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Messages - mikey

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Dream Interpretation / Re: pyramid capstone
« on: July 03, 2011, 05:02:47 PM »
will be happy to do that !
rgds mikey

Dream Interpretation / Re: pyramid capstone
« on: June 27, 2011, 06:22:40 PM »
thanks tony
as usual your thoughts seem to glean information from the mist,that mist  being my own clouded judgement and ignorance,
yes i felt to, that it refered to the climax of some part of my life,and that ,as with climbing any structure be it mountain ,hill or building ,the journey to the peak is really only half way,as we have to return ,down again,
i also feel that something is about to manifest itself, my dreams have been preparing the ground for something ,
i dont know exactly what,(love seems to be the great theme,)but as you said a while back ,i will know when it happens,
when the student is ready,the master appears!.

rgds mikey

Dream Interpretation / pyramid capstone
« on: June 24, 2011, 02:10:38 PM »
had this dream a few  nights ago,has been bugging me for a while ,and would be grateful for some clues,
the dream.
i am on top of a huge pyramid structure,and i am placing the capstone into position,it is inscribed with various egyptian glyphs and slides into place with a clunk,the outer scaffolding we have used to build the structure is removed,and i become aware of the tremendous height and feel a little insecure,i get a grip and decide to abseil down,i arrive at the bottom safe and sound,a female who was with me,says something quite strange,i love you,pointing to some other person present,then again to another,she then turns to me and says,but most of all i love you  ,she then kisses me pationately,i am taken aback by all this,as it was deffinately unexpected.

this dream had a BIG feel about it,and i felt that whoever this female was,i had to go with her.
any help would be appreciated.
regrds mikey

Dream Interpretation / Re: The Bear Chase
« on: May 10, 2011, 10:54:23 AM »
hi,hope you don't mind me having a go,

bears can represent a devouring figure,usually a feminine/mother type,(bears are very protective of there cubs),
cats ,are independant,intuitive,aloof etc,
maybe your independance or intuition/thoughts processes (the cats)are being threatend in someway by an overbearing feminine or even masculine figure in your life,
was the bear male or female ?,
hope this helps.

Dream Interpretation / Re: transformation dream
« on: March 13, 2011, 09:17:25 AM »
thank you again for your words of wisdom,
sometimes only one word or sentence  is needed to trigger a flow of feelings,
your words,it is US that are unconscious, are very profound ,so much emphasis put on the so called conscious self ,when really its all in reverse,
the idea of relinquishing control,or as jung put it,the shifting of the centre of gravity of the self,is one of the most important parts of any spirtual quest,and to some it is difficult,
i am no exception,even though i experienced something that shifted my centre of gravity years ago,
been fighting it ,or more correctly struggling with it ever since,but still i know deep down that it was real,
the bliss of ignorance or the angst of enlightenment?,
this has been my chapel perilous experience.

Dream Interpretation / transformation dream
« on: March 08, 2011, 04:28:45 PM »
hi tony,
i had a very interesting dream last night which i think is of some significance,especially the feminine aspect you mentioned to me in one of my earlier dream post responses,
the dream,
i see a female cat tumbling over and over down a steep grassy hill,she becomes unconscious and lands in the water,without thinking i jumped in and pulled her out,wrapped her in a towel and brought her back to life.
later on i was doing something else in the dream,when i hear a voice saying that she wants to thank me for saving her life,
i turn round to see a tall female with short dark hair,she thanks me by kissing me,she then says that she loves me and she did not know this until 40 minutes ago,she knows i am the one.

what came to mind on thinking about this dream was something i heard joseph campbell say,
how is it,that a human can so participate in the pain or peril of another,that, without thinking will sacrifice themselves to the other.
this is the breakthrough to the realization that you and the other are one,
that phrase i believe sums up this dream perfectly.
the other thing that i felt within the dream was the presence of shakti,
now i had no idea what or who shakti was,so i followed it up,i know now!
i am amazed at the lengths the unconscious goes to to make a point.
mikey :D

Dream Interpretation / Re: blood sample
« on: February 14, 2011, 01:55:21 PM »
thanks tony for your insight,
i don't think your thoughts are hit & miss at all,what you said makes sense,actually triggered a chain of related thoughts,
sensing the invisible,as you said,via the nose ,this reminded me of intuition,we often use the phrase , i smell something ,as a metaphor for intuition,
i also thought of that childlike way of seeing the world ,the dream seems to refer to this aspect of my life aswell,
with ref to the need of ,getting it back ,
taking blood is also used for diag-nosing whats wrong,
the dream is telling me everything i need to know,
the cause,the symptons,the cure.
you thoughts helped trigger this,
many thanks

Dream Interpretation / blood sample
« on: February 11, 2011, 04:22:22 PM »
hi tony,
bit stuck with the symbology in this dream ,hoping you can give me a few pointers,
the dream.
 lying on a bed,  an older male nurse type character,takes me by supprise by sticking a needle in my nose,he is a haematologist and just wants a sample of blood ,
he then notices something ,with a pair of forceps he removes a piece of metal from the bridge of my nose,
i say to him, this why i have constantly been having boils on my nose,he replies yes,its something that has been working its way out,a remnant from a pair of glasses i wore as a child,
i realise now that it has been removed ,the healing will begin,
none of this makes sense,i never wore glasses as a child,and no boil's on the nose,
so the literal interpretation is out,
i can see the probable connection with some sort of repressed injury or emotion,maybe from childhood,
but i don't understand ,and am very intrigued by the nose theme and the taking of a blood sample,
look forward to your thoughts.

Dream Interpretation / dream progress
« on: February 02, 2011, 11:48:17 AM »
hi tony,
following up your previous comments on dreams i posted,i have followed up your recomendations and delved a little more into the deeper aspects of the feminine,i feel i must be making progress as this dream seems to show more acceptance of the feminine on my part,
the dream,
i walk pass a lake,there is a blonde haired female floating face upwards just under the surface of the water,
i am not attracted to her as i think she is not all that pretty,so i ignore her.
taking a couple or more steps i  stop as, i am filled with awe at the realisation that this is no ordinary lady,but the lady of the lake from arthurian legend,
i return to her ,offer her my hand ,and lift/pull her out of the water onto the land,
i then realised she was an androgonous being,we embraced each other,a theme that has cropped up on a few dream occasions,
i don't think this dream needs interpreting,as it speaks for itself,i just wanted to share it,as it shows  progress.
rgds mikey

Dream Interpretation / Re: sea journey themes in dreams
« on: January 25, 2011, 11:20:50 AM »
thanks tony,
followed and read the link you suggested,ended up reading them all,
i get the impression you have made the breakthrough that we all seek,thank you for sharing all this stuff with us,stumbling through the dark wood has become a little less daunting.

Dream Interpretation / Re: sea journey themes in dreams
« on: January 21, 2011, 04:12:08 PM »
hi tony,
phew !deep stuff,i have to admit that i have difficulty with any phrase that suggests i am god or buddha in my deepest identity,which obviously reflects my veils of ignorance ,that which needs to be removed,
and if it is true,as joseph campbell said, that  myth is the map,then i have a rough idea where i may be in relation to it,
feels like the place where the ego has to surrender to something greater than itself,and for this to take place must involve a shaking of all the ego has built its house on,
thanks again,you have given me plenty to think on.

Dream Interpretation / sea journey themes in dreams
« on: January 20, 2011, 01:27:44 PM »
hi tony,
had a stab at interpreting this dream my self,would appreciate your thoughts on it especially something i may have missed or miss interpreted,
i am sailing on the ocean in a yacht,i am a crew member,and the skipper is very capable,the sea gets very rough, we down sail ,and motor on engine only,i feel the boat is well able to cope with anything the sea can throw at it,i also feel the skipper knows what he is doing and that we are in capable hands,
looking out across the ocean,all i can see is water,but out there is our destination,i then realize the skipper knows exactly where he is going ,
i looked up to see a gigantic hood like structure above my head protecting me from the elements,

this to me was a big,vivid adventure filled dream,my own thoughts on it are that,
it represents my journey through mid life,that rather than being at the mercy of the wind,(outside forces)i do have control of sorts ,being driven by unconscious forces,ie the engine which is down below,and  some higher aspect of my own psychic makeup (the skipper,old man of the sea)that knows instinctivly where to go,this may be  ref to inuition,
the latter part,the giant hood protecting me,reminded of buddha ,when the cobra sheilded him ,as i am not buddha,but mear mortal,would like any thoughts you may on this aspect,
kind regards mikey

Dream Interpretation / Re: numbers in dreams
« on: December 28, 2010, 03:27:49 PM »
hi tony,
yes i will let you know of any insights i have ref the numbers,
at the moment i am working on the only thing that seems to be standing out from this dream,namely,the procession theme,the 3 females one after the other,and the numbers 234,yet again,one after the other,
in the uk we have a saying which i am pretty sure you have heard of,
you can wait for a bus to come along and none come,then 3 come along all at once,this too may have some bearing on this dreams meaning,i will keep you posted,
rgds mikey

Dream Interpretation / Re: numbers in dreams
« on: December 24, 2010, 01:18:26 PM »
thank you tony,
 approaching the dream from the 3 symbolising confrontation/conflict etc,leading to a 9 new beginning etc,this may ref to phase which is coming to an end,this would seem to fit a certain area of experience ,at the present,
thanks for the pointers,i will delve a little deeper.
i would like to take this opportunity to wish you and all a merry xmas,and a peaceful new year,
rgds mike

Dream Interpretation / numbers in dreams
« on: December 21, 2010, 12:37:23 PM »
hi tony,
i had this dream last night,which contained number symbology,not being conversent with this type of symbology i would be grateful for some pointers,
the dream started with me walking down a street,
i meet an old lady who has dropped some prescription meds on the floor,i pick them up for her,
moving down the street,i meet another old lady ,she is having trouble walking over some carrier bags full of shopping on the floor,i take her arm and help her over it,
moving down the street,i meet another old lady,she turns to me and says 234 what does it mean,i reply add them together,what have you got ,9,
as you can see the numbers 3,and 9 are evident,
 rgds mike

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