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Author Topic: Strangest Dream I've had in years. Can't get it out of my head today.  (Read 6305 times)


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WEIRD DREAM: A really vivid dream last night that I was diagnosed with Lung Cancer, and only had 5 months to

live. In the dream I was saddened at first, but then was happy because I was 'finally getting out of here'. I was

saddened by the thought that I 'couldn't remember how to die'. I was torn between the 2 thoughts of dying

and 'not remembering how to die' to the point that I wanted a beer. 2 groups of people started arguing about

me having a beer, because it was bad for my health. As they were arguing, I left the house that had 2 walls,

and a glass roof. I was then walking down a dirt trail with a green, calm ocean on my left, and a field with dead

grass and and sharp rocks on my right. I also kept passing the same tree on my left. I then came to an

abandoned building next to the ocean, but waves were pounding against it. I went inside, and realized it was a

hospital with no beds or equipment in it. Then.. a woman with 1 green eye, and 1 blue eye that I

recognized in the dream, but not in real life came around the corner and said "I'm glad you're home, you need

to lay down". She leaned in to kiss me, then when she drew back there was a bed there. I explained to the

woman that I had 5 months to live, but I knew alt. remedies for cancer. She said that "they wouldn't work", and

that I was "going with her". I laid down in my dream, then woke up in real life.

Tony Crisp

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Re: Strangest Dream I've had in years. Can't get it out of my head today.
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2011, 11:05:26 AM »
Jeff – If you do not have any symptoms of lung cancer, then the dream is about a meeting with death – or your thoughts and feelings about death.

Throughout the dream there are opposites or two things. You say you cannot remember how to die. But that is you getting caught in thinking. It is like saying you can’t remember how to go to sleep. To sleep and dies you give up thinking and let it happen – surrender to it.

The house with two walls shows you caught in the opposites – but the glass roof lets in the light and so you can see. And the two groups of people are the same thing again, as if your dream has to repeat it over and over to impress you – how you argue within yourself.

The dirt trail had two in it again – a rough way and a difficult way without a boat. It reminds me of “The path to enlightenment is as sharp and narrow as a razor's edge.” And the tree needs to be acknowledged and honoured – for they are all representations of you.

But you did find you way home –one you had deserted in the past. The woman is love and your intuition that knows what to do – the opposite to thinking. She will lead you into the knowledge of what people call death – if you let her.

She sees through two eyes – one is the critical and the  other is the way of nature.



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Re: Strangest Dream I've had in years. Can't get it out of my head today.
« Reply #2 on: August 23, 2011, 12:22:15 PM »
just thought i would add a few other things to think about,
the way to truth lies between opposites ,this is the middle way,
being told you have an illness that is life threatening must be difficult to accept,and may as a metaphor represent the feeling of having to let go,you have no option,but i think this dream is more about surrendering to life ,this will lead you to yourself,
as tony stated your dream is full of 2's,opposites,the house you arrived at by the ocean,this is the middle place,a place of healing and rejuvination,
the shore representing the material world,the ocean ,the vast unconscious world,the female with the two differant coloured eyes reminded me of someone who walks with one foot in the sea(unconscious) and one foot on the land(material),and she to is a part of yourself,if there is one thing i have learned it is this, you can trust this aspect of yourself,she/it knows the terrain well,and does indeed walk in both worlds.
i think the ref to ,being home,may be about your acceptance of the feminine qualities within yourself or that you need to accept them, by this i mean as tony again suggested,let intuition guide you rather than rational thinking,
interestingly,the 2nd stage in the so called individuation process according to jung ,is a meeting with the feminine ,

hope this is of use to you,