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Author Topic: Sweat lodge  (Read 7444 times)


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Sweat lodge
« on: March 08, 2016, 11:27:06 AM »
A child is running ahead of me and others through dried fern. I say Oh it looks so different now the fern has died back. I say I guess this is how many ancient monuments were found - children running through fern. We're on top of an old Neolithic site, but they want to show me something I missed when the fern was green when I visited last. Two small grass covered mounds that appear to be sweat lodges. A few people go into the first, someone takes my mobile phone and throws it in the ground to keep the door shut. I go into the second alone, I'm a bit lost without my phone.  I'm surprised to see it has a modern transparent plastic door, beads of water on it. However there is no steam at this point. I notice an electricity socket and hear a buzzing. I think how I will not be able to stand that noise, but it stops immediately. I guess the modern interior is a disappointment, it's bright rather than dark and the new materials carry little intensity or energy, as darkness and rock would have.
I guess the most compelling thing was the sight of the two mounds. Later I am with the girl, we are wearing very heavy gold ankle bracelets possibly of lots of bells or beads that are zipped on. I arrange us taking them off as I need to go home..

Now it just so happens I was at such a site yesterday.. But saw no sweat lodges.. But did see similar, but much larger, single mound that was an old tomb/ritual space.
« Last Edit: March 08, 2016, 02:17:06 PM by Omega »

Tony Crisp

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Re: Sweat lodge
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2016, 01:53:05 PM »
Omega – The sweat lodge was a Native American way of initiation, and still is.

A time ago I visited Ireland and was privileged to be allowed to enter some of the ancient burial mounds thousands of years old. Inside them one is exposed to the same sort of deep silence, to the earth, and to the great rocks from which they are built. The silent darkness is like being in the womb.  I had a great desire to press for governments to allow the use of the ancient tombs such as the one's I visited, for the sake of individual initiation. In this way one connects with the most basic aspects of oneself.

The young child in your dreams is the one who initiates you to greater awareness of what you hold within you the ancestral memories. It was she who opened you to hearing the trees. It seems you are regaining the inner realisations you had as a child. You can build on that by being the child. The child is in fact ‘running ahead of you’.

You have to get rid of – temporarily – your modern crutches aiding communication – the phone.

The girls and you then begin to re-enact old ways from the past – the ankle bells. Exploring them can lead you deep into memories. The same applies to the black garbed women full strong feelings. If you can be them and be an observer that allows the feelings but doesn’t get personally involved in them wonderful things can occur.

Here is an example that may show how it can be a real and wonderful experience.

“Then I had a very vague sense of approaching something. It was completely undefined at this point, and I turned to my partner to discover her response. I got the feeling from her that it was okay. Then slowly the intuition, sensation, however one might describe it, began to clarify. I had the distinct impression, even an image, of approaching an ancient tomb. The image I had of it was that we were walking in a big underground place. It was dimly lit as if we were now carrying some sort of light such as a flaming torch. From this we could see that the tomb was very old and slightly crumbled. Everything was dusty giving the impression of great age. And as we approached this tomb I could feel the sense that hidden within it was a great tragedy. I felt that if we opened this tomb we would come across, be witnesses to, a tragedy from the past. Even as I write this I feel again that sorrow and sadness one feels in such situations. It was and is very real.
Then I was living that tragedy. I can only say that I was/am that person whose tomb we had come across. I am a woman, and I am torn by emotions of immense loss. My body writhes with the pain of it. Again, as I write, I relive some of this. At the time my body twisted and I could hardly breathe. I cry out as this woman that I cannot bear any more. I cannot carry on with such misery. All my family are dead - why have I been left?
With each loss, I tried to bear it, by feeling this was God’s will and therefore had some purpose. But not any more. This is too much. I want to die. Please let me die!
The emotional pain of this was extreme, and although I have described it in a few words, it went on for perhaps twenty minutes or more of racking sobs. I really knew that woman’s misery, not as an outsider, but as her. In fact, I knew her then as myself in the past. Her life was one of my past dwelling places.
This was, and I still see it as, a most extraordinary experience. Even now the waves of what I experienced are still washing through me. I felt as I experienced this that I/she had died with that terrible loss still burning in her. That was why I, in my present life, needed to meet and heal her pain.
Gradually the sobbing reduced. This led into a changing situation. It was a very wonderful experience to meet and greet that woman. I could feel her becoming a part of my present self. This really was like resurrecting her from the dead. She was coming to life here and now in the present.
If one can imagine that somebody has died in great torment, and many, many years later, somebody enters their tomb and revives them from the dead, this was the magical feeling of it. I felt her come to life, and in doing so recognise that she/I had survived death and was alive again without the pain and without the loss. For in this present life none of my/her children had been taken. I was existing now in this strange present, and in the past, at one and the same time. Life was not a terrible trick, but the weaving in and out of experiences that in the end do not have the tragedy they appear to have seen only from the viewpoint of the one life, of the one body.”



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Re: Sweat lodge
« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2016, 05:02:52 PM »
Thanks so much Tony. I found this deeply moving your experience.

After my dream last night as mentioned in the other post and the sinister energy.. My bedroom is now absolutely freezing, even with the heat on.. Bit concerned about sleeping tonight..

Tony Crisp

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Re: Sweat lodge
« Reply #3 on: March 10, 2016, 08:57:24 AM »
Omega - There is a part pf the experience I didn't quote -

As this was happening Tony experienced himself as a face on the surface of a great and deep pool of consciousness, within which was an immense past full of experience. This was quite a stunning feeling - to have the sense of being able to be any part of that wonderful pool of experience. To know that Tony is just today’s face. 

There was also the sense that we can gradually resurrect into our present existence the many beings that we have dwelt in and as. What change this would bring in today’s life I do not know, and can only wait and watch to learn. But I did ask this woman what she brought into the present. She told me simply, “A woman’s love.” I was very moved by this.

I took that resurrected woman in my arms and held her as I told her I loved her. I told her she was my own, and the very part of my being. I told her there was no real loss, only change and appearances. And I knew that love - the sort of love that gives courage and strength - has the power to resurrect the dead.


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Re: Sweat lodge
« Reply #4 on: March 10, 2016, 10:10:28 AM »
Thankyou Tony. I'm starting to get a sense of that immense past. The juxtaposition of past and present with the sweat lodge and with the 9yo girl in the old house and the modern joggers..seems to be a borderland. I can also see this past/other existence making sense in terms of all these independent dream characters..

Before I slept I felt the cold around me and I said 'if there is something you need to say I am listening, I will listen' I didn't feel afraid then, I felt very peaceful. No major dreams...

just these..I unlocked an attic room where I had things stored and found someone sleeping there in a sleeping bag. I was really angry, told her  to get out but then hesitated as they were leaving and said hey you know Im leaving, it will be for rent if you are interested. A pretty crummy place, but she seemed poor so may be glad of it. She was dark skinned. Then a guy asking me to be his girlfriend, also poor, I know he was hoping I'd say yes if he just begged or pushed hard enough, I looked at him and said I need to think, but really I don't go out with people who steal things and you do. He also just wanted a 'girlfriend' who I was was irrelevant to him, he seemed probably quite selfish.  Then I went and bought myself ice cream covered in fresh frozen raspberries. ( this seems to link a bit to another dream, a dark skinned girl was dying of starvation, high in the stony ruins of a building, I was looking for something to feed her and found icecream)
« Last Edit: March 10, 2016, 10:34:27 AM by Omega »

Tony Crisp

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Re: Sweat lodge
« Reply #5 on: March 11, 2016, 09:15:10 AM »
Omega – Well you unlocked some memories or feelings about poverty – see http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/poverty/.

In doing so you met a situation that needs decisions and to feed yourself – the ice cream. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/eat-eating/



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Re: Sweat lodge
« Reply #6 on: March 17, 2016, 07:03:24 PM »
Well I would not have picked that theme out - once again thanks so much Tony!

That night I dreamt I got off a really storm hit ship in St.petersburg and I was homeless on the street and starving with my young child and husband. All I had was some sweet pastry, expensive baklava, though we were starving.. I ate tiny pieces of it and the rest I threw in the air scattering it and calling out to God to take it.. as I hoped my offering would break the spell of poverty we were under.. my giving our last morsel away to a faith in higher powers..
« Last Edit: March 17, 2016, 10:45:56 PM by Omega »

Tony Crisp

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Re: Sweat lodge
« Reply #7 on: March 18, 2016, 08:53:12 AM »
Omega - An excellent experiment - did it work?

Let me know please.
