my experience has taught me that the unconscious,spirit world,inner self what ever you wish to call it,is quite able to confront you with imagery you consciously had no idea you knew ,maybe even repulsed by, as it may have the effect of challenging your beliefs.
i know you are aware of this.

my own dream journey did not make sense looked at from any angle other than what we call shamanic,
don't get me wrong,i am not a shaman,but my dream imagery was,
i think this was the media something other/ inner felt was the best way to shock me out of my numbness,
now we have the buddhists turning up,
if i am ill,this must all be part of the cure. :)

the job is not finished yet ,

Dream Interpretation / Re: the buddhist holy man
« on: March 05, 2015, 10:14:02 AM »
hi  anna,
i must admit when i read tony's post above,i couldn't help  notice a kind of synchronicity,not sure if tony has replied intentionally to my post for a general audience or its just a coincidence.
i would say its just a coincidence,never the less an interesting one.
i am not a follower of any particular religion,but i find it really interesting how the human psyche uses religious symbology & metaphor to make a point,i am always in awe of of this.


Dream Interpretation / the buddhist holy man
« on: March 03, 2015, 12:08:42 PM »
hi tony,
i am struggling to understand this dream,i know you are well versed in religious/spiritual symbology,
despite a bit of research i am still uncertain as to its importance,so i am hoping you can help me with this .
the dream.
i observe & follow a buddhist holyman with his helper or aide,we walk up onto the top of a large dome/mound,we each carry a glass bowl in which is a lighted candle,
we reach the top of this dome ,the holy man sits down making preperations to meditate,
he is sat in the lotus position with the bowl candle by his feet,the aide stands behind him holding his bowl in his hands,sort of over the head of the sitter,
i am filled with awe as i know that he will sit meditating through everything that is thrown at him weatherwise,unshakable,detached etc,
i turn around walking to the edge of the dome,i see the whole landscape spread out before me,the air smells sweet & fresh,the sun is shining brightly,i feel good,it all feels good.

the dome reminded me of one that is in Kathmandu,a Buddhist shrine i think with some sort of face painted on it,.
 have been thinking  about a path i think i need to follow,i can only surmise that this dream may be reinforcing my thoughts,
your thoughts are always most welcome.
rgds mikey

Dream Interpretation / Re: the dragon ,that huge that we are.
« on: November 14, 2014, 11:43:42 PM »
Thanks tony, read the section you suggested, a lot to take in,
the breath aspect you mention supprised me, would never have guessed the yoga connection, goes to show the universal symbology at work,as yoga has never really called to me.
I was struck by the section of the dragon entry, namely becoming , putting oneself into the thing in question to understand the emotions etc, I did this in the dream  becoming & feeling how the dragon felt, there is no way it will be contained, I remember jung once said, everything that is unconscious is destined to become conscious, perhaps the treasure, is the dragon.
regards mikey

Dream Interpretation / the dragon ,that huge that we are.
« on: November 10, 2014, 11:00:26 AM »
hi tony,not been here for a while,
i had this powerful dream which i feel compelled to mention ,
the dream,
i am on a quest,trekking across a great wilderness,i remember walking through a swamp like area,then finding an inflateable kayak,which needed to be inflated a little,this i did by blowing hard into it,
i become aware,as i am sat around the campfire on resting for the night,of the presence of a black dragon that has been summoned into our world by dark forces,
i find myself travelling out of my body and into the body of a great dragon that is being held prisoner in a tiny claustraphobic cage in a fortress,feeling all the constraints of this dragon,i bellow out i will not be contained anymore,breaking out with a feeling of tremendous freedom & relief,i know my purpose is to take on & defeat the dark dragon running riot in the world,
i felt elated & terrified at the same time,with the knowledge that i am in the presence of an almighty power,
i remembered thinking,that to defeat a dragon one must become the dragon,
phew !
an amazing mythological dream,
any thoughts ?
regards mikey

Dream Interpretation / Re: instruction dream
« on: May 17, 2014, 10:30:34 AM »
thanks to annathedreamer,& thanks to you tony,for your efforts & thoughtfull responses
i did feel that the vision of the tea clipper was my cue to act,the voice telling me this,
as to what it is,then annathedreamers thoughts fit as well,as it does not matter what or where,i will know it,intuitively,
there is a marvelous myth attached to the reason for using the name cutty sark,which also explains the actual figurehead on the ship,it is a female reaching out !,hows  that for a analogy,
a symbol is worth a thousand words.
will keep you informed of any developments.
rgds mikey

Dream Interpretation / instruction dream
« on: May 15, 2014, 01:42:39 PM »
could do with a little help with this dream,
i hear a  disembodied voice say," you will know when to act"
i  then look through a glass window structure,i watch as a ship ,golden in colour manifests before my eyes through this window.
the ship i saw was very specific,,  a  tea clipper or wind jammer ,the only one i remember ,is  the famous  cutty sark,
i have no associations with this type of ship & have not visited one or anything.
i feel that the voice is not symbolic but as is,a cue to act or respond to something,that something being whatever the tea clipper symbolises,
i have researched tea clippers to gain some understanding of there qualities as a dream symbol.including the myth surrounding the name cuttysark,but as yet i have not had that AH HA moment,
would appreciate any thoughts.
rgds mikey

Dream Interpretation / Re: crossroads & god,
« on: December 17, 2013, 10:58:32 AM »
to me, personal experience of the  divine nature  , IS what matters most,not what someone else tells you it is,
your experience is exactly what i am talking about,
that relocation of the centre of gravity in onself to another is a profound moment,
i think about the time we all thought that the earth was the centre of the universe,& everything revolved around it,we know now that is just not true, a good analogy for that inner realization !.

 thank you for sharing your experience with us,
it has  given me faith that perhaps, i am not going mad after all .

Dream Interpretation / Re: crossroads & god,
« on: December 16, 2013, 10:27:57 AM »
thanks tony,
I admire your passion !
a passion born out of experience, awe & wonder,

finally, the hero finds the great book at the centre of the mythological round,on opening it,he bursts into joyful laughter at the realization he is looking at himself on a mirrored page.
merry xmas to you,

Dream Interpretation / crossroads & god,
« on: December 10, 2013, 02:56:20 PM »
I have found a slight similarity with the lady in red dream I posted a while back,especially the long straight road,with this dream,
I am sat on a bench ,similar to the ones you find in a park area,it is placed at a t junction,road to my left & to my left,then one straight ahead infront of me,
I sense the presence of something ,sure enough I hear an angel speak,it says to me,
god is very near now,showing me a vision of uniting with god as one,an amazing dream.

I can feel myself cringing at the vary use of the word god etc ,something I gave up a long time ago.
look forward to any thoughts.
rgds mikey

Dream Interpretation / Re: suicide
« on: December 04, 2013, 11:58:32 AM »
hi christine,
many thanks for your thoughts.
i read a line in a book , which seemed to resonate something in regard to this dream ,
"sometimes you have to make sacrifices,as you can't save everyone"
i believe i have to let something go,something that can never  be realized,
& need to concentrate on what can be done,not what i cant, if that makes sense.
that is the lesson i feel this dream is showing me,something i can fully relate to.


Dream Interpretation / suicide
« on: November 25, 2013, 11:19:56 AM »
hi tony,
 dream about a suicide,
i have read your entry on suicide especially the foreknowledge you had, i don't have a problem with this as it is something I have  myself, what woke me up to dreams in the first place,
I understand that as you say , the images in dreams are usually aspects of oneself , but with this particular dream I am struggling & would appreciate your help if you have the time.
the dream.
I am walking down a corridor, the whole place seems to bit lit with a golden sepia type light,
I see a female , she has strapped a metal bed to the wall to which some electric wires are connected,
she is going to electrocute herself , by leaning against it,
I saw & felt a terrible sadness surrounding her,
I say to her, please don't do this , because I love you,
I realised that saying that, was a waste of words she was determined to go through with it,& there was nothing anyone could do to stop it.
I am not consciously aware of anyone in my life that is showing signs of desperation,
nor am I aware of any inner neglect of feminine aspects,
in fact have had  dreams in this area which seem to imply we are getting on ok,
I am sure you know what I mean.
I am a little troubled ,,dreams I have experienced with this golden sepia light have turned out to be those ones that contain that de je vu ,in that they cant be worked out logically , only when it happens does  the dream goes ping!
the metal bed strapped to the wall with electrodes, this reminded me of some sort of torture device,
recall seeing that in that in the  movie  Rambo or something ,
I am not sure what this dream is telling me ,am I so out of touch with myself ?
look forward to any thoughts.
rgds mikey

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