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Messages - Camille

Pages: [1]
Dream Interpretation / Re: The sheep named failing
« on: August 16, 2016, 06:56:17 PM »
Thanks so much Tony!  I have followed your site for many years, and have found many practices and support for trusting my own experience. Thanks for what you offer the world. Warmly, Camille

Dream Interpretation / The sheep named failing
« on: August 16, 2016, 06:29:08 AM »
Hi all,
I  work as a trauma  therapist with refugees and have been overwhelmed  at work. I had the following  interesting  dream lately and would like some help  unfolding it...

I am fascinated by a small angelic child in the waiting room of my office. Her mother is trying to place her on her brothers head but its not working out. I  ask if I can play with her. The mom says yes and leaves us alone. I take out my raccoon puppet  and start to play with her feet. Right away the child, who is also somehow a very sweet and contented lamb lies down and rests. We lie together very cozy and content. I am surprised how fast she lay down. I see  a beautiful  orange butterfly. It lands on first the lambs face then my own face. It is a magical moment although I am slightly  nervous as the butterfly  tugs the skin of my face. I say Fai Ling (lamb's name) do you see the butterfly?  I don't  have a camera to capture the moment. I am glad Fai Ling and I are alone with this moment.  Then I wake!

I  am confused about what aspect of my life is failing...my sweetness? Any questions or nudges welcome. Thanjs!

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