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Author Topic: Dreaming about animals  (Read 4412 times)


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Dreaming about animals
« on: May 12, 2015, 12:42:38 PM »
Hello Tony

Thanks for the wonderful work. It's very interesting to read about people's dream and it's explanation. Since last month i started to dream about animals. Those animals i dreamed i found those animals unique. For example i dreamed about horse. I thought this horse is most beautiful horse in the world. But this horse seems to like need my help and i'm very eager to help and care. He seems to need warm place because outside it's very cold and snowing. The horse stays at my home balcony and whenever i tried to get the horse in my home my families get angry but sooner i get the horse in my home and i was really happy for it. Next one is about cat and it has very unique eye and this cat also need my help. I remember i care the cat and cat also likes it and it seems like purring.  I really want to know what those dreams meant to me.

I really appreciate for  what you are doing. i think it meant a lot to lot of a people. Thank you.

Tony Crisp

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Re: Dreaming about animals
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2015, 09:55:52 AM »
Bryan - Thank you for your appreciation.

There is a lot of love and care expressed in your dream, love for something that is unique in your life.

It is difficult to put into words what I sense in your dream. Difficult because most of us live in a world that is limited to the senses of our body, which makes us out to be completely separate from other people and animals. So if you will read http://dreamhawk.com/news/there-is-a-huge-change-happening/ it will perhaps explain the place I understand your dreams are coming from.

It shows you becoming aware of something beautiful that has always been a part of you, a part that wants you to care for it because it wants to serve you as horses do. I want to quote something Anna wrote in answer to a dream about caring for a dream horse. What is said refers to the natural in you, that natural that if not cared for can make people ill, for it refers to your body, "As such you would need to be aware what the correct diet is for this big creature; what type of dwelling it needs; what are its sexual and emotional needs; what frightens it or causes it stress; what amount of exercise keeps it healthy, what its stages of growth are and how it can best develop through those stages; and what satisfies it in relationships with others of its kind? Your animal dreams are showing you exactly those issues. They are giving you insight into how to care for the instinctive, the spontaneous and natural in you".

You were brought up by your family with quite different rules thought and so there was a little conflict in you but you soon grew beyond those feelings.

Then the cat with special eyes is also given a place in your house - in fact in you. Its special eyes probably refer to cats having senses that are far more sensitive than the human senses. They are tuned to danger and survival and of course to gain food - surviving in the environment - so they are a wonderful ability to have. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/brain-levels-and-dreams/#mammalbrain

Your loving nature has therefore opened you to receive a new world of experience.
