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Author Topic: Deceased mother  (Read 8813 times)


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Deceased mother
« on: November 08, 2010, 06:57:36 AM »
My mom had a massive stroke, slipped into a coma and passed away after one month. A few days after she passed I dreamed that I walked down some steps into a finished basement and she was lying on a bed or couch. She was wearing her royal blue snuggy that I bought her and she was holding a baby girl in a white dress with red trim. I said "mommy do you know how much we miss you?" and she sort of snarled at me as if to say "yeah right". Then I said, do you get to see your mother at all?" and she frowned and said, " why would you say that? Im not dead". Then I got a close up shot of her with a frown. The baby was in her arms awake but still. This dream haunts me everyday. My mother was full of laughter. She was a beautiful, sacrificing person who I am confident should be at peace. 

Tony Crisp

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Re: Deceased mother
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2010, 12:35:55 PM »
Kruffin – The only explanation I can think of is that obviously your mother doesn’t know she is dead. This means she hasn’t been helped in the next stages of death, and there are several.

Although your mother was a beautiful and sacrificing person we all have things that haven’t been dealt with in her life. I would think the little girl she holds is a clue.

Being dead is in some ways like living in the dream world, and any past traumas as there in the people or situations. You have to realise that in death you are in the world of Spirit, and that has many different rules. To quote from a feature on this site:

“At death now begins what is for most people a purifying experience. In life we can choose to act from the direction or impulse given us by our whole being, or spirit: or we can choose to act from impulses arising from just one aspect of self, such as the body, sexual desire, intellect, emotion etc. Steiner points out that the desire to eat, for instance, is basically an urge arising from the Spirit, as it wishes to take part in physical experience. But frequently we extend this urge and eat just for the pleasure of tasting, or being in company, through insecurity and so on. This also applies, of course, to sexuality, emotions and thinking. If our activities had arisen purely out of spiritual impulse, we would experience no purification. However, we have built into our soul nature, many longings and desires that can only be fulfilled through the body, which are out of harmony with the spirit. There is thus experienced a period of burning desires; as these longings consume themselves in their own fire. During this time, one lives again through memories of life, but only those that were out of harmony with one’s innermost nature. Not only does one remember such deeds and emotions, but also experiences them as happening to oneself. Thus pain given to others, childhood pain, destruction wrought in the world, loneliness and fear sown, are now gone through personally. As with all these experiences, many people go through them during life, and are thus already cleansed.”

So I would suggest you speak to your mother and explain that what she is feeling is only something she will pass through – and with your loving support will help her have an easier passage.



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Re: Deceased mother
« Reply #2 on: November 11, 2010, 12:24:12 AM »
Thank you for your reply. I do know that my mother had pain inflicted on her as a little girl. So this means that she will continue to experience this in death? Oh my. Also, since I wrote the first time I found out that my son (her grandson) is about to be a father. Could this be the baby? I want to help her. How do I talk to her as you suggested?

Tony Crisp

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Re: Deceased mother
« Reply #3 on: November 12, 2010, 01:08:40 PM »
Kruffin – No, it doesn’t mean that she will continue experiencing pain inflicted on her, but it does mean that she will pass through and cleanse it. It seems that death is not a punishment but a change to grow through what you have gathered as a harvest of experience in life. It doesn’t usually take long to go through any rough stuff.

I think the way to talk to your mother is to imagine she is there and then talk. Realise that she doesn’t have the barriers of time and place that we usually have. Just thinking of her puts you in communication with her. To quote an account of this: “He need only think of a friend or place and immediately he was there and was later able to find confirmation for his observations. In looking at his body, he noticed that the brain was only an end organ, like a condensing plate, upon which memory and awareness played. The mind, he said, was not in the brain, the brain was in the mind, like a radio in the play of signals.”

So do not let you everyday experience stand in the way of communication, as in everyday life it all depends on physical sounds and signs.

As for the baby, I wonder if it is your mother coming back into the family.



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Re: Deceased mother
« Reply #4 on: November 12, 2010, 11:54:17 PM »
Thank you. You are wonderful and so is this website!


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Re: Deceased mother
« Reply #5 on: December 06, 2010, 09:09:04 AM »
I dreamed of mt mother again. This time I saw her behind a glass door sweeping. I ran to her and she struggled to open the door but when she opened it and walked through she was transformed into her beautiful self. The way I remember her before her illness. We talked, laughed, and hugged. I asked her how it felt when she passed and she said she was itching and laughed some more. She was wilh two ladies close to her age and they looked like they were going to church. It was a good dream. I felt her arms around me.

Also I have been dreaming of dead relatives all week. They are just in my dreams. Not a lot of interaction.

Tony Crisp

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Re: Deceased mother
« Reply #6 on: December 08, 2010, 09:14:38 AM »
Kruffin - That sounds wonderful, and it seems you are evolving your communications skill.

It feel good.
