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Author Topic: strange soy sauce dispenser dream  (Read 5432 times)


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strange soy sauce dispenser dream
« on: September 22, 2017, 03:24:04 AM »
I dreamed I was in an ordinary classroom like in a public high school with the desks lined up and the teacher's desk front and center.  However the students and myself were not kids.  The students seemed to be people in my neighborhood all middle aged and older people.  We all had our heads on our desks napping (including the teacher) because we were all tired with age.
  I can't recall why I woke up,  but I woke up, saw everyone sleeping and knew a deadly tornado was coming. I knew we needed to get to a safe place.  I spoke to wake up the teacher and he woke up with ease.  He had a round figure, dark hair, glasses, slightly short, and balding in the back of his head. He seemed to be a little younger than most of the students.  I told him a tornado was coming and we needed to get to safety.  I could tell he was thinking, "why would you think that?  There have been no alarms. And the weather is just a little overcast outside but no wind or storm to indicate a tornado is coming."
I said the alarms will go off soon and looked up.  On the ceiling was a cylinder shaped light about 2 feet long. It was a tornado watch/warning indicator.  The light was all red which meant WARNING.   Then the alarm went off, everyone woke up and the teacher said we had to get to safety. 
   In my mind, I was coming up with a safety plan.  I knew of a good place to go, but when we all got in the hall, the principal told us to go to the auditorium.  I knew this was not safe and so did the teacher, but the teacher didn't have the backbone to object to his boss so he told us to get our stuff and go there.  The students just obeyed, trusting the authorities.  They didn't give it a second thought.  The auditorium was on the edge of the building, not a central area.  It was large, open, had theater style seats, and lots of windows.  I knew the tornado was going to be big and we were going to get a direct hit.  We needed a safer place without windows, but no one listened.  Everyone was just getting their stuff and going but with no panic or rush. They were smiling and talking casually as they went.
  The stuff people got though was weird.  We all went to a small house sized kitchen in the school (not a school cafeteria sized kitchen).  Some people got spatulas, others spoons, and I was going to get an empty soy sauce container.  There were 2.  One large, wooden one that looked like a pepper mill, and the other was a smaller glass one with a plastic lid that I have in real life in my house but I don't use because of its bad design.  I didn't want this one because of its bad design.  My neighbor was also going to get a soy sauce dispenser.  I had the large one but she said she needed to use it to share with others so I let her take it.  I knew time was of the essence.  The tornado could hit at any moment.  I needed to get to safety, but I didn't want the glass dispenser.  I had to decide if I should just take it for the sake of safety and go directly to the safe place or go get the other one and risk being hit by the tornado.  I decided my neighbor must be through with it by now so I would go to the auditorium and get it.   She was indeed through using it (I don't know what we were using an empty soy sauce dispenser for.  It is weird).  Now I had to decide whether to stay in the auditorium where it wasn't safe but everyone was there or take a risk of running to the safe place and being by myself. I didn't even know if I had enough time to make it there before the tornado hit.  I decided to run for it with the soy sauce dispenser in hand.

* 2 notes. 
1)  My life has been rather mundane lately without any chaos or overwhelm.   Although I have been thinking about my children's futures as to what is best for them. I don't know if that would represent the tornado or not.   However, it is possible this could be a predictive dream because this morning after the dream I found out my husband is looking for another job!  He is over 60 so why would he do that! Why not just retire where he is.  This suddenly gave me feelings of chaos, overwhelm, and lack of control which a tornado dream may indicate. 

2) the soy sauce dispenser makes no sense to me at all.  And there is no dream dictionary that features a soy sauce dispenser but it played a major part in my dream so I think it has some meaning.

Thank you for any insight.

Tony Crisp

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Re: strange soy sauce dispenser dream
« Reply #1 on: September 24, 2017, 10:37:25 AM »
Paisley – You can understand you dream if, like a child, you do not think about it,  but simply look at the pictures or the ‘cartoon’ of your dream.

But not having your enormous depths of associations with the dream images, I will be my own child self and guess at its meaning.

Middle aged people tired of tired with the long years of living, falling asleep at the job of living. It shows you are tired of paying attention to the cues life has given you, and you are ‘napping’ on the amazing job of life, and are being treated like a child in an infant school.

But you did awake to the threat of an enormous energy hitting you. But please realise that all the people, animals, places and events you experience in your dreams, are simply your own feelings, fears, hopes and wonder projected onto the screen of your sleeping mind as images. So, it makes sense to take the image of your dream person, thing or animal back into you and own it by being the different things and feeling them; for you dreams are created out if your own fears, wonder and genius. In that way, you are meeting and dealing with the things about yourself you are not owning or conscious of. That is why dreams are often difficult to understand, because we are hiding things from ourselves.

You are obviously scared of you meeting and dealing with the enormous inner energy you have, for whenever we dream its images are not like real life, because a dream is nothing like outer life where things could hurt you, but is an image like on a cinema screen that even if a gun is pointed at you and fired it can do no damage – except if you run in fear. So all the things that scare you are simply your own fears projected onto the screen of your sleeping mind.

But the teacher felt there was no actual risk nut as you are the unconscious creator of your dream, your fear saw ‘red’ – a real sign of emotions connected with fear, screaming, horror or a sense of danger. Red also represents ones basic emotions, the instinct of fight, flight, hide play dead, placate or faint.

You paint interesting portraits of the different responses you have – the teacher you see as having no ‘backbone’ because he wasn’t as scared as you were, the students who simply followed authority figures, something a mass of humanity does, while you were looking for a safe place to be. That is fine in waking life, but it never pays in the dream world. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/masters-of-nightmares/

The soy sauce container is a wonderful way dreams come up with clues, for you wrote, “The stuff people got though was weird.”

Ask yourself the simple question, “What feelings or motivations move you to reach for the soy sauce dispenser? It is those inbuilt desires and motivations that are the source of the images you use in dreams.

For myself I reach or search for the soy sauce when I want to add flavour and improve the dish I am cooking, or the way I am cooking it. In looking up cooking I find - practical life skills to make your life experience palatable, such as the means of dealing with life. Or caring for yourself, in the sense of adjusting life situations.

Tsunamis are similar to tornados in dreams and can be understood as an expression of our personal adaptation to enormous changes. They can wash away most of the beliefs, social structures we have built or held onto as important. Yet if we are not afraid of change and the forces that we are actually involved in, then we can find enormous power and force within us.


Tony Crisp

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Re: strange soy sauce dispenser dream
« Reply #2 on: September 24, 2017, 11:12:08 AM »
A woman's dream of a tsunammi.

I was in a building which felt like a college with huge glass windows. I was walking down a staircase which faced the window and I could see in the distance a Tsunami  coming towards us. I found my friend Collette to tell her, and we went to see if we could find a way out for everyone.

At the back of the building there was an open area that had an opening with big rocks like a gully, Collette and I agreed it was a way out. Collette went to get the others, but as she did my arm went over the boundary and my hand felt water and I knew it was too late I went to tell Collette. I felt fear and acceptance that there was nothing I could do. 


Working on this dream with Tony who invited me to be the Tsunami ,which I did so using the same therapeutic models mentioned Peer Dream Work.

As the Tsunami I felt expansion in myself wider higher and boundless, full of charged energy. Staying with what I was sensing I felt my attention was drawn to something pushing from behind me. and as I followed that sensation of what was pushing me it went down my body and continued to go down deep into the earth like a root.

As this continued the image came to mind of being in a umbilical cord, and I was it and in it I felt sick between my throat and belly. Staying with what was happening I felt a black tar like substance it felt like it lined part if the inside of the cord it was thick and dense I felt it was something I had been dealing with all my life, it felt like it was my mothers but as I became aware of that thought then I knew that it went along way back ancestral or beyond.

I felt emotional, staying with the image the dense heavy blackness something started to move in my belly, a bubble type ball of energy came out from the blackness into my hands and I felt like I was like a baby inside, holding the energy bringing it out up my body then taken back in through my mouth like eating its own tail a complete circle moving slowing down my body transforming the blackness as it went.

I became the Tsunami again and it I saw that it was like a LSD trip, levels of attachments to what you identify with, like being in a room but you are not a room having things in the room but they are not you, having emotional attachment but you are not those emotions that it can wash away what we/I am attached to, letting go of stories of my self. For I am not the story but have lived through it, but I am the energy of the Tsunami, the energy of everything. 

As I made my way home I felt very in the moment waves of people  all colours, cultures  shapes and sizes. On the bus  the conversations behaviours I could see myself in it all,  buildings, cars, traffic lights all connected. 


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Re: strange soy sauce dispenser dream
« Reply #3 on: October 14, 2017, 02:26:59 PM »
Thank you so much for your input.  It was very helpful especially how you described how you understand obscure objects like the soy sauce dispenser.  It made complete sense after I read it.  It was also good to read a different perspective.  I saw the tornado as a real danger while you pointed out it is a fear.  It was all good and helpful insight to help me better sort out my dream.  Thank you again!!!