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Author Topic: Journey  (Read 4309 times)


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« on: February 17, 2018, 11:08:48 AM »
Hello Tony!
Its been a while since i last wrote to you. Recently i had a beautiful dream that made me feel nostalgic.
The dream had a clear start but somehow i cant recall it,but i know there were 2 friends of mine and me. Or at least i felt them as friends,even tho i couldnt see their faces. It was a boy & a girl (im a boy).  We hopped aboard some huge train. I looked on the windows and on the left side there was a huge dam,i could see the water; on the right side there were only trees,vegetation,mountains and few houses here and there; ahead? Endless rail lines and the sun. We would travel for a while and at some point we got off under some gigantic aqueducts. The second the train left,i realized i forgot my train ticket. I felt so bad about it. I stared running after the train and i managed to hop into the las vagoon. Thats the moment i realiez this is no ordinary train. It felt like each vagoon was like a tiny flat,each wirh a different story and atmosphere. I had to cross through all to reach my ticket. I managed to take it and suddenly jumped out of the train. I had to go back to my friends so i walked for about 2h. By the time i met them again,the sun turned into an extremely beautiful red-orange-yellow dusk. My friends would feel amazed to see me in one piece and they laugjed and my dream ended.

Tony Crisp

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Re: Journey
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2018, 11:13:44 AM »
Yoma – You go on a journey through territory you did not know, and presumably to an unknown destination

The friends are aspects of yourself you are barely aware of. You realise that you have a massive reserve of life energy – biological energy – the dam. That is in your inner world which may not be expressed outwardly.

Your external journey takes you into you natural relaxed self – the mountains and trees. The rails and the sun show you that the journey is an endless one which the giver of life shines on. Please see http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/archetype-of-the-night-journey-the-search-for-self/

It is no ordinary train: For it shows that your journey is actually made of different living spaces and atmosphere – in other words different dwelling places or lives. Because your journey was gradually aiding you to become aware of the spirit that had given you life, so you were meeting the previous personalities, the previous life experiences and lessons your personality was shaped out of.  The parts of the train were previous dwelling places of your spirit.  To know them is to know more of your spirit and its eternal odyssey. 

The beauty of the dusk suggests you will have no fear as you end this life as you prepare to create another carriage.
